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1、实用商务英语综合辅导:请求说明1英文正文Vincent: If you dont want the powder to cost more, we cant add anything. Well just have to sell it the way it is now, and put a warning on. Then, if someone uses dirty water, they shoulder the responsibility, not us.Grace: Im sorry, but I have to disagree. There are three very go

2、od reasons why it would be the wrong thing to do.Vincent: You seem very sure of what you are saying. Can you back it up?Grace: As I see it, first of all most people there cant read, so a warning wont help them at all. Second, even if their governments say a warning is enough, other groups wont. They

3、ll call out the media hounds, and many people will be very, very angry with us. Sales will go down everywhere.Sam: Hm. You said that there are three good reasons, Grace. Is there another reason you want to add?Grace: Yes, there is. Third, and most important, it just wouldnt be right if we knew even

4、one person wouldnt listen to the warning, and a child was hurt because of it.Sam: Hm. You cant argue against that. How could we live with ourselves if we let that happen? And just because we wanted more money.Vincent: It wouldnt just be because of the money. Those people arent healthy, and our powde

5、r is better than mothers milk. Some people might get sick, but isnt it more important that we help so many others?句型总结 要求举例左证1. Can you back . Up?http:/2. Can you give us an example?3. Can you provide any examples to prove what youre saying?4. Can you talk about any examples that show youre right?ba

6、ck在此作动词,为支持之意;back up有支援;救援的意思,用于此句型,解释为以例子或事实证明自己所说的话。这句型十分有礼客气,语气虽含有稍许的怀疑却也直接坦率。 表达己见1. As I see it, first of all .; second .2. It seems to me that, one, . ; two, .3. Im inclined to think that, one, .; two, .4. The way I see it is that, one, .; two, .as I see it这个口语是以我所见;就我看来的意思;see则指看待;first of a

7、ll是首先之意,具有强调的作用。整个词组的意思是我的看法是,第一.;第二.,其后直接接自己的意见及想法。 催请继续发言1. Is there (something) you want to add?2. Do you have any other suggestions?3. What would you like to add?4. Is there more that you wanted to talk about?此句型是用在会议中,发言人或简报者中断发言,而你想提醒或促请他们继续发表其看法及提议的问句。add是补充;添加。There is(are).的句型,要改成问句时,只要将be动

8、词调至最前面即可。More 邀请发言在会议桌上,首重与会者对于问题的症结踊跃发表建设性的提议及看法。身为会议主持人,自然有鼓励与会者发言的重责大任。所以熟悉不同、多层次的邀请与会者发言的句型是必须而重要的。较客气的邀请What are your views on this?May I ask for your opinions or suggestions?较普通的邀请:考试大Id like to hear your ideas on this.How do you think we should do this?What would you suggest?较口语的邀请Do any of y

9、ou have any suggestions?What do you recommend?Do you think we should.?Whats your opinion?How do you see this?Any suggestions?www.xamda.CoMI suggest we should. What do you think?重点提示A. 对答如流的能力,来自于充份的准备。无论在正式或非正式的讨论会中,您若能对答如流,将给人具有专业水准的印象。但要做到这一点,有赖充份的准备。可以事先拟定四、五个最可能被问起的问题,私下演练如何清晰、精确地回答。不过切莫死记,否则表达时会显得矫饰不自然。伟大的演说家丘吉尔,即以事前充分的准备,与席间从容不迫的风采,造就辩才无碍的声名。B. 耐心听完对手的话再反驳,比任意切入驳斥,更有专业架势。他人发表意见时切莫中途打断,耐心地等他人说完之后,再以坚定的口吻表达自己的看法,如此会更有专业的架势。当对方不时急躁地想中断您的谈话时,若您能耐心稳健以对,两相比较之下,他人会对您的表现更具尊重与信心。C. 开会时,女性应避免全部坐在一起。在高阶层的主管会议中,通常是阳盛阴衰的场面,但女性主管避免全部坐在一起,以免给人男性与女性间对抗的印象,这样容易造成在与其它权力核心团体接触时不利的影


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