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1、0护 常 m啊 川币 4 邸叫南 兰兰 豆叶 国 叫4 洛阳市2019 2020学年第一学期期中考试 高 一 英语试卷 注意事项 I 答卷前 考生务必将自己的姓名 考号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上 2 回答选择题时 选出每小题答案后 用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑 如需改动 用橡皮擦干净后 再选涂其它答案标号 回答非选择题时 将答案写在答 题卡上 写在本试卷上无效 3 考试结束后 请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回 恩 将 wm 第一部分昕力 共两节 满分30分 故题时 先将答案标在试卷上 录音内容结束后 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上 第一节 共5小题 每小题1 5分 共

2、7 5分 昕下面5段对话c每段对话后有一道小题 从每题所给的A B C三个选项中选出最 佳选项 听完每段对话后 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅渎下一小题 每段对 话仅读一遍 1 Wh凹的the woman going A hotel B A cinema 今What Joes Lhe man prefer to d A Watch TV B Have a swnn I C A hospital 去 C Row a boat 3 What does the man collect A CDs C Magazmes B Stampu u咐 设3 4 How much change Joes

3、 the man get A 2 B 18 5 What are the speakers doing A Hanging up a picture B L oking at a picture C Visiting an olJ house 第二节 共15小题 每小题1 5分 共22 5分 听下面5段对话或独自 每段对话或独自后有几道小题 从每题所给的A 飞 B C三个选 项中选出最佳选项 听每段对话或独自前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小题5秒钟 听完 后 听完后 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间 每段对话或独白读两遍 昕第6段材料 回答第6 7题 C 20 6 What does the ma

4、n plan to do A Learn to sin B Attend a class 7 Why loes the man like the Chinese language A He likes Chinese culture B He hopes to travel in China C He wants to work in China 昕第7段材料 回答第8 9题 高一英语第l页 共LO页 2019 11 C Have a party 8 When loes the film start A At 8 00 am B At 8 00 pm C At 11 00 pm 9 What

5、can we know丛bout the此丛ts that the woman wants A Thev e in the front of the cinema B They re in the miJJle of the cinema C Thev re next to each other 听第8段材料 回答第10至 12题 LO Where was the woman in her dream last ni2 ht A In Greek B In Germany 11 What did the two men do in the woman s dream A Thev kille

6、l her B They foll we l her C In Indonesia C They helped her 12 How loes the woman like her Jream last night A Funnv B Stran Te C Frightening D 听 第9段材料 回答第13至l6题 13 Where are the speakers talking A In the street B ln a hotel C In the countrysicL 14 Why does the man think the hotel is the best in the

7、city A It has a beauLiful lake view B The building is painted red C There s a shopping mall in it 15 How is the man traveling A On fi ot B By bike C By Gar 16 What is the man loin in the cjtv 八 A Visiting some friends B Calling on some relatives C Seeing some interesting places 昕第10段材料 回答第17至20题 17

8、What s the speaker mainly talking about A His eating habit B His stuJents C His family 18 Why do many students skip breakfast according to the speaker A They think iL unimportant B They have no time for it C They are busy with stu ly 19 What can we kn w about the speaker when he is in the school A H

9、e often goes hungr B He throws away food C He eats different foods 20 What is the speaker most probably A A eook B A student C A professor 高一英语第2页 共 10页 2019 11 27 What can we learn from Yuichiro Miura s experience A Luck and misfortune comes in turn B It is never too late to learn C He who makes no

10、 mistakes makes nothing D Nothing is impossible for a willing he盯t 28 Which of the following can best describe the common personality of the three people A Honest B Dangerous C Strong willed D Stressed C The most popular martial arts 武术 today came from Asia especially China Some Chinese fighting sty

11、les were invented more than 3 000 years ago Many mattial arts were invented because people needed to defend themselves or protect others Nowadays people learn martial arts as a way of keeping fit or as a competitive spo口 but they are still veI useful for self defence 防卫 Martial arts are often referr

12、ed to as either soft or hard These terms imply a way of dealing with your opponent s 对手的 force Soft martial arts such as t i chi teach you to use your opponent s own force to defend yourself Soft styles use movements and timing to avoid deflect and redirect their opponent s attacks 攻击 These martial

13、arts are soft for the clefencler but n t for the attacker On the other hand hard styles such as kung jiL teach you to lefen l yourself using force Techniques involve blocking posturing an l powerful punching and kicking Har l martial arts techniques are more effective 有效的 if you are more skillful mo

14、re powe1ful and faster than yo盯opponent Perhaps one of the best known Japanese martial arts toclay is karate But lid you know that it came from Fujian Province In the 14th eentu町 a community of Chinese migrants 移民 from Fujian settled 定居 in what was then the kingdom of Okinawa The Chinese migrants us

15、e l to gather in a park to enjoy cultural activities one of which was kung ju This soon caught the attention of local youths who started learning kung fu from their Chinese neighbours In fact Chinese influence in martial arts was not only kung ju The ve巧first Korean military 军事 training manual was b

16、ased on a Chinese version During the Japanese invasion 侵略 of Korea in the 16th centu町 the Korean mmy needed an effective way to train a l 1 number of soldiers They used a training methodology from a Chinese military manual called ji xi o in丛u written by the famous Chinese general Qi Jiguang who had himself defeated Japanese army 29 From the passage we can learn people have be en using the martial arts A to defend othersB to protect oneself C to keep fitD as a competitive spo时 高一英语第5页 共10页 2019 1


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