2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习课件:Unit 12 Culture Shock

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《2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习课件:Unit 12 Culture Shock》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习课件:Unit 12 Culture Shock(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit12CultureShock 基础知识 梳理 考点知识 导练 基础知识 梳理抓主干 固双基 owe owing majority major conduct conductor indicate indication expectation expect tasty taste foggy fog curiously curious curiosity injure injured injury broad broadly familiar absorb exchange request stare belong contrary bear forgive wander aspect

2、export 总之 反正 不管怎样 相加 增加物 to off on upon to to lift 考点知识 导练解疑难 提知能 1 owevt 欠 债 欠 情 归因于 归功于 高考运用 Ithinkmaybewe 欠你一个道歉 Weoweoursuccessourteachers Sheisnow 因为 illhealth notsoactiveinthemovement 答案 oweyouanapology to owingto写作联想 高考运用 其他表达方式 Sheisnow becauseofillhealth notsoactiveinthemovement Sheisnow as

3、aresultofillhealth notsoactiveinthemovement Sheisnow onaccountofillhealth notsoactiveinthemovement 2 absorbvt 吸收 吸引 注意力 使并入 高考运用 Agoodbook 吸引他的注意力 socompletelythatheforgothisdinner Thesekidsareso absorb intheirstudiesthatIjustsitback 2019全国 阅读理解D Judithlayonthesofa absorb inherbook 答案 absorbedhisatt

4、ention absorbed absorbed 3 exchangen 交换 交流vt vi 兑换 交换 高考运用 Heexchangedtheblackjacketablueone I veneverexchangedwordsthosemomsbeyondsmalltalk buttheywantedtohelp 2019天津 完形填空 Whatwouldyougivemeinexchangemyrecorder 答案 for with for 4 majorityn 大多数 大半 高考运用 Forexample ifyoulookattheaudienceataclassicalcon

5、cert themajority be overtheageoffifty Themajorityofthem take anonlinelanguagetestbeforestartingtheirprogramme Boysareverymuchtheminorityatthedanceclass 答案 are is take in特别提示 majority单独作主语时 若强调整体 谓语动词用单数 强调个体时 谓语动词用复数 majority比most正式 与of连用作主语时 谓语动词常与of后的名词保持数的一致 5 requestvt 请求 要求n 请求 要求 邀请 高考运用 Allcl

6、ubmembersarerequested attend theannualmeeting Thevictimsmadearequestfurtheraid Irequestedthathe complete thetaskbyhimself 答案 toattend for should complete写作联想 高考运用 其他表达方式 Irequestedhimtocompletethetaskbyhimself Imadearequestthathe should completethetaskbyhimself Myrequestwasthathe should completethet

7、askbyhimself 6 familiaradj 熟悉的 常见的 亲近的 高考运用 Italsodoesn trequireanewtypeoftechnologythatpeoplearen talreadyfamiliar 2019全国 阅读理解C Mostoftheexperimentswillbefamiliaryou 答案 with to 7 belongvi 属于 该在 某处 高考运用 Thestudentsfeelthattheybelongaparticulargroup 2019浙江 语法填空 Wehadtokeeptrackofour belong andifsomet

8、hingwaslost itwasnotreplaced Thebook belong toMaryissointerestingthatwe lllikeit 答案 to belongings belonging 特别提示belong不可用进行时 也不可用被动语态 但常用belongingto作定语 如 Tigersareafierceanimalbelongingtothecatfamily 虎是一种凶猛的动物 属猫科 8 contraryadj 相反的高考运用 Mylittlesister stasteindressiscontrarymyown Itwasn tagoodthing t

9、hecontrary itwasahugemistake 答案 to on 9 bearvi 耐得住 经得住 高考运用 Ican tbear ignore Butitisusefultobearmindthatallsuchchangescomefromthetechnology 答案 beingignored tobeignored in 10 forgivevt 宽恕 饶恕高考运用 I llneverforgiveherwhatshedid Ifanythinghappenedtothekidsshe dneverforgive she 答案 for herself 11 get beus

10、edto习惯于 高考运用 Humanbeingsareusedlivinginthedaylight Ifonedoesnotwork hewillbecomelazyandnousetosociety Thiskindofequipmenthasgoneoutusenow 答案 to of of 词语辨析 Themanusedtosmokealot butnowhehasgivenitup 这个人过去吸烟很多 但是现在他已经戒烟了 I mnotusedtoeatingsomuchatlunchtime 我不习惯午饭吃那么多 IfoundthejobtiringatfirstbutIsoong

11、otusedtoit 起初我觉得这份工作很累人 但很快就习惯了 12 see off为 送行 赶走 高考运用 WhenheflewtoLondon hiswife 为他送行 attheairport 因为 hewasahardworker themanagergavehimapayrise He sapoorliar anyonecan 看穿 him 答案 sawhimoff Seeingthat seethrough特别提示seeoff为动副短语且为及物动词短语 代词作宾语放在see的后面 若名词作宾语 也可放在副词off的后面 13 insiston upon坚持 一定要 高考运用 The

12、oldmaninsistedstayingwithmeintheforestthatevening Iinsistedthatthey wait forourreturn Mikeinsistedthathe be right 答案 on should wait was 词语辨析 Shekeptinsistingonherinnocence 她再三坚持自己无罪 Weshouldsticktoourdreamsunderanycircumstances 在任何情况下 我们都应坚持我们的梦想 14 beattachedto依恋 附属于高考运用 Iamattachedeverytreeandbush

13、inmyhometown Thelittleboyattachedthegoatatreeandwentoff I veneverseentwopeopleso attach toeachother 答案 to to attached 15 I dratherstaycosyandreadmynovel 我宁可舒服地待着 看看小说 高考运用 I 宁愿待在家里 duringtheholiday Kidswouldratherplaystudyathome He dratheryou come nextFriday 答案 wouldratherstayathome than came写作联想 高考运用 其他表达方式 Kidswouldplayratherthanstudyathome Kidsprefertoplayratherthanstudyathome Kidspreferplayingtostudyingathome 点击进入单元知识检测 点击进入能力提升题组训练



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