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1、题型集训三任务型阅读类型一阅读回答问题题|组|训|练|1事物介绍类AMany young people these days are interested in extreme sports, which mean very dangerous activities that need speed, height, or a high level of physical exertion(努力). Bungee jumping, snowskating, parkour and surfing are very popular extreme sports, but mountain clim

2、bing might be the first.In 1985, two British young men, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates became the first west faces to climb the 6344meter Siula Grande in the Andes(安第斯山脉). On the way down, Simpson fell and broke his leg, and then he slipped(滑) down and lost connection with his friend. Yates had to get

3、for help. Simpson fell more than 100 feet and landed on a bridge of ice. Finally he crawled(爬) for three days without food or water, until he reached the camp.On April 26, 2003, when Aron Rolston was climbing alone in Utah, his arm was caught under a 360kilo rock and he couldnt move. After five days

4、 of waiting for help, the 28yearold American ran out of water and finally he cut off half his right arm with a small knife to free himself. He also bandaged(包扎) himself in order not to lose too much blood. In 2004, he wrote a book named Between a Rock and a Hard Place. “In this book,” Aron said, “I

5、want to tell the readers the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of ones life.”1How many kinds of extreme sports are mentioned in the first paragraph?_2Did Simpson and Yates disasters happen on the way up the mountain?_3How did Simpson get back to the camp?_4What did Aron do

6、 to save himself when he ran out of water?_5Why did Aron write the book Between a Rock and a Hard Place?_BHave you seen the videos on TV? Do you wear large Tshirts and baggy jeans? Or have you heard someone rap(说唱)? HipHop is very hot now.HipHop music was started in the middle of the 1970s by Africa

7、n American in New York. The music, breakdancing(霹雳舞) and graffiti(涂鸦) make up Western HipHop culture. Most of the HipHop songs are about love, jobs or even games.Usually in rap, singers speak words very quickly to a certain beat. Most of the words are fun. Singers play off words to make fun of thems

8、elves or others. HipHop music has few rules. Singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative(创造性的) way. It makes a lot of teenagers fall in love with the music. Many of them like wearing large Tshirts and baggy jeans. Famous rap and HipHop stars include Eminem in the US and Ja

9、y Chou from China.Today HipHop is more and more popular across most of the world. 1Is HipHop very hot now?_2When was HipHop music started?_3What are most of the HipHop songs about?_4Does HipHop have many rules or few rules?_5Why do a lot of teenagers fall in love with the music?_CDo you wish to know

10、 more secrets of the sea? With the help of the new floating(漂浮) science lab, we may soon reach a new age of discovery deep in our oceans.This exciting new research lab is called the SeaOrbiter. The lab will hold 1822 scientists at any one time. Its aim is to study biology, and explore the oceans eco

11、systems. It will be 170 feet(51.8 meters) tall, but twothirds of the lab will be underwater. This is to get closer to marine(海洋的) life. The top third of the lab will be above water. It will include a fitness room, a room for putting boats and a 360degree view of the sea. Imagine the beautiful sights

12、 the scientists will get to see. Whats more, the SeaOrbiter is environmentally friendly. It will run on wind, wave and solar power(太阳能)The SeaOrbiter was designed by Jacques Rougerie from France. He told Inhabitat, a technology website, that the SeaOrbiter would become a main tool in exploring the o

13、ceans, and a useful place to study the oceans.Its a very great task. “SeaOrbiter is the only ship in the world allowing a 24hour exploration of the open sea and dark place under the sea,” said Rougerie. With this in mind, its expected to cost around $53 million (323 million yuan) to complete.1What can help us know more secrets of the sea?_2How many scientists can work together in the lab at the same time?_3Why will



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