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1、Honesty is the best policy 1 答案 听力 1 5 ACBCB 6 10 ACBCC 11 15 ABABA 16 20 CBBCA 阅读 第一篇 ABC 第二篇 ACBB 第三篇 CDB 第四篇 DBGAF 完形 36 CA D BD 41 C DA D B 46 A C B A C 50 B DA C B 单选题 56CDCDC 60 BCCCD 66 ADBDA 请分析从句后填写相关的连接词 71 Some of them are worried about whether the tickets of the concert are still availab

2、le 72 The reason why he was absent from the meeting was that his alarm didn t go off 73 In the distance they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls which is on the south side of the lake 74 The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes 75

3、 That she is still alive is a wonder 76 No one knows exactly how the earth began as it happened so long ago 77 We all think she is hard working and that she will make great progress in her study 78 Anyone who that breaks the law should be punished 请在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式 79 Smoking is not permitted permit

4、 anywhere in this theatre 80 He struck strike the table with his fist when he heard the bad news 81 He lay lie awake last night worrying 82 Gwen sat at her desk surrounded surround by books and papers 83 Such good news deserves a celebration celebrate 84 I soon spotted spot what was wrong with the p

5、rinter 85 She spends hours on the phone chatting chat to her friends 请用必修三的词汇完成下列题目 86 I m burning with curiosity 好奇心 you must tell me who won 87 An empty bottle will float 浮 88 A stay in the country will be beneficial benefit to his health 89 Food must be heated to a high temperature to kill harmfu

6、l harm bacteria 90 All religious and political beliefs 信仰 信念 should be respected equally 91 A block in the pipe was preventing 阻止 the water from coming through 92 Aboard 登上交通工具 在交通工具上 the train the cousins settled down in their seats 93 Our teacher always impresses 使印象深刻 on us the need to do our bes

7、t 94 I must apologize 道歉 to Isobel for my lateness 95 The coronavirus epidemic 疫情 broke out 爆发 in the city but luckily it is under control now 96 People clean graves and light incense in memory of 怀念 their ancestors on Tomb Sweeping Day 97 Wang Peng wouldn t have Yonghui getting away with 侥幸逃脱 telli

8、ng people lies 98 I think I d like to stay at home this evening rather than 而不是 go out 99 How long can you hold your breath 屏住呼吸 under water 100 I didn t know what the bunny was running from until I caught sight of 看见 瞥见 the dog that was chasing it Honesty is the best policy 2 Text 1 山东 2020 高考英语听力

9、M Know what I couldn t get back into my apartment and had to stay at a hotel last night W How did that happen Did you lose your keys M No I left them in the apartment and my wife was on a business trip Text 2 M Wow so many choices and so many people So what kind of film do you want to see W It s up

10、to you but nothing too violent please Text 3 M How was your trip to London W It was fantastic I visited a lot of places churches museums and the royal palaces and the weather was fine Horrible traffic though Text 4 W How much time do we have before the conference We don t have to hurry do we M Don t

11、 worry It s seven thirty now We still have an hour and a half It takes only thirty minutes to get there Text 5 M Hey did you see Ann in the office this morning W Yes but why did she have such a long face M I m not sure I heard she failed to get promoted Text 6 M What about the problems I ve been hav

12、ing W Not serious Take some medicine and you will get a better night s sleep M Thank you How should I take the medicine W Take one pill about thirty minutes before you go to bed M How long should I take them W Thirty days M Is there anything else I can do W Don t worry so much about things at work M

13、 Should I stay home from work W No it s not necessary Just remember to stay calm Text 7 W You re late M Yes I m really sorry I had to wait for ages for the bus W Why didn t you drive M Ah well I ve sold my car W Oh are you getting a new one M No I m not getting another car I ve decided to live witho

14、ut one W Wow what made you do that M I think there are too many cars and this town is already far too polluted W Well that s true but a car is useful M I don t think so not in the city center anyway I can never find anywhere to park and you spend most of the time sitting in traffic jams Honesty is t

15、he best policy 3 W But how are you going to get to work M I m thinking of getting a bicycle W Don t you think bicycles are dangerous M Not really I don t think they re as dangerous as cars W Well I couldn t do without my car I have to take the children to school every day M I don t think children ge

16、t enough exercise these days They should walk to school W Okay I see what you mean Text 8 M Hey Heather Can I sit here W Yeah sure Jonathan How s your day M Good Say are you planning your summer travels W Well not yet I was just reading a story about this woman Ellen Wilson who climbed up Mount Qomolangma M Yeah I read that too A rather extraordinary experience isn t it Ninety six days She is actually a graduate of our college class of 2012 W Oh really So Jonathan what amazing thing have you don



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