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1、 .That was close.真悬God, I love the smell of paintballs in the morning.神呐 我爱死早上的彩弹味儿了Yeah, still funny, Raj.是啊 不过还是很滑稽 RajTheres no way we can get to the ridge.我们根本没法到山脊上去The Chemistry Department has us completely cut off.化学部的家伙彻底断了我们的路But what about the creek bed?那河床那边呢?The Pharmacology Department c

2、ontrols that, and theyre all hopped up on experimental steroids.药理学部的家伙控制着呢 别忘了他们都吃了实验用的类固醇Thats it then. Were doomed.那可好了 我们完了I think the time has come to acknowledge that we are paying the price for some of us我觉得现在是该遭报应的时候了failing to attend my Physics Department paintball strategy meeting.我们中的某些人可

3、是没有 参加物理部的彩弹策略会议I told you my mom has spider veins.都跟你说了我妈得了蜘蛛静脉I had to take her to the laser clinic.我得带她去医院照激光And I told you I wante to see a doctors note.我也跟你说了让你把病例卡给我We need a plan.我们得拟定个计划How about Operation Hammer of the Gods?执行上帝之锤计划如何?I forget. Which one is Hammer of the Gods?我都忘了 哪个是上帝之锤?W

4、e hide behind the Dumpsters in the parking lot and ambush people when they come to pee.我们躲在停车场的垃圾堆旁 伏击那些来尿尿的家伙No go. The Dumpsters are deep in Astronomy Department territory.不行 垃圾堆在天文部的大后方That shouldnt be a problem. Venus is up during the day.那不成问题 白天金星不正亮着呢Theyre probably just all staring at the sk

5、y.他们可能都在仰望天空呢All right, what we need now is a tactical retreat.好吧 我们要来一次战术性撤退Did you see the episode of Stargate where they found themselves on a planet你看过那集星际之门么? 他们发现自己正身处于一个with a culture based loosely on Earths Athens and Sparta?基于地球上的雅典和斯巴达 文明的行星之上Not important.那不重要Leonard, Raj and I are going

6、to burst out the door and run away.Leonard Raj 还有我一起冲出门去Howard will cover us.Howard来掩护我们Why dont I run away and you cover me?为什么不是我冲出去你们来掩护我?Because you chose your mothers veins over victory.因为在胜利和你妈的蜘蛛静脉之间 你选择了后者On three. One, two, three, go!数到三 一 二 三 出发!I had to take her! Its almost bathing suit w

7、eather!我没法不带她去! 夏天都快到了!I surrender! Dont shoot! They went that way!我投降! 别开枪! 他们往那边跑了!Howard, Im on your team.Howard 我是你队友Oh, Leslie, thank God.噢 Leslie 谢天谢地Wheres the rest of your squad?你们队的其他人呢?Ah, they left me here to die.啊 他们丢下我一个人在这儿等死What about yours?你们队呢?Dead, all of them.都死了Sorry.抱歉Dont be. I

8、t was friendly fire.不必 都是我干的They just wouldnt listen.他们就是不听Well, were surrounded, so I guess theres nothing for us to do好吧 我们被包围了 我想除了在这儿等着被俘被杀but wait to be captured or killed.没什么其他事能干了Hmm, thats the worst part, the waiting.哼 等待是最不好玩的了All the while knowing that theres a paint pellet out there with

9、your namen it.一直想着外头有颗写着 自己名字的彩弹在等着Yeah, the big wet ball of death.没错 又大又湿 宣告你的死期Kind of makes you feel more alive, doesnt it?倒是更能体会生的感觉 不是吗?It kind of does.确实有点I say we make every moment count.我说 我们不能虚度光阴I agree.同意How exactly do we do that?我们究竟该怎么做?Howard, why arent you covering us? Were getting sl

10、aughtered out here!Howard 你为啥不掩护我们? 我们被人屠杀了!War is hell.活受罪的战争Did you guys see the new budget memo that went out this morning?你们看见今晨出的预算备忘录了么?Yeah, more cutbacks.嗯 又削减了不少Unacceptable.It baffles me why they dont simply let some of you go无法接受 我就想不通了 干嘛不干脆让你们中的某些人滚蛋so that theres money available for my

11、 research.这样我的研究经费就有保障了You know what baffles me, Sheldon?你知道我想不通啥么 Sheldon?Based on your academic record, any number of things, I imagine.基于你的学术记录 你想不通的事多了去了- Hey, guys. - Hey, Leslie.- 嘿 你们好 - 嘿 LeslieHoward, I got the approval for the rapid prototyper you wanted.Howard 你要的快速原型机 我替你批下来了Thats great,

12、 Leslie. Thanks.真是太好了 Leslie 多谢You scratch my back, I scratch yours.你替我抓背 我当然要还你了What was all that about?那是怎么回事?Oh, uh, no big deal. They gave Leslie control of some unrestricted grant money.噢 没什么 他们让Leslie掌管 一些非限制性基金Yeah, okay, but whats with the back - scratching and the meow!那是没错 不过抓背还有喵是怎么回事!I b

13、elieve the back-scratching metaphor generally describes a quid p quo situation我想那个抓背的比喻 主要说的是相互报答where one party provides goods or services to the second party in compensation for a similar action.一方提供货物或服务 另一方给予类似的回馈Thank you.谢谢侬The meow, that sounded to me like an African civet cat.而那个喵 听上去像是种非洲灵猫

14、Are you done?说完了没?No.还没Despite what the name suggests, the civet cat is not a true cat.虽然名字里有个猫字 但灵猫并不是一种猫Now Im done.这下说完了You know what Im thinking?你知道我在想什么吗?Im thinking Howard wasnt making a back-scratching metaphor.我在想Howard的抓背并非是个比喻Im thinking there was some actual scratching involved.我想应该真的有抓才是

15、What about it, Howard?你说呢 Howard?Okay, I didnt want to say anything cause I know you and Leslie have a little history.好吧 我什么都不想说 因为你和Leslie有过那么一小段I dont care about that.这我倒是不在乎Great, cause Ive been dying to say something.太好了 我都快憋死了You and Leslie?你和Leslie?In the paintball shed! Twice!在彩弹小棚里! 还两次呢!Is that why you didnt cover our escape and let us get cut down like animals?这就是你没有掩护我们出逃 让我们任人宰割的原因?Oh, yeah, s


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