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1、2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高一册1722单元阶段测试.听力理解(共两节,满分30分)(略).多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21Farmland _ quickly, so they are considering _ a programme to solve the problem.A. is lost; to start B. is losing; startingC. loses; to start D. is getting lost; starting22Living in the central Australian desert has its probl

2、ems, _ getting water is not the least.A. for whichB. to whichC. of which D. in which23Oh, its you! I didnt recognize you.I _ my hair cut, and I _ the pair of black glasses.A. had; was wearing B. have had; am wearingC. had; wore D. have had; wear24Tom pretended _ it, but, in fact, he knew it very wel

3、l.A. not listen to B. not to hear aboutC. not to have heard about D. to be not listening to25Id like to invite you to a concert this evening.Thank you, but _ Ill have time Im not sure at the moment.A. while B. thatC. when D. whether26_ snow is white. _ snow that covers _ top of _ mountain is _ beaut

4、iful sight.A. The; The; the; the; the B. /; /; the; the; aC. /; The; the; the; a D. /; /; /; the; the27Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?A. this B. thatC. he D. it28The air company going from bad to worse, the workers _ hardly enough to make a living.A. are paid B. are payingC. have pa

5、id D. paid29Im hunting for a house, nice, bright, comfortable and _ with a big garden.A. all over B. after allC. above all D. in all30The new policy will _ the elders a lot that people over 65 can take buses free of charge.A. discount B. supportC. approve D. benefit答案21D。be getting lost正在消失,表状况。cons

6、ider doing考虑做某事。22C。本题考查介词关系代词引导的定语从句,本句要表达的意思是:Getting water is not the least one of the problems,of表所属。23B。理发了,带着墨镜“让人认不出”。24C。从题干knew确定时间是过去时。pretend to have done意为假装已干了。25D。本句可以用这种语序就更明了:Im not sure whether Ill have time. “whether”可接在“notadj.”之后。26C。第一空是泛指雪是白色的,后面的空是指覆盖在那座山上的雪是一个美丽的景观。27D。这是it d

7、oesnt matter的疑问形式。28A。be paid付给薪水,意为“工人们的薪水几乎不够维持生活”。29C。above all“最重要,尤其,首先”,本句意为“最重要的是带有一个花园”。30D。考查动词辨析。语境为:新政策规定65岁以上的老人乘公交车免费,这使老人们受益。动词benefit“使受益,对有用”,合乎语境。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(2009安微“江南十校”素质测试)Two years ago, I donated my kidney(肾) to my brother. I considered it a complete lifechanging

8、experience, not only for the two of us _31_ for the entire family. We ended up _32_ from surgery(外科手术) at a friends home in Baton Rouge, LA. His _33_ to us was unforgettable. We had received so many _34_. We had gotten food donation from so many people who _35_ us something beyond physical comfort.N

9、ow my brother is _36_ on his feet. Last April he _37_ to give back to the community by raising _38_ for the Medical Association through cycling 180 miles from Houston to Austin. I felt greatly moved, tears in eyes, _39_ that my kidney gave him a second chance in life and that he is now living beyond

10、 what he imagined _40_ to be. Recently, our mother suffered from breast cancer. _41_ she was the one who took care of me and my brother, we wanted to do something in her _42_. My brother, my sister and I are going to _43_ next year for the Cancer Society, _44_ my brother and I will be joining in the

11、 half marathon in honor of our mother and this will be our good _45_ to be kidney donation advocates as well.We _46_ during the surgery that several thousands die from kidney diseases every year. Patients would be on the _47_ list for kidney donation and end up in death because of the _48_ of kidney

12、 donors. If my brother and I can _49_ others to do the same thing I did, maybe more lives will be saved. _50_ only I had more kidneys, I would do it again for other people.31A. and B. butC. so D. or32A. rebuilding B. reusingC. recovering D. reserving33A. kindness B. courageC. power D. manners34A. fr

13、iends B. peopleC. patients D. doctors35A. devoted B. contributedC. delivered D. gave36A. past B. downC. back D. up37A. decided B. urgedC. demanded D. insisted38A. strength B. newsC. advantages D. money39A. knowing B. expectingC. hoping D. reporting40A. future B. lifeC. success D. luck41A. If B. Thou

14、ghC. Because D. Before42A. place B. jobC. health D. honor43A. run B. studyC. cheer D. fight44A. as B. whenC. while D. however45A. signal B. pleasureC. decision D. chance46A. figured out B. found outC. learned from D. looked into47A. working B. waitingC. sending D. growing48A. delay B. commonC. lack D. help49A. encourage B. supportC. order D. affect50A. But B. NotC. Just D. If答案作者的哥哥生病时,他们一家得到了社会的关爱。身体恢复后,作者和他的家人以他们的实际行动来回报社会。31B。这里考查not only.but(also).结构。不仅仅是为了



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