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1、Module4 Otherparts Isyourbrotheranewspaperreporternow Yes buthe asateacherforfiveyears A workedB hasworked 1 Hasn tAlicecomeyet No andI forherforabout2hours Yes shehascome ButI forherforabout2hours waitB waitedC havewaitedD hadwaited 2 MissGaocametoourschoolin2006 She hereforfouryears MissGaoleftour

2、schoolin2006 She hereforfouryears A teachesB taughtC hastaughtD hadtaught C B C B Revision 1 Attheclassmeetingtheydiscussedthreedifferent tothestudyofEnglish A approachesB meansC methodsD ways2 Ihaveofferedtopaintthehouse aweek saccommodation A inexchangeforB withregardtoC bymeansofD inplaceof 3 It

3、sbeensixweeks hemadeamisunderstandingofme Don tworry He sjusttoobusy A sinceB beforeC whenD that4 It abouttwenty twoyearssinceCCTV tobroadcastEnglishprograms Ais beganBhasbeen begunCis hasbegunD was began 5 Itis I yourhometown A forthesecondtime visitedB thesecondtime visitedC forthesecondtime havev

4、isitedD thesecondtime havevisited6 Thatwas timethatI thesamemistake A third havemadeB thethird madeC third madeD thethird hadmade 3 Davidhasmadegreatprogressrecently and 1 Itwascarelessofyoutohaveleftyourclothesoutsideallnight MyGod 的确如此 Sohehas soyouhaveb Sohehas sohaveyouc Sohashe sohaveyoud Sohas

5、he soyouhave b SoIdid 2 HeisinterestedinEnglish and 我也一样 SoamI 4 Theboyiscleverandalwaysworkslateintothenight ASodoeshislittlebrother BNeitherdoeshislittlebrother CHislittlebrotheristhesame DSoitiswithhislittlebrother D 许多 大量 三维P72 1 agreatmany 可数名词 复 agoodnumberof谓语复数 2 manya 可数名词 单 morethanone谓语单数

6、 3 agreatdealof 不可数名词alargeamountof谓语单数largeamountsof 不可数名词谓语复数 4 alotof lotsof 可数名词 复 不可数名词plentyof谓语取决于修饰的名词alargequantityoflargequantitiesof c n pl u n谓语复数 Practice Generallythereare televisionprogramsforchildrenonSaturday A agreatmanyofB muchC alargenumberofD alargeamountof Whydoesthelakesmellte

7、rrible Becauselargequantitiesofwater A havepollutedB isbeingpollutedC hasbeenpollutedD havebeenpolluted Whydidn tyougofishingwithyourfriendyesterday Well fishingisahobbywhichcallsfor patience whichIdon thave A anumberofB agreatmanyC manyaD agreatdealofMorethanone thepeopleheartandsoul A officialhass

8、ervedB officialshaveservedC officialhasservedforD officialshaveservedfor asaresult consequenceasaresult consequenceofresultinresultfromHewaslateforschool hewaspunished Hewaspunished hisbeinglateforschool Hislaziness hisfailure Hisfailure hislaziness 因此 所以 因为 由于 导致 leadto 由 引起 Asaresult Asaresultof r

9、esultedin resultfrom makeit 1 Whenshallwemeetagain Makeitanydayyoulike it sallthesametome 2 He sneverreallymadeitasanactor 达到目标 成功 3 Youhavejust15minutestogettotheairport Allright IguessIcan A doitB makeitC finishitD getit 及时到达目的地 确定 1 thereasonfor thecauseof 的原因 Doyouknowthecause thebigfire 这就是他迟到的

10、原因 Thisisthereasonforhisbeinglate Thereasonis wasthat 原因是 他迟到的原因是闹钟坏了 Thereasonforhisbeinglatewasthathisalarmclockwasbroken Thereason hewasbeinglate was hisalarmclockwasbroken Thereason hegavefornotcomingtoschoolyesterdayisunbelievable Thereason hedidn tcometoschoolyesterdayisunbelievable that which

11、 of why that why 2 remain 1 仍然是 保持 adj n remainseated silence goodfriends 2 留下 stay HeremainedinLondonuntilMay 3 尚待 留待sth remainstobedone某事仍需被做现在已经没有什么好说的了 Nothingremainstobesaid 他是否能赢得比赛仍需我们拭目以待 Itremainstobeseenwhetherhecanwinthematch remaining剩下的theremainingthings thethingsleft goup上涨 上升 油价正在上涨 T

12、hepriceofoilisgoingup bring up使 上涨Thepriceofoilisbroughtup Doyouthinkthathousingpricewillkeep intheyeastocome Sorry Ihavenoidea A puttingupB settingupC goingupD bringingup If条件句的虚拟语气如果我是你 我就接受这个建议 ItIwereyou Iwouldaccepttheadvice 如果不是因为你的帮助的话 我就不可能如此成功 Ifithadn tbeenforyourhelp Iwouldn thavebeensosu

13、ccessful Without Butforyourhelp Iwouldn thavebeensosuccessful 如果明天下雨的话 我就在家呆着 Ifitweretoraintomorrow Iwouldstayathome 没有水的话 鱼不能存活 Iftherewerenowater fishwouldn tlive Withoutwater fishwouldn tlive 要不是你的票 我明天将不能去听音乐会 Butforyourticket Iwouldn tgototheconcerttomorrow 我昨天很忙 要不然我就陪你去看电影了 Iwastoobusyyester

14、day otherwise or else Iwouldhavegonetoseethefilmwithyou Icouldhavegonetoseethefilmyesterday butIwastoobusy 引出含蓄条件的词有 without butfor otherwise or else but等 anovelwrittenbyLuxun theadvicegiventothepatient anoldmansupportedbyhisson aschoolbuiltfororphans 分词作定语 分词作定语 A 1 Doyouknowtheman speak atthemeeti

15、ng 2 Doyouknowtheman praise atthemeeting 3 Thebuilding put uplastweekisourlibrary 4 Thebuilding put upnowwillbeournewcompany speaking praised put beingput 5 Thebuilding put upnextyearwillbeournewcompany 6 Therewasanoldtemple stand onthetopofthehill 7 Thereisasportsmeeting hold nextTuesday 8 Therewas

16、anoldman live inthevillage tobeput standing tobeheld living TheOlympicGames in776B C didnotincludewomenplayersuntil1912 A firstplayingB tobefirstplayedC firstplayedD tobefirstplaying Theflowers sweetinthebotanicgardenattractthevisitorstothebeautyofnature A tosmellB smellingC smeltD tobesmelt Thepresidentspokeatthebusinessmeetingfornearlyanhourwithout hisnotes A bringingupB referringtoC lookingupD stickingtoTheboy forwardto anewbike A referredtolook buyingB referredtolooking buyC referredtoislook


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