江西省萍乡市芦溪中学人教高中英语必修三学案:Unit 5 Period 4 泛读课 学案

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1、新课程标准高中英语必修三Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”Period 4 泛读课学案Using Language and reading task一学习目标:1继续加拿大之行从多伦多到蒙特利尔,充分了解加拿大的旅游景点和风土人情。2掌握该部分材料的语言知识。二知识重难点:1知识重点1) 单词 tour, distance, flow, mix ,confirm, wealthy, downtown, broad, terrify, impress 2) 词组 in the distance, as far as3) 句型 It s too bad you cant

2、go as far as Ottawa, Canadas capital.2知识难点:培养快速阅读和归纳主题句的阅读能力三背景知识Rivers and lakesThe surface of Canada is well-marked with lakes and rivers. Water surfaces account for almost 10% of Canadas total area. Besides the Great Lakes, of Canadas share is nearly 88,060 square kilometers. It is estimated that

3、 there are tens of thousands of lakes of all shapes and size in Canada. Canada also has many rivers. The largest and longest river in the arctic drainage area is the Mackenzie River, measuring 4,320 kilometers. The largest rivers draining to the Pacific Ocean are the Yukon, the Fraser and the Columb

4、ia. The largest river in the Atlantic drainage is the St. Lawrence River. Of all countries the world over, Canada has probably the most extensive and irregular coast line. On the three oceans and Hudson Bay, it totals 100,000 kilometers.四课前预习根据翻译写出下列单词和词组1. 给人印象深刻的_ 2.距离;远方_ 3.霜冻_ 4. 证明_ 5.富有的_ 6.有薄

5、雾的_ 7.市区的_ 8.在附近_ 9.宽广的_ 10.传统_ 11. 去游览_ 12. 在远处_ 13. 在黎明_ 14. 远到;就而言_ 15. 梦想 _16.电话亭_ 17.靠近_ 18.和聊天_ 19.眺望;检查_ 20.最大最富裕的城市_五阅读理解1. The passage is written in the order of _ and _.2. The text is mainly about what they have_ and _ during the trip from _ to _.3. How can we know that fall had arrived in

6、 Canada?4. Why is there good Cantonese food in Chinatown?5. Find out at least 3 sentences that show Montreal is a French city.6. Find out the places they travelled to finish the route of their trip.Toronto_stadium_Montrealalong _toward Gulf of St Lawrence_六知识梳理1易混内容tour vt. 旅游,观光,巡回n. 游历,参观He toured

7、 Japan three times.他到日本旅行过三次。The play will tour the country next month. 该剧将于下月在全国巡回演出。The Prime Minister visited the areas on good-will tours. 总理对那些地区进行了友好访问。知识拓展make / take / go on a tour (of + 地点名词) 表示“在(某地)进行旅行”The rock band is making a tour of America. 这支摇滚乐队正在美国巡演。易混辨析tour, travel, trip, journe

8、y, voyagetour 指“周游,巡回旅行”,常常是访问一系列地方后又回到出发点。如:We spent three months on tour through most of the countries of West Europe.我们用了三个月的时间去旅行,游历了西欧大部分国家。travel 泛指旅行,有各处旅行或游历之意。如:WangLin came home after years of foreign travel.经过多年的国外旅行,他回到了家里。trip 多指短期的或短距离的旅行。如:His mother went for a short sea trip for the

9、benefit of his health.他母亲为了恢复健康,到海上作了一次短期旅行。journey 常指时间和距离都较长的陆上旅行。如:Our journey to Tibet took almost two days on the train.我们坐火车到西藏,历时将近两天。voyage 指水上或空中的“旅行,游历”。如:They made a voyage across the Pacific by air.他们乘飞机渡过太平洋.即学即练1用journey, voyage, trip, tour, travel填空1) The _ from America to England use

10、d to take two months.2) How did you enjoy your _ in China.3) Will you please bring back some salt on your next _ to the kitchen?4) _ were arranged for the foreign visitors to see the Water Cube.5) The nature of my work requires me to make daily _ to the city.2重点内容讲解重点单词1) distance n. 距离,远方They plant

11、ed the trees at a certain distance from each other.他们栽的树,棵棵都保持一定的距离。归纳拓展in the distance 在远处。We saw a light in the distance. 我们看到远处有一线灯光。from a distance 从远处。From a distance we could see him smiling and waving his hand.我们从远处可以看到他微笑地招手。keep sb. at a distance 对某人疏远,冷淡地对待某人。Kate always keeps me at a dist

12、ance. 凯特总是对我疏远。2) flow n. 流程,流量,涨潮 vi. 流动,畅通无阻,(讲话或写作)流畅。a steady flow of traffic 川流不息的来往车辆the ebb and flow of the tides 潮汐的涨落Most rivers flow into the sea. 江河大多流入海洋。Conversation flowed freely when the teacher invited discussion.老师请大家讨论,于是人人畅所欲言。3) Its too bad you cant go as far as Ottawa, Canadas c

13、apital.如果你不能走得远到加拿大首都渥太华,那真是太糟了。as far as 远到,直到,就.而言,也可用so far as。Mr. Black walked as far as the bank. 布莱克先生一直走到了银行。As / So far as I know, he will be away for three months.就我所知,他将离开三个月。He will help me as far as he can. 他会尽可能帮助我的。知识拓展by far 很,甚,极 far away 遥远的 far from 远非,决不,完全不so far 到目前为止 go too far

14、 做得太过分仿写1我可以搭乘你的便车到车站吗?仿写2就能源而言,我们愈节省愈好。Unit5 第四课时泛读课学案参考答案四课前预习1.impressive 2. distant 3.frost 4.confirm 5.wealthy 6.misty 7.downtown 8. close9. broad 10.tradition 11.go on a trip 12. in the distance 13. at dawn 14. as far as 15. dream of 16.a telephone booth 17. be close to 18.chat with 19. look over 20. the biggest and most wealthy city五阅读理解1. time , place2. seen, done, Toronto, Montreal 3. The bushes and maple trees were red, gold and orange. There was frost on the ground.4.Because most of the Chinese people there came from the south o


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