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1、I dlikesomenoodles ReviewofUnit2 Bob restaurant CanyounamethefoodsinEnglish Canyouhelptheforeignersorderthefood Doyouknowhowtocelebratetheirbirthdaysindifferentcountries Canyouwriteanadforourrestaurant Ifyoucan cometoourrestaurant Youmayget20 eachhour Round1NamethefoodsinEnglish Vegetables Round1Nam

2、ethefoodsinEnglish Meat Round1NamethefoodsinEnglish Foods homecooking rice drinks noodles dumplings soup beefnoodleslarge 10small 6 tomatoandeggsoup mapotofu 14 16 Round2Orderthefood Orderthefood Waiter MayItakeyourorder Whatwouldyoulike Whatkindof wouldyoulike Whatsizewouldyoulike Wouldyoulike Weha

3、ve Customers Arethereany Canwehave Bob restaurant wouldlike句型一 wouldlike意为 想要某物 常用句式结构 1 你想要点什么 What you 我想要一杯茶 acupoftea I dlike wouldlike 探究乐园 你想要什么面条 What ofnoodles youlike 你想要多大号的毛衣 What ofsweater youlike 以上句型为有礼貌 委婉地表达征求对方的要求 kindwould sizewould 2 Wouldyoulike 你想要 吗 这也是用来向对方有礼貌地语气委婉地征求对方要求的句型 其

4、答语为 Yes please OK No thanks 你想要一些牛奶吗 you somemilk 是的 谢谢 不 谢谢 pleasethanks Wouldlike Yes No 拓展 Wouldyouliketodosth 你愿意做某事吗 用来有礼貌地向对方提出建议或邀请的句型 肯定答语常为 Yes I dliketo 否定答语 I dliketo but 或 Sorry 你愿意和我们一起去划船吗 you to boatingwithus I dliketo butIhavealotofhomeworktodo Wouldlikego 二 可数名词与不可数名词1 可数名词 可数名词有单数

5、复数之分 其复数形式一般要加 s或 es 如 potato tomato 2 不可数名词没有复数形式 只有单数形式 如 some 米饭 alotof 牛肉 rice beef potatoes tomatoes 1 不可数名词表示数量的多少时 必须与表示数量的名词连用 即 数词 表示数量的名词 可数名词 of 不可数名词 如 两玻璃杯果汁 ofjuice三碗米饭 ofrice threebowls twoglasses 2 不可数名词做主语时 谓语动词只能用单数形式 例如 在碗里有一些羊肉汤 There muttonsoupinthebowl 拓展 如果不可数名词前有复数名词短语修饰时 谓语动

6、词须用复数形式 如 房间里有两袋子大米 twobagsofriceintheroom issome Thereare Round3Whatdopeopleeatontheirbirthdays 1 Whatdopeopleeatontheirbirthdaysinmanycountries 2 Lindais12yearsold Howmanyofcandlesarethereonthecake 3 Whatdothebirthdaypersondo Inmanycountries peoplehavebirthdaycakeswithcandles thecandlesistheperson

7、 sage Thebirthdaypersonmust and thecandles Ifheorsheblowsoutallthecandles thewishwill Thenumberof makeawish blowout inonego cometrue IntheUK peoplesometimesputacandyinabirthdaycake Thechildwiththecandyis InBrazil peoplelike ontheirbirthdays InKorea peoplehavecakesandabowlofseaweedsoupforabirthday Th

8、eythinkseaweedsoupis lucky toeatcandles goodforhealth InChina itis tohavecakeonone sbirthday Butmanypeoplestilleatverylongnoodlesfortheirbirthday Theynever thenoodlesbecausethelongnoodlesare Insomeplaces Chinesepeoplealsoeateggsontheirbirthdays Theyareasymboloflifeand gettingpopular cutup asymbolofl

9、onglife goodluck Round4Writeanadforourrestaurant Wouldyoulike Wehave for Youcantryour isverygood delicious 这是一篇介绍自己饭店内特色食品及其价格的短文 首先 可先介绍一下自己的店名 其次 可根据实际情况按照菜谱将自己饭店内的特色食品及价格一一列出 3 然后 用上面所列举的句型结构来介绍这些食品 说明食品价格可用 Wehave for 价钱 句型 推荐食品可用 Youcantryour 食品 或 食品 isverygood delicious 句型 4 最后 还应再通读一遍文章 看是否通顺

10、 WelcometoXinyueFastRestaurant Wouldyoulikesoup Wehavebeefandcarrotsoupforonlysixyuanamediumbowl Wehavemuttonandtomatosoupforsevenyuanamediumbowl Ourtomatoeggnoodlesareeightyuanalargebowl Youcantryourdumplings They retenyuanfortwenty Thetomatoandeggriceisreallydelicious Sendyouradfortherestauranttomye mail snowdema Workinghardbringshappinessandgoodluck


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