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1、安徽省2013届高三英语一轮复习单元测试题(十) Unit 10 Money随堂演练巩固 .单词拼写 1.She became very worried and d to bring her daughter back home safely. 答案:determined 2.As far as I am c ,she is poor in English. 答案:concerned 3.He b as if nothing had happened. 答案:behaved 4.Try to keep b between work and relaxation. 答案:balance 5.I

2、would like to c on your article The perfect copy. 答案:comment 6.He (求助) to me for help. 答案:appealed 7.Were (使生气) at his indifferent treatment of his old friends. 答案:annoyed 8.He is (惭愧的) of his shameful conduct. 答案:ashamed 9.I think that the theatre will be (代替) by the cinema. 答案:replaced 10.Her repl

3、y (使困惑) me. 答案:puzzled .完成句子 1.不要向公众泄露我们出发的时间。 Dont to the public when we will start. 【答案】 give away 2.今天早上她承认是她把吉姆打发走的,对此她感到很惭愧。 This morning she admitted she turning Jim away. 【答案】 was ashamed of 3.他呼吁他们给予援助。 He them for help. 【答案】 appealed to 4.在旧社会,许多农村的女孩不得不辍学。 In the old days many girls in the

4、 countryside had to of school. 【答案】 drop out 5.学生们要求校长推迟考试结果碰了壁。 The students ran into a brick wall when they asked the principal to the examination. 【答案】 put off 6.孩子们决定不让任何人知晓这件事。 The children that no one should know anything about the matter. 【答案】 were determined 7.小明为他的迟到编造了一个借口。 Xiaoming an exc

5、use for . 【答案】 made up;his being late 8.我意识到和她讲道理是毫无意义的。 I realised it was her. 【答案】 no use reasoning with 9.那部小说值得一读。 That novel . 【答案】 is worth reading 10.他学得很快,而且所学的全都记得。 He learns quickly,and ,he remembers what he has learnt. 【答案】 whats more .单项填空 1.At last Bob became the danger of smoking and d

6、ecided to give it up. A.aware B.aware of C.aware withD.aware that 【解析】 句意:最后鲍勃意识到抽烟的危害,决定戒烟。become aware of”意识到”。aware that后面应接句子。 答案:B 2. the right decisions the future is probably the most important thing well ever do in our lives. A.Making;concernedB.Make;concerning C.To make;concernedD.Making;co

7、ncerning 【解析】 句意:作出关于未来的正确决定是我们生活中将要做的最重要的事情。首空用动词ing形式在句中作主语,第二个空用concerning作介词,用concerning the future”关于未来”作定语,修饰decisions。 答案:D 3.She the first place in the maths contest of the senior middle school students. A.earnedB.gained C.wonD.win 【解析】 句意:她在高中数学竞赛中获得了第一名。表示在比赛中获胜、获奖应用win。 答案:C 4. is known t

8、o all,China will be an and powerful country in 20 or 30 years time. A.That;advancingB.This;advanced C.As;advancedD.It;advancing 【解析】 根据中间逗号可判断前面为非限制性定语从句,应用as引导;后一空则用advanced表示”发达的”。 答案:C 5.I always have so many things to when I come back to the company after a trip abroad. A.attend toB.add to C.con

9、tribute toD.appeal to 【解析】 句意:我从国外旅行回来后总是有很多事要做。attendto”照顾”;add to”增加”;contribute to”贡献”;appeal to”呼吁、吸引”。 答案:A 6.What do you think of Bill? There are some things that are not easy to ;his coldness is one. A.put asideB.put away C.put onD.put up with 【解析】 答句句意:有些事不易容忍,他的冷漠就是其中之一。put aside”撇开”;put aw

10、ay”收起来”;put on”穿上、上演”;put up with”忍受”。 答案:D 7.Liu Xiang was injured in the first round and had to of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A.drop offB.drop back C.drop byD.drop out 【解析】 句意:刘翔在第一轮比赛中受了伤,不得不退出2008年北京奥运会。drop out”退出”。 答案:D 8.Are you ready to leave? Almost,Ill be ready to go as soon as I putt

11、ing the clean dishes away. A.get throughB.give up C.go onD.set about 【解析】 答句句意:差不多了,我一把碟子收拾好就准备走了。get through”完成”。 答案:A 9.The local government in Shenzhen has recently passed a new regulation forbidding supermarkets and stores to free plastic bags to shoppers,in a bid to protect the environment. A.g

12、ive offB.give in C.give upD.give out 【解析】 give off”送出,发出”;give in”屈服,呈交”;give up”放弃”;give out”用完,耗尽,精疲力竭,分发,散发”。句意:深圳政府最近通过了一条在超市和商店禁止免费向顾客提供塑料袋的条例,目的是为了保护环境。 答案:D 10.As far as I see, is no possibility he will win the tennis match this time. A.it;thatB.there;that C.it;whetherD.there;whether 【解析】 The

13、re is no need/possibility/doubt that.是固定句型,其中that引导的是同位语从句。句意:据我所知,这次他要赢得这场网球赛是不可能的。 答案:B 提升能力达标 .单项填空 1. Our head teacher has resigned.She is said to be pregnant. What a great surprise! A.Guess what! B.For what? C.How come!D.What for? 【解析】 Guess what”你猜怎么着”;For what”为了什么”;How come”怎么回事”;What for=Wh

14、y。用Guess what符合语境。 【答案】 A 2.(2010上海)One reason for her preference for city life is she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. A.that B.how C.whatD.why 【解析】 考查that引导表语从句的用法。此处that不可以省略。 【答案】 A 3.My car is really cheap at that price. Yes,it is a real ,I must say. A.bargainB.exchange C.tradeD.business 【解析】 上句说明车的确很便宜,而答话人表示赞同,认为真是物美价廉,故用bargain。 【答案】 A 4.This box all the books you need,



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