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1、. 小学五年级上册英语测试题一Look and say. 选择不同类的单词。( )1 A sang B made C tell( )2 A September B laugh C April( )3 A wish B smart C naughty( )4 A party B eat C sit( )5 A excited B angry C photo二、Choose. 将正确选项答案序号填入提前的括号内( )1.Miss Liu _ young ten years ago. A. was B. were C. is( )2. Wanghong cant find her English b

2、ook ,So she was_ A. worried B. excited C. happy ( )3. My class is different _LucysA. with B. to C. from ( )4.The Teachers Day is in_A. October B. August C.September ( )5.They _ in my class ten years ago.A. was B. were C. are( )6. I am making a card_ my motherA. to B. at C. for( )7. Hes dancing _ the

3、 rain.A . on. B. up. C. in.( )8. Danny lost his cap ,So he was_ A. sad B. excited C. happy ( )9. We often sit_a circleA. at B. on C. in ( )10.Its time_class.A.to B. for C. in三、 Look and match.想一想,选一选。请将图片的序号填在单词后的括号内。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1.April 2.angry 3. card 4. naughty 5. Sad四、Read and choose.根据图意

4、选择正确的单词或短语,将选项填在横线上。1. The boy is looking at the rabbit. Hes_. A.excited B. angry2. _.Wang hong. A.Make a wish B. Have a cake3. Danny is _. A. excited B. sad4. Happy Teachers Day,Heres _for you A.a card B. a book5. Wang Hong cant find her English book.She is _. A. excited B. worried五、Look and number

5、.读句子,给下面图片标号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. Wang Hong is skiping well.She is happy. 2. What are you doing ,Danny? Im making cards. 3. Happy birthday to you !Heres a present for you. 4. We are sitting in groups Some are making things. Some are telling stories.5. What subjects does Lucy have ? She has reading

6、.六:Choose and fill in the blanks.选词填空 was had making sang are 1. My Grandpa _ young then.2. We _ a song yesterday.3. There _twenty pupils in my class.4. Ann is _ a card for Mr wang.5. They _ a good time yesterday.七. Look and choose.请为下面的问句选择正确的答语,将正确选项填在括号中。( )1. Was Danny sad? A. Sure ( )2 What are

7、 you doing? B. Yes , she is ( )3. Is she tall? C. Im making a card for my teacher ( )4. Can you send me some photos? D. Twenty( )5. How many pupils are there in Lucys class? E. No,He wasnt.八、Fill in the blanks .根据汉语意思完成句子1. Heres a Christmas _ (卡片) from Lucy.2. Liming is watching a _(电影) now.3. 他很年轻

8、. He is very _. .4. 我们坐成一个圆 We _in a circle.5. 你能告诉我这个故事吗? Can you _me the story?九、.Readandcheck.读一读,判断句子正误,正(T)误(F)。ImLingling.IamfromChina.IminGrade5.Thereare38pupilsinmyclass.MyteacherisMissLi.SheteachesEnglishandmusic.Theclassroomisbigandbeautiful.Therearemanybooksandtoysinit.Weoftenplaygamesinacircle.Sometimesourparentscometotheclassroomtohelp.Weareveryhappy.( )1.LinglingisfromCanada.()2.Theclassroomissmallbutbeautiful()3.Weoftentellstoriesinacircle.()4.Therearemanybooksandtoysinit.()5.Sometimesourparentscometotheclassroomtohelp.


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