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1、名师导航三点剖析单词典句考点 【经典例句】 I have divided the kingdom into three parts,and allocated one part to each of you.我已把王国分成三部分,分给你们每人一份。【考点聚焦】 1)allocate 用作及物动词,后面接单宾语或双宾语。2)近义词:distribute【经典例句】 How dare you oppose me?你怎么敢反对我。【考点聚焦】 1)oppose后通常跟相当于名词的词或代词。2)opposition为oppose的名词形式,后面常接介词to。除了上述义项外,还可表示“在野党,反对党”,

2、常大写。3)固定搭配:be opposed to=in opposition to,表示“反对,抵制”。【活学活用】 1.用所学词或词组的适当形式填空1)The proposed new examination system has been vigorously _ by teachers.答案:opposed 2)Mary _ the plan of the competition.答案:is opposed to 3)I am certainly _ changing the date for the party.答案:in opposition to 4)The _ is trying

3、 to postpone the vote.答案:Opposition 【经典例句】 He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.他坚信她是无罪的。【考点聚焦】 1)innocent表示“无罪的”时,常与介词of连用。2)innocence 是其名词形式。【经典例句】 Once the flight is confirmed,you can pay for it.航班一经确认,你就可以购票了。【考点聚焦】 1)后接名词或代词,也可接宾语从句。2)还可表示“批准;认可”,与approve用法相同。【活学活用】 2.翻译句子1)请以书信

4、证实你电话上讲的话。_答案:Please confirm your telephone message in writing.2)她的声明证实了她即将辞去总理职务。_答案:Her announcement confirmed that she would be resigning as Prime Minister.【经典例句】 How does the Duke of Burgundy respond when he hears the news?听到这条消息,勃艮第公爵有何反应?【考点聚焦】 respond 常与to连用。其名词形式为response。in response to为固定词组

5、,表示“作为对反应(回应)”。【活学活用】 3.用所学respond的适当形式填空1)To every question,he _,“I dont know.” 2)It remains to be seen whether the cancer _ to treatment.3)Management have granted a 10 pay rise _ union pressure.答案:responded2) will respond3)in response to 【经典例句】 I suspected the same,but I kept telling myself it was

6、 my imagination.我怀疑同样的情况,但是我反复提醒我自己:这是猜想。【考点聚焦】 1)suspect作动词时,主要用法有:+名词或代词;+of+名词或代词;+宾语从句。如:No one knows who killed her,but the police suspect her husband.没有人知道谁杀了她,但是警方怀疑她丈夫。The police suspect him of carrying out two bomb attacks.警方怀疑他实施了两次炸弹袭击。They suspected him to be the murderer.他们怀疑他是凶手。We sus

7、pected that he was lost,even before we were told.在别人告诉我们之前,我们怀疑他可能失踪。2)suspect用作名词时,表示“嫌疑犯”。如:Police have issued a photograph of the suspect.警方已公布了犯罪嫌疑人的照片。3)suspect用作形容词时,表示“可疑的”。如:That is a rather suspect result;I dont believe he could have found the answer so easily.那个结果令人怀疑,我认为他不能那么容易地找到答案。【活学活用

8、】 4.翻译句子1)警方认为他有谋杀的嫌疑。_答案:The police suspected him of the murder.2)车站内发现了一个可疑的包裹。_答案:A suspect parcel was found at the station.3)我们怀疑他提出请求的动机。_答案:We suspected his motives in making his offer.【经典例句】 Shell scratch out your eyes when she hears how youve treated me.她听到你怎么对待我的,会把你的眼睛挖出来。【考点聚焦】 1)用作动词时,还可

9、表示“抓伤;刮伤;抹掉;刮掉”。如:Im afraid I scratched some paint off the door as I was getting out of the car.我从车里出来时,恐怕把门上的油漆刮掉了。2)scratch用作名词时,可意为“刮伤;划伤;刮痕;划痕”。如:Her legs were covered in scratches and bruises after her walk through the forest.穿过森林后,她的腿上伤痕累累。There was a scratch on the CD.光碟上有一处划痕。【活学活用】 5.完成句子1)

10、We _(刮坏油漆)trying to get the bed into the bedroom.答案:scratched the paintwork 2)The dog _(抓)at the doorhe wants to be let in.答案:is scratching 3)The world champion _ (退出800米比赛)after falling ill three hours earlier.答案:scratched from the 800-meter race 4)Amazingly,he survived the accident _(未受伤害).答案:with

11、out a scratch 【经典例句】 They are demanding that all troops should be withdrawn.他们强烈要求所有部队撤离。【考点聚焦】 1)用作动词时的主要搭配形式为:+名词;+动词不定式;+that从句。如:They demanded too high price of him.他们向他要价太高。I demanded to know the truth.我要求了解真相。This sport demands both speed and strength.这种运动既需要速度又需要力量。注意:宾语从句中的谓语动词形式为 (should)+动

12、词原形。2)demand还可用作名词。如:The workers demand for higher wages seems reasonable.工人要求提高工资,似乎很合理。3)demand用作名词时的固定搭配:in great demand 需求量很大;on demand 请求立即付款【活学活用】 6.单项填空1)She demanded that he _ the work within an hour.A.finishB.finishedC.had to finishD.would finish答案:A 2)The robbers refused the policemens dem

13、and that they _ down their arms.A.lieB.laidC.liedD.lay答案:D短语典句考点hand over移交;交出【经典例句】 I have decided to retire and hand over the heavy load of responsibility to you three.我已决定退休,把管理国家的重任交给你们三人。【考点聚焦】 1)反义词:take over(接管;接收),其用法与hand over相同。2)handover与takeover常用作名词。【活学活用】 7.翻译句子联合国将监督战俘的移交工作。_答案:The United Nations is to supervise the handover of the prisoner of war.care for 关心;照顾;喜欢【经典例句】 My dear father,you brought me into this world,you cared for me and loved m



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