好医生The Good Doctor第三季中英对照剧本

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1、好医生The Good Doctor第三季中英对照剧本第一集良医前情回顾 Previously on The Good Doctor.你们一起共事又同床共枕 You work together and you are sleeping together.就没觉得会有什么不对的吗 You dont see any way that can go wrong?你为我冒了很大的风险 You went out on a limb for me.现在炒掉我 你在董事会面前就会像个傻瓜 You fire me now, you look like a fool in front of the board.

2、安德鲁斯医生 你没有表决权 Dr. Andrews, I dont think you have the votes to carry it.但我不需要表决权 But I dont need the votes.正如你有开除你下属的权力一样 Just as you have the power to fire someone我也能开除我的下属 under your supervision, so do I.你听说韩医生的事了吗 Did you hear about Han?难以想象安德鲁斯将如何应对后果 Cant imagine Andrews will survive the fallout

3、.他们会需要新的外科主任 Theyre gonna need a new Chief of Surgery.青木应该马上会找你 给你升职了 Aoki should be calling you with the offer any minute.我有花和巧克力 Here are flowers and chocolates.你在约我出去吗 Are you asking me out?是的 Yes.我很愿意 I would love to.你为什么在笑 Why are you smiling?我不知道 I dont know.我只是.想让你知道. I just. I wanted you to

4、know that.一切都很好 things are okay. If I start a commotion 好的 Good. I run the risk of losing you, and thats worse BGM: Ever Fallen In Love by Nouvelle Vague Ever fallen in love with someone Ever fallen in love, in love with someone Ever fallen in love, in love with someone You shouldnt have fallen in l

5、ove with? 上周末我看了一部电影 I saw a movie last weekend.哪部 好看吗 Which one? Was it good?你喜欢哪种电影 What kind of movies do you like? What a shame 这看起来很好吃 谢谢 This looks delicious. Thank you. Ever fallen in love with someone Ever fallen in love 我说过不要泡菜的 I said no pickles.不好意思 Pardon me?没事 让他们拿掉就好 我说了不要泡菜 Its okay.

6、They can just take that off. I said no pickles.真是抱歉 Oh. I am so sorry.我说了不要泡菜 I said no pickles.那真是一场灾难 It was a disaster.发生了什么 What happened?你们都没事干吗 Dont you all have work to do?对不起 我们只是. Sorry. We were just.肖恩去约会了 Shaun was on a date.恭喜你升职了 Congratulations on your promotion.我相信你是我们第一位女性外科主任 I beli

7、eve youre our first female Chief of Surgery.很好 谢谢 是的 Thats nice. Uh, thank you. Yes.你们还是没去工作 And youre still not working.没说你 Not you.我们得去趟人事部 分下手 We need to go to H.R. and break up.得做个脑部CT和创伤检查 We need a head CT and a trauma panel.救命 有没有人 救救我妻子 Please! Someone! Help my wife!我们结婚已经45年了 Weve been marr

8、ied for 45 years.有两个孩子 Two children.目前为止 Eh, so far.别闹 Oh, stop it.瑞奇和汤米 Ricky and Tammy.瑞奇有两个孩子 Rickys got two kids of his own.你第一次察觉到疼痛是什么时候 When did you first notice the pain?今天早上 不 是上周六 This morning. No, on Saturday.他有肾结石病史 He has a history of kidney stones.我试图让他多喝点水. I try to get him to drink m

9、ore water.你试图 You try?我什么时候拒绝过你 When did I ever say no to you?可能又是一块结石 但我们要做影像检查 Its probably another stone, but well do some imaging来排除任何更严重的情况 to rule out anything more serious.谢谢 Thank you.你告诉他们孩子的事了吗 Did you tell them about the kids?我们生了两个 We have two, you know.目前为止 So far.真好 Thats nice.这个不行 什么

10、Not it. What?他得了痴呆症 更糟的是 这太无聊了 Hes got dementia, and even worse, its boring.有可能是结石 Probably stones.最好的情况是肾肿瘤 Best case scenario, its a kidney tumor.我们已经协助做了八次肾切除术 Weve assisted on eight nephrectomies.这是你的病人 你的病历 你是首选 Its your case, your chart, youre primary.凯兰要过来了 Kellans coming to town.我得到点下班 I nee

11、d to be out of here at a decent hour还有我们不是孩子了 and we are not children.不是谁先喊 就由谁来决定 We do not decide things by who called it.你先碰到病历了 归你了 You touched the chart first. Its yours.我没有 你有 Did not. Did so.我们一起走上去 彼得林加把病历交给你的 We walked up together, Petringa handed the chart to you.我没有 你有 Did not. Did so.我没有

12、 你有 Did not. Did so.为什么 Why?没成而已 It just wasnt working out.我绝对不希望这是因为 Well, I certainly hope its not because in light of林医生最近升任外科主任 Dr. Lims recent promotion to Chief of Surgery她现在是你的上司了 that shes now your supervisor?我们知道那个安排 We knew that arrangement让人无法接受 would be unacceptable鉴于我们最近才开始约会. and since

13、 we only recently started seeing each other.在你们报告之前 你们已经秘密约会 You were seeing each other secretly for some time有一段时间了 对吧 before you reported it, correct?所以 也许你们只是回归 So, maybe youve just gone back地下情的状态 to seeing each other in secret.不 我们做好了决定 这个机会 No. Uh, we made the decision that this opportunity对林医

14、生来说是. for Dr. Lim is just.你在 什么 你在写什么东西 Youre what what are you writing?我接受了你们的解释和报告 I have accepted your explanation and report.谢谢 Thank you.但我不相信 But I dont believe it.你们还会一直见面 Youre going to keep seeing each other我没法阻止这事 甚至也不想阻止 and I cant do anything to stop that, nor do I even want to.但要知道 爱并不能

15、战胜一切 But know this love doesnt conquer all欲望也不能 喜爱连边儿都不够格 lust doesnt either, and like doesnt even come close.这会比你们想象中的 This is gonna be a lot more complicated都要复杂很多 than either of you think.你好像有个很大的子宫肌瘤 Looks like you have a large uterine fibroid出血了 thats bled.必须得手术切除 It has to be removed surgically.是的 常规手术 你会



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