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1、 八年级上英语期中复习资料八年级上英语期中复习资料一、 Unit1-5词汇高频考点序号词汇词性词义考点01decidev.决定名词形式:_构成短语:decide (not) to do sth. decide on doing sth. make a decision to do sth.02wonderV.想知道后接特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,且必须用陈述句语序wonder at/about “觉得奇怪,不明白”名词 “奇迹,奇观”03boredadj.厌倦的bored修饰人,boring修饰事或物类似的词语:interested- interesting;surprise- -surpris

2、ing;tired- tiring;excited- exciting;amazed- amazing;worried-worrying;relaxed- relaxing;04enoughadv.adj.足够的形容词enough enough名词enough to/for 足够去做05althoughconj.尽管;虽然表示转折关系although和but不能同时使用06onceadv.一次两次twice;三次及三次以上为“基数词+times”;几次 several times.07usev.使用;运用use sth.to do sth.辨析:“用”usewithin08percentn.百

3、分之无复数形式。百分数表达为“基数词+percent+of+名词”,谓语动词单复数有名词决定分数的构成:分子用基数词,分母用序数词;分子大于1,分母加-s09talentedadj.有天赋的be talented in比较级 more talented10bothadj./pron./adv两个都用在be 动词后,行为动词前Both of .+名词复数bothand两者都(复数谓语)反义词组:neithernor两者都不(谓语单复数按照就近原则11commonadj.共同的共有:_常识:_ sence12mindv.介意,在乎mind + n./pron./doing 名词:头脑,想法chan

4、ge ones mindnever mind(不要紧)二、 Unit1-5词汇单选题( )1.Its only 19:00. we decide _ home A going B go to C not to go D not to go to( )2.Da Shan speaks Chinese _ for us to understand. A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well( )3.Shelooks_becauseshehasa_ vacation.A.relaxed,relaxed B.relaxing

5、,relaxing C.relaxed,re1axing D.relaxing,relaxed( )4.Excuseme.Iwonder_.Turnleft.Theresasupermarketnexttothepark.A.whenIcanleave B.whereIcangetsomesnacksC.howcanIplaychessD.whodidyoutravelwith( )5.Tara and her sister_ quiet and they _ sports.A. are both, both like B. are both, like both C. both are, b

6、oth like D. both are, like both( )6. Thesecinemashaveonething_.A. commonB. incommonC. commonlyD. oncommon( )7. The_isvery_,andhe_anaction. A. action;active;acts B.actor;active;actsC. actress;active;acts D.activity;act;action( )8.Theoldwomandoesntmind_otherpeoplethinkof_.A. how, she B. how,her C. tha

7、t,her D, what,her( )9. What_Mikeyesterday?A. happento B. happenedin C. happenedto D. happensof三、 Unit1-5词组高频考点序号词组意义考点1quite a few相当多;不少联系quite a little2feel like(人)觉得好像是,(物)给人感觉想要feel like +名词/名词性从句feel like+名词/代词/动名词3because of因为,由于because of+ 名词/代词/动名词because+从句4too many太多对比too much:后接_名词,意为“_”mu

8、ch too:后接_,意为“_”5stay up熬夜;不睡觉熬夜到很晚_6be good for对有好处联系词组:be good atbe good withbe good to7more than超过反义词组 less than8as long as只要,既然“只要”,引导条件状语从句,“主将从现”“既然”,引导原因状语从句9be similar to相似;相仿联系the same as”与相同”10asas和一样同级比较,两个as间用形容词或副词原型否定形式not as(/so)as11bring out the best/worst in sb.把某人最好/最坏的一面展示出来拓展词义:出

9、版;生产使显现;阐明12thanks for因而感谢thanks for doing/n./pron. 后接感谢原因thanks to 多亏,幸亏13watch sb. do sth.观看某人做某事(事情全过程)watch sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事(强调动作正在发生)巧记接不带to的不定式做宾补的动词:三眼(look at, see, watch),两耳(hear, listen to),一注意(notice),加上三个小使役(have, let, make),半个help莫忘记14play a role in在中发挥作用play a role in + doing 1

10、5come out发行,出版对比:give out put out look out find out16be famous for因而出名be famous as+职业 作为有名 be famous for+原因 因为而有名be famous to +人 为所熟知四、 Unit1-5词组选择题( )1、.Thereis _ junkfoodhere, anditis_terrible. A. toomuch, toomuch B. muchtoo, muchtoo C. toomuch, muchtoo D. muchtoo,muchtoo ( )2. .Wecouldntseetheroa

11、dclearly_theheavysnow. A. because B. becauseof C. so D. though( )3.Granny is ill and she doesnt feel like_A.to eat something B.to eat anything C.eating something D.eating anything( )4.I hearboys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball.A. quite a lot

12、B. quite a few C. quite a bit D. quite a little( )5. Why do you look unhappy, Lucy? I cant learn math well I always work hard. A. because B. and C. although D. but( ) 6.Heisdifferent_hisbrother, butheis similar_hisfather. A. from,from B. to,to C. from,to D. to,from( ) 7.Isherlifestyle_yoursordifferent? A.thesame B.thesameas C.sameas D.thesameto( ) 8. Ithinktheactress_well.A. didMulan



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