冀教版2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 同步习题(3)

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1、冀教版六年级英语下册Unit 1检测卷姓名: 班级: 一、根据提示填写单词。(首字母已给出)1. Whats your favourite s .2. Can you teach me to play b .3. This is a football g .4. His father is a p .5. Is this light or h .二、圈出正确的一项。1. Li Ming is (throwsthrowing) the ball.2. Are there (someany) tall trees in your school?3. I (boughtbuy) a book for

2、 my sister last Saturday. 4. Lets (askasked) the teacher a question.5. Whose gloves are (thisthese)?三、单项选择。() 1. _ all sports, she likes pingpong _.A. In; best B. Of; well C. Of; best() 2. We need _ pingpong balls and _football.A. any; a B. some; a C. a; some() 3. We like _ blue shorts.A. these B. t

3、his C. that() 4. Let me _!A. trying B. to try C. try() 5. _ are they? Thirty dollars.A. How many B. How much C. How() 6. She _ a yellow skirt.A. wears B. putting on C. wear() 7. Do you want to _ play pingpong?A. learn B. learns C. learn to() 8. This morning, we _Tom hit his hand.A. watches B. watchi

4、ng C. watched() 9. Its so _ for me. I can do it very well.A. easy B. difficult C. light() 10. I taught Lucy _ and catch the ball.A. throw B. throwing C. to throw四、读一读,用所给单词的正确形式填空,补全短文。 I often 1. _ to the park by bike on Sundays. Last Sunday, I 2. _ to the park with my friends. We 3. _ many beautif

5、ul flowers and trees in the park. It was very hot. We 4. _ some ice cream. My friends 5. _me to fly a kite. We had a great time. 五、读一读,选择正确的句子补全对话。A: 1. _B: Yes, please. 2. _ A: Yes. There they are! 3. _B: I like red. I want those. 4. _A: Sixty yuan. B: OK. 5. _六、阅读理解。A. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。My name is L

6、i Ping. I am ten. I like playing ping-pong. I am from Hainan. My family went on a trip last Sunday. We went to Beijing by plane. We saw the Tiananmen Square. Li Jing is my cousin. She is eleven years old. She went to Beijing, too. We went to the zoo to watch animals. And we played with a ball in a p

7、ark. We were very happy.() 1. Li Ping is eleven.() 2. Li Ping likes playing pingpong.() 3. Li Jing is eleven.() 4. Li Jing went to the park to watch animals.() 5. Li Ping was happy.B. 阅读短文,选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。It was Sunday yesterday. We watched a football game. It was between a blue team and a red te

8、am. The game was at four oclock in the afternoon. Our teacher watched the game with us. We went there by bus. We came back at about six in the evening. Everyone played hard. Everyone was tired. The score was three to two. The red team won. We were happy and excited.() 1. What day is it today? A. Sun

9、day. B. Monday. C. Tuesday.() 2. We watched a _.A. football game B. pingpong game C. badminton game() 3. We went to watch the game_.A. by bike B. on foot C. by bus() 4. The red team got _.A. one point (分) B. two points C. three points() 5. _ won.A. The blue team B. The red team C. We七、写作训练。你喜欢观看体育比赛

10、吗?请用英语描述一场你看过的比赛,可以是篮球、足球、乒乓球等。请写出比赛的时间、地点及结果等内容。参考材料:The score is _ to _. (比分是_比_。)coach(教练),yell for. . . (为呐喊助威)要求:1. 补全题目; 2. 注意时态; 3. 不少于8句话,句子描述正确,表达顺畅; 4. 参考材料仅供参考,也可以选择不使用。A _ Game_参考答案一、1. sport2. basketball3. game 4. policeman5. heavy二、1. throwing2. any3. bought4. ask5. these三、1-5 C B A C

11、B6-10 A C C A C四、1. go2. walked3. saw4. ate5. taught五、1-5 C B E A D六、A. 1-5 F T T F TB. 1-5 B A C C B七、范文:A Basketball GameMy favourite sport is basketball. I like to watch basketball games. Last Sunday afternoon, I watched a basketball game at school. My class is the Blue Team. We played a game with the Orange Team. Everyone played hard. The score was thirty to twentyseven. We won. Many students yelled for us. We were very excited.


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