2020年高考英语一轮复习课时作业18 Unit 3 Understanding each other 译林牛津版选修6

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2020年高考英语一轮复习课时作业18 Unit 3 Understanding each other 译林牛津版选修6_第1页
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1、课时作业(十八)选修模块6Unit 3Understanding each other限时:30分钟.单项填空1Next day was to be the great meeting _ the Russian revolution.Ain spite ofBin celebration ofCin favour of Din place of2We Americans do a lot of business _ lunch,but people here prefer to tell stories.AinBoverCwithinDwithout3The old lady request

2、ed that the vase _ upstairs quickly.Ashould bring Bbe broughtCbrought Dbring4The professors present at the meeting exchanged a few _ in a low voice when the chairman made a speech.Aremarks BcommentsCopinions Dsuggestions5Ill go now.I wont _ any more of your time.Ahold up Bkeep upCtake up Dput up6Wou

3、ld you have told him the answer,if possible?Yes.I would have,but I _ very busy.Awas BwereChad been Dwould be7You didnt accept my help.If we _ it together,you _ so tired.Adid;didnt getBdo;wouldnt getCwere doing;wouldntDhad done;wouldnt have got8I am not sure what time Ill arrive,maybe 7:30 or 8:00._,

4、Ill be there as early as possible.AAnyway BHoweverCThus DTherefore9Now I have _ over him.I can make him do anything _ I want.Aforce;which Bpower;/Cstrength;that Dcontrol;what10He speaks English well indeed,but of course not_ a native speaker.Aas fluent as Bmore fluent thanCso fluently as Dmuch fluen

5、tly than11He _ his relatives for several years because of being kidnapped.Ahas lost contact toBhas lost contact withChas been out of contact withDhas been out of contact to12Jack cant concentrate on his lessons recently.Yes,that might _ why he did so badly in the last test.Aanswer for Bapply forCacc

6、ount for Dcall for13They are quiet,arent they?Yes.They are accustomed _ at meals.Ato talk Bto not talkCto talking Dto not talking14Ill wait for you at the gate of the Music Hall.See to _ that youll get there on time.Ayourself BitCall Deverything15My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunn

7、y conditions.Atreated BadoptedCadjusted Dreminded.完形填空The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school.He _16_ me with a puzzleall because he waved to me like someone does _17_ seeing a close friend.A big, _18_ smile accompanied his wave.For t

8、he next few days I tried to _19_ his face to see if I knew him.I didnt.Perhaps he had _20_ me for someone else.By the time I contented myself with the _21_ that he and I were strangers,we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends.Then one day the _22_ was solved.As I _23_ the sc

9、hool he was standing in the middle of the road _24_ his stop sign.I was in line behind four cars. _25_ the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk,he lowered his sign and let the cars _26_.To the first he waved and _27_ in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days.The kids alrea

10、dy had the window down and were happily waving their reply.The second car got the same _28_ from the crossing guard,and the driver,a stifflooking(表情刻板的) businessman,gave a brief,almost _29_ wave back.Each following car of kids on their way to school _30_ more heartily.Every morning I continued to wa

11、tch the man with _31_.So far I havent seen anyone _32_ to wave back.I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n) _33_ to so many peoples lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly.His _34_ armed the start of my day.With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed

12、the _35_ of the whole neighbourhood.16A.hit BdisappointedCpresented D. bored17A.on BfromCduring D. about18A.false BshyCapologetic D. bright19A.research BstudyCrecognize D. explore20A.praised BblamedCmistaken D. respected21A.conclusion BdescriptionCevaluation D. introduction22A. argument Bdisagreemen

13、tCmystery D. task23A. visited BapproachedCpassed D. left24A.drawing back Bputting onChanding in D. holding out25A.Once BBeforeCUnless D. While26A.in BthroughCout D. down27A.cried BcheeredCsmiled D. gestured28A.idea BreplyCnotice D. greeting29A.awkward BangryCelegant D. patient30A.came BrespondedChur

14、ried D. appeared31A.surprise BdisappointmentCinterest D. doubt32A.fail BtryCwish D. trouble33A.offer BsacrificeCpromise D. difference34A. effectiveness BcheerfulnessCcarefulness D. seriousness35A. trends BobservationsCregulations D. feelings.任务型阅读请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。Communication PrinciplesHow you see yourself can make a great difference in how you communicate.“Every individua


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