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1、Unit 1Sharing 3.Answers: b-e-f-d-c-a4. 2 45. anti-socialaware ofappreciateattitudetolerantcome to an endwalk awayimpressListening2.22.3peacefulbeautifullovely partpartywith a passionlast secondwalking their dogswith a bounceawaythe best part of the daythinking straightat my sharpestwe had childrenin

2、 the morningsin the eveningsView it2.2 2 4Role-playing 1.2 Answers: g-a-f-h-b-d-c-eConversations 1.DABCC2.CBDAPassages1.ACDC2. distressingdesperateurgeacquireare totally unaware ofare isolated fromaffirminteract withimpulseare convinced ofnews1. BC2. BACUnit test1.DDBCD2.CAAAD3.CBDDC4. atsectionconn

3、ectsat the bottom ofshiningAscrossrunning away fromstreaming downdestroyedUnit 2Sharing 2.excitedon the banksbeach partiesfind outlooking forward to3. Answers: f-a-d-c-e-b4.1 2 3 8 105.1 2 4Listening2.1A:2 3 4 5B:1 62.2Thursday, 20/5/20041620by the riverrainingfanciedhave the guts to tell himgood-lo

4、oking, romantic and intelligentthree childrenIm happyfeel good about who I wasGood luck for the futurebe happy with who you areViewing2.1 3 62.2the longest-living communities900go about their businessfruit and vegetableingredientscell damagehigh quantitieshealth protective1,20020 percent lessgetting

5、 more for their moneyhealths worthRole-playing1.21 3 4 5 7 8 10Conversations1.ADCBD2.CBADPassages1.BCDA2.proportionestimatedhave profound impacts onpotentialeconomicallypensionsoriginate fromresidentialposes a challenge tobe transformed intoNEWS1. BD2. BDCUnit test1.BDCBC2.DCCBA3.BCAAD4. launchedcor

6、nerbankruptcyvirtuallydirectingdischarged fromsecuredsubstantialNot surprisinglyfashion accessoriesUnit 3Sharing1.21) enjoy2) free3) music4) internationally5) festivals6) spend your free time1.3d-e-g-h-b-a-c-f1.423561.52458Listening2.1a-d-g-e-b-f-c2.21368Viewing2.11. (1) husky sledding (2) 382. (1)

7、wing-walking (2) 353. (1) driving on Route 66 (2) 194. (1) bungee jumping (2) 175. (1) swimming with dolphins (2) 12.224789Role-playing1.1Four或4a swimming poolcovered by another “wall”the same position as the shape in the holewhat shape the hole will be until the last momentNot to get knocked into t

8、he poolgets through the most shapes1.21 3 4 7Conversations1.DDCBA2.DDBCPassages1.BCAC2.resortssprung updramaticallyhaving an adverse effect oncombatwildernessunspoiledstreams ofguidelinesauction offNEWS1.D B2.BCUnit test1.ABBBC2.CDDDB3.DABCD4. audienceteenagecelebratePopularconquerscolumnsis central

9、 toa private arrangementto chooseapart fromUnit 4Sharing3.Answers: d-f-a-e-b-g-c4.brighten your mooda nurturing environmenta stable familyhealthFeel contentmentmakes the differencefeeling satisfied with5.1 5Listening2.12.2hotels or even citiesmake moneyhas doubledwherever he goeswhat kind of food sh

10、e eatsjunk mail or advertsrobbedmore crimeshave no need to worrybe more carefulsent to the newspapersposted onlineViewing1.DBACD2.rethink everythingGive it uptransformstandard of livingdiminishedcommute furtherthe oppositeslow downtake more leisureeconomic growthconsumer goodsmaterial possessionsRol

11、e-playing1.1Cosmetic surgeryAgainstdangerousfrozen solidForhealthDownloading music for freeAgainsttheftstealing from themwithout payingmake any moneyForCD salesfile sharingconcertsBanning cars from city centerAgainstpolluting than carsa reduction in shop salesperfectly fineForthe environmentelectric

12、 busespolluted1.213467910Presenting1.2Answers: e-b-c-d-aConversations1.CABCD2.BABDPassages1.ADDC2.prevalentscarybe classified asepidemicratiodiagnosedkeeping track ofwas still associated withaffirmin terms ofNEWS1.AD2.ACUnit test1.DBACD2.CDACB3.ABABD4.overcompanionshiploverdefinitionscarcediaryThe sight ofdefeatedmade upphilosophers and scientistsUnit 5Sharing 3.4. 5. Listening2.22.3View itRole-playing1.2 Conversations1.2.Passages1.2. news12Unit test1.2.3.4. Unit 6Sharing 1.the media and news3.4. 5. Listening2.22.3View itRole-playing1.2 Conversations1.2.Passages1.2. news12Unit test1.2.3.4.


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