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1、倒数第7天(5月30日)(2013辽宁卷)A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill.Usually she_1_play in the small garden.She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill._2_she loved her parents and her family,she desired to liv

2、e in such a house and _3_all day about how wonderful and exciting _4_must feel to live there.At the age when she gained some_5_skill and sensibility(识别力),she _6_her mother for a bike ride_7_ the garden.Her mother finally allowed her to go,_8_her keeping close to the house and not_9_too far.The day w

3、as beautiful.The little girl knew_10_where she was heading!_11_the hill and across the valley,she rode to the _12_of the golden house._13_she got off her bike and put it against the gate post,she focused on the path_14_to the house and then on the house itself.She was very disappointed when she_15_t

4、hat all the windows were_16_and rather dirty.So_17_and heartbroken,she didnt go any further.She_18_,and all of a sudden she saw an amazing_19_.There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden.Looking at her little home,she_20_that she had been living in her golden

5、 house filled with love and care.Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose!1 Amight Bshould Cwould Dmust解析would表示过去常常做某事。句意:通常她会在院子里玩。答案C2A.Unless BAlthough CSince DBut解析句中前后为让步关系,所以用although。句意:尽管她爱她父母及家人,她渴望住在那样的一座房子里。答案B3A.dreamed Bworried Casked Dshouted解析既然渴望住在那样的房子里就整天梦想住在那里会

6、是多么的奇妙和兴奋。答案A4A.this Bthat Cit Dwhich解析it 作形式主语,指代不定式to live there。答案C5A.different Bscientific Cmusical Dbasic解析basic skill意为“基本技能”。答案D6A.begged Bblamed Cinvited Dpaid解析根据下文Her mother finally allowed her to go可知此处为begged。答案A7A.inside Boutside Cthrough Dalong解析她乞求妈妈允许她到院子外骑车。答案B8A.insisting on Brelyi

7、ng on Carguing about Dwondering about解析insist on ones doing意为“坚持某人做某事”。答案A9A.traveling Brunning Criding Dwalking解析妈妈坚持她靠近家骑车,不要骑太远。答案C10A.madly Brapidly Cexactly Dpossibly解析那女孩准确地知道她朝着哪里去。答案C11A.Over BDown CAround DBeside解析骑车越过峡谷当然是从山上往下骑。答案B12A.windows Bsteps Ccenter Dgate解析她骑车到院子门口。gate大门。答案D13A.U

8、ntil BAs CWhile DBecause解析as表示“当时候”。答案B14A.getting Bintroducing Cleading Dmoving解析通向房子的小路。lead to意为“通向”。答案C15A.felt Blearned Cconcluded Dfound解析根据下文发现所有的窗子都很平常,很脏,她非常失望。答案D16A.transparent Bbright Cplain Dwide解析plain意为“不漂亮”。答案C17A.anxious Bangry Cserious Dsad解析失望之余不禁伤心。sad和heartbroken并列。答案D18A.turned around Bcheered up Csettled down Ddropped in解析感到伤心,不再往前走,于是她转身回走。答案A19A.hill Bvalley Cbackground Dsight解析突然她看到惊人的景色。峡谷对面的小房子窗子金光闪闪。答案D20A.imagined Bdecided Crealized Dguessed解析看着自己的小房子,她意识到她一直住在充满爱和关心的金色的房子里。答案C3


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