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1、高一英语Unit15-Unit16重点词语:1. solve the mystery 揭开迷团 2. would rather do 宁愿做 3. accept the invitation 接受邀请 4. after all 毕竟5. call on 拜访(某人) 6. try on 试穿 7. day and night 日日夜夜 8. pay off 还清 9. at most 最多, 至多 10. be worth 值 11. earn a lot of money 赚很多钱 12. act out 表演出来 13. come up with 想出, 找到 14. advantages

2、 and disadvantages 利弊 15. conduct a number of experiment 做了很多实验16. get charged 充电 17. a great deal of 大量, 很多 18. fixto 把固定在 19. conduct the electricity 导电 20. sense of smell 嗅觉 21. end in a tie 以平手结束, 打平 22. in tears 泪流满面 23. test on 在身上做试验 24. at least 至少 25. work with 起作用 26. there is no doubt 毫无疑

3、问难点讲解:1. before 【用法一】prep.(时间)以前例1:He arrived there before me.他比我先到那里。例2:A few minutes before the accident he called on me.事故发生几分钟以前他访问过我。例3:Please come before 10 oclock.请十点以前来。【用法二】prep. (位置)在的前面例1:He sat just before me.他就坐在我的前面。例2:The prisoner was taken before the court.犯人被带到法庭上。【用法三】prep.(位次)先于,高

4、于例1:The English verb comes before the object.英语动词放在宾语前面。例2:We should put the collective interests before our own personal interests.我们应该把集体利益放在个人利益的前面。例3:Those with babies get on the bus before the oth-ers.带孩子的人先上车。【用法四】conj. 在以前例1:I must finish my work before I go home.我必须在回家这前做完工作。例2:Before I came

5、 I to Shanghai, I had worked in Bei-jing for many years.我来上海之前在北京工作过很多年。【用法五】conj. 就例1:I had not waited long before he came.我没等多久他就来了。例2:I ll do it now before I forget it.我趁着没忘记的时候就做吧。例3:It wasnt long before she came back.没过多久她就回来了。【用法六】conj.才例1:It will be long before we meet again.我们要过很久才能见面。例2:One

6、 must sow before one can reap.先有播种然后才有收获。【用法七】adv. (常与完成时或never连用)以前,从前例1:Have you ever heard of that before?你以前听说过那事吗?例2:I have never met him before.我以前从未见过他。【相关链接】1) before long(与将来式、过去式连用)不久以后例1:Before long they didnt have to worry about their chickens.不久,他们就不必担心他们的欢迎鸡了。例2:The work will be finish

7、ed before long.该项工作不久即将完成。2) long before(与一般过去时连用)很久以前例1:We heard of it long before.我们很久以前就听说过那事了。例2:I had heard of him long before I came here.我来这里很久以前就听说过他。3) ago adv. (用于过去式)以前例1:I met him three days ago.我三天以前见过他。例2:He started two weeks ago.他在两星期前动身了。2. scary【用法】adj.可怕的,吓人的例1:I was frightened whe

8、n I was walking in a scary dark street.当我走在一条可怕的黑暗街道上时,我胆战心惊。例2:The old man told us a scary story yesterday eve-ning.那位老人昨晚给我们讲了一个吓人的故事。3. mysterious【用法一】adj.神秘的,不可思议的例1:Scientists are working hard to probe into the mys-terious universe.科学家们正努力地探索着神秘的宇宙。例2:They are being very mysterious about their

9、holiday plan.关于他们的度假计划,他们故作神秘。【用法二】adj. 故弄玄虚的例1:Dont be mysterious! 不要故弄玄虚。例2:I think he is mysterious.我认为他是在故弄玄虚的。4. recognize 【用法一】vt. 认出,辨认例1:Yesterday he recognized his long lost brother.他昨天认出了失散已久的兄弟。例2:I could hardly recognize him I met him at the airport.在机场接他时,我几乎认不出他来了。例3:No one can recogni

10、ze you in that disguise.你那么一化装,谁也不认不出你来了。【用法二】vt.承认例1:We recognize your government as the sole legal government of your country.我们承认你们的政府是你们国家唯一的合法政府。例2:Our claim was recognized by the leadership as jus-tified.我们的要求已被领导承认是正确的。例3:They refused to recognize our new government.他们拒绝承认我们的新政府。【用法三】vt. 清楚地认

11、识到;自认例1:He recognized that the was not qualified他认识到他不能胜任这项工作。例2:I recognize that he is the best worker we have.我认识到他是我们最好的工人。例3:I hope that you can recognize your duty to your country.我希望你能够认识到自己对祖国的责任。【用法四】vt.公认,欣赏例1:He was recognized as an authority in international law.他被公认为国际法权威。例2:The school r

12、ecognized his studies by making him a best student in the school.学校为表彰他的学习而封他为学校的最佳学生。例3:His merits have been recognized.他的功绩已被公认了。【相关链接】be recognized as 被承认是,被认出是例1:Tom is recognized as the best football player in the school.汤姆被公认为学校最佳足球选手。例2:The man was recognized as the one who stole the money fr

13、om the store yesterday.那个人被认出是昨天在商店里偷钱的人。【相关链接2】recognition n. 认识;认出;承认;认中1) in recognition of作为对的报酬例如:Please accept this cheque in recognition of all your help.请接受这张支票作为你全部帮助的报酬。2) change beyond/out of all recognition 变得无法认出例如:Illness and age changed her out of all recognition.疾病和衰老使她的模样变得认不出来了。5.

14、accept 【用法一】vt. 接受,领受例1:She accepted our invitation to dinner. 她接受我们邀请来吃晚饭。例2:He gladly accepted the offer to teach at the school.他高兴地接受了那所学校任教的请求。例3:I always accept criticism with an open mind.我总是虚心接受批评。【用法二】vt.承认,认可例1:We accepted his report as true.我们认为他的报告符合事实。例2:Did she accept your reason for be

15、ing late?她是否相信你迟到的理由?例3:For a long time she could not accept that her hus-band was really dead.有很长一段时间她不相信她丈夫真的死了。【用法三】vi.同意,承认例如:He asked her to marry him and she accepted.他向她求婚,她答应了。6. continue【用法一】vi.继续,连续例1:They continued on for another mile.他们又继续向前行进了一英里。例2:The rain continued for two days.雨连续下了两天。【用法二】vi. 留,依旧例1:The minister continued at h


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