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1、Unit2 English around the worldReading(2)审核人_ 审批人_班级_ 姓名_ 组评_ 师评_一、学习目标1. Memorize the important words and phrases2. Understand the meaning of the text二学习重点 Read the text and understand it三、学习方法1. Individual or in pairs memorize the words and phrases2. Read the text and try to understand better四、学习过程

2、Part1.自主学习1. Read the following words and phrases and write their meanings on the lines.Task1 写出下列单词。elevator _ petrol _ official _ voyage _native_ apartment_ actually_ base_ gradually_ enrich_ vocabulary _ spelling_ latter_ identity _ fluent _frequently _ usage_ command _vocabulary_ Task 2.大声朗读这些单词

3、,注意发音。 Task 3.写出下列短语的意思并背诵。 because of_ come up_ at present_ be based on _ make use of_ such as_Part2.合作探究 Task 11. Read the whole text loudly2. Find out the sentences in the text according to the Chinese,then read loudly. A.如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。_B.所以到17世纪,莎士比亚所用的词汇量比以前任何时期都大

4、。_C.那时,英语在拼写上发生了两大变化,首先塞缪尔.约翰逊编写了词典,后来,诺厄.韦伯斯特编撰了美国英语词典。_D.如今英语在南亚也被当做外语或第二语言来使用。_Task 2Read the text carefully and finish ex1 on page 10: TRUE OR FALSEPart3.课堂检测 Scan the text and finish the following exercises.( )1) According to the text , which of the following is true? A. Languages always stay t

5、he same B. Languages change only after wars C. Languages no longer change D. Languages change when cultures change( )2) From about AD450 to 1150, English sounded more like_. A. French B. Chinese C. German D. Russian( )3) Shakespeares English was spoken around the_. A. 1400s B. 1150s C. 450s D. 1600s( )4) Which country has the largest number of English learners in the world today? A. Australia B. China C. India D. BritainPart4.课堂小结 我的收获:_我的疑问:_Part5.课后活动Read the vocabulary and the text three times(三遍) 3



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