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1、学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: 装订线线安徽省亳州市涡阳县2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期末教学质量检测试题 满分:120分 分数_一、单项选择(20分)( ) 1. -_ do most students use the internet? -Three times a week.A. How soon B. How many C. How long D. How often( ) 2. Did you do _ in the countryside with your family?A. something interesting B. interesting something

2、C. anything interesting D. interesting anything.( ) 3 .There _ more cars in two years in Hefei .The city will be more crowded.A. will have B. is going to have C. will be D. are going to have ( ) 4. -Can you come to my house for dinner this weekend, Mary? -_. I have too much homework to do . A. Sure,

3、 Id love to B. No, I dont C. Sorry, I cant D. Yes, Id love( ) 5. -_ do you _ talk shows? -I cant stand them. A. How, think of B. How , like C. What, likeD. What, think( ) 6. Do you like eating junk food,Peter? No,I _ eat it. Its bad for our health. Ausually Bsometimes Calways Dnever( ) 7. My brother

4、 likes planes. He enjoys _ all kinds of models. A. makes B. made C. to make D. making ( ) 8. Hes going to _ an artist when he _ up. A. do; grow B. do ; grows C. be; grow D. be; grows ( ) 9. Please keep _ ! My grandma is sleeping. A. active B. quiet C. fast D. serious ( ) 10.- How are you going to be

5、come a basketball player, Paul ? -I am going to practice _ every day. A. play basketball B.to play basketball C. played basketball D.playing basketball( ) 11 . Linda cant _ us because she has to study for a test tomorrow. A. join B. play C. study D. come ( ) 12. Could you give me some _on how to lea

6、rn math? No problem. A. education Badvice Cnews Dexperience( ) 13. - My brother is ill in hospital. - _ . A. Excuse me B. Im sorry to hear that C .Really D .That sounds good ( ) 14. There is an interesting talk show on TV now. Please _. A. turn it onB. turn on itC. turn it offD. turn off it( ) 15 .

7、_ theyre brother and sister,they dont look the same. A. Though B Because C.When D. If ( ) 16. Is your bicycle the same _ Nellys? No,mine is different _ hers.Aas;from B to;as Cfrom;to Das;with( ) 17. Why dont you help your little daughter? Because I think she is _ to dress herself.A young enough Beno

8、ugh young Cold enough Denough old ( ) 18. -What happened to your grandma ? - She _ and broke her leg yesterday. A. fell down B. felt like C. found out D. brought out ( ) 19. Im not _ Linda. She can take good care of herself. A. worried about B. excited about C. careful of D. afraid of ( ) 20. Would

9、you please _ me _ the housework? A. help; in B. to help; with C. help ; doing D. help; with 二、完形填空 (15分) Peter is an American boy. He likes 21 football matches, 22 he doesnt have enough money to buy tickets. He has to watch matches 23 TV at home when he has 24 homework. He must go to school from Mon

10、day to Friday, so he missed a lot of important football matches. A big football match would be held (举行)in the next day. 25 wanted to watch it very much. But he couldnt . He would have a physics test in 26 afternoon.“Can we have a video, Mom?” Peter asked his mother 27 he went to school. “Then from

11、our TV set you can record (录音)the match for me.”“Im 28 we cant afford (买得起)one,” said his mother.The next morningPeter went home with a smile, 29 a new video. “But where did you get the money, Peter?” His mother asked in surprise.“Thats 30 , Mom. I sold our TV set.”( ) 21 A. watching B. seeing C.pla

12、ying D. looking ( ) 22 A. andB. soC. butD. or( ) 23 A. inB. on C. atD. with( ) 24 A. fewB. a few C. manyD. quite a little ( ) 25 A. MotherB. FatherC. TeacherD. Peter( ) 26 A. the same B. the differentC. aD. as( ) 27 A. after B. before C. becauseD. as ( ) 28 A. glad B.afraid C. pleasedD. happy( ) 29 A. carryingB. listeningC. watching D. playing ( ) 30 A. difficultB.easy C.difficulty D. easily三、阅读理解。(40分) A When I was young , I like to play jokes on people I knew , especially on my pa


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