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1、课时训练19Units 9-10(九全)限时:30分钟.语法填空1.2018黄冈改编 Class, you should be thankful to those people helped and supported you.We will, Miss Chen.A.which B.whom C.who 2.2018十堰改编 She has a teenage granddaughter about my age is really kind.A.who B.which C.where 3.2018随州改编 What are you looking for?Im looking for th

2、e dictionary you lent me last week.A.who B.what C.that 4.2018咸宁 What do you think of the show Readers on CCTV?Its a great TV show expresses our true feelings by reading aloud in public.A.whom B.who C.that5.2019原创 We are to offer seats to the old people on the bus.A.expected B.suppose C.supported6.20

3、19原创 Im not sure, but he is supposed sometime next week.A.return B.returns C.to return7.2019原创 Is Jack good at basketball?Yes. basketball he is also good at table tennis.A.Except B.Besides C.But8.2019原创 In many countries, is very important to be polite and humorous.A.this B.it C.that9.2019原创 My fath

4、er my uncle when he went to Shanghai on business.A.dropped off B.dropped in C.dropped by10.2019原创 My mother told me not to talk table.A.for B.by C.at.词语填空“I have to get the cows baby to the house or itll freeze to death,” Li Ming said to himself. He tried to lift it, but it was too 11.Li Ming looked

5、 around the little barn(牲口棚). He saw nothing he could use to 12 the baby. Then he made a decision. He quickly took off his coat, placed it on the ground beside the baby, and gently slid(滑动) the baby onto it.As 13 as he could, Li Ming pulled the baby out of the barn and made his way back to the 14. L

6、i Ming took the quilt(被子) off his bed and rubbed the baby dry. It lay on his 15, unable to lift his head. He pulled his wet, snowy coat from the baby and covered the little animal with his quilt.After putting one more piece of wood on the fire, Li Ming put on his coat. It was still wet from the grou

7、nd, 16 it was better than nothing. He took a big bottle and made his way to the barn. He wanted to get some milk.At first his fingers were too cold, but finally the warmth of the cows body warmed 17 enough, so he could milk. He started back to the house.Li Ming was just beginning to spoon milk into

8、the babys mouth when Father and Mother came into the house.“How did you get the baby in here?” Father asked, 18 the little animal.Li Ming explained how he had19 the baby on his coat. “Do you think hell make it?”“Hell20,” Father told Li Ming, “Thanks to you. You did the right thing.”“Just pulling my

9、own weight,” Li Ming said.11.A.heavyB.lightC.weak12.A.serveB.liftC.feed13.A.quietlyB.slowlyC.carefully14.A.schoolB.hospitalC.house15.A.quiltB.coatC.jacket16.A.butB.soC.and17.A.itB.themC.her18.A.examiningB.hittingC.pulling19.A.driedB.pulledC.checked20.A.dieB.seeC.live.2019原创 短文理解It is difficult to se

10、t up a successful charity group.But two American kids have done it.Grace Callwood, 12, is from Edgewood Middle School in Maryland.She set up a charity group called We Cancerve Movement.It donates(捐赠) clothes, food and other things to homeless children.In four years, it has helped more than 3,700 kid

11、s.When Grace Callwood was 7 years old, she got a kind of cancer(癌症).She had to leave school and give up her favorite hobbydancing.She also gained weight because of cancer treatment.She couldnt fit into her new back-to-school clothes.So she donated the clothes to two girls in need.It made her feel go

12、od, so she kept doing it.In 2011, she started the We Cancerve Movement.Similarly, Shreya Papneja, from Carson Middle School in Virginia, started a charity group called Childrens Health Awareness Program in Schools at the age of 13.It helps kids make healthy choices and tries to stop childhood obesit

13、y.A doctor once told Shreya Papneja that more than one third of the kids in America are overweight.She did a lot of research about it.Then she made a website to teach others about exercise and healthy eating.“I know how hard it is to make a change,” she said.But she has changed her own eating habits

14、.She eats more apple slices instead of chips now.21.What has Grace Callwood done to help other kids?A.She donated money to them.B.She donated food, clothes and other things to them.C.She taught them how to lose weight.22.Grace Callwood gained weight because .A.she didnt like doing exerciseB.she ate

15、a lot of junk foodC.she received cancer treatment23.The underlined word “obesity” in this passage means “” in Chinese.A.肥胖 B.竞赛 C.孤独24.Which of the following is NOT true about Shreya Papneja?A.She did much research about obesity.B.She made a website to tell people about exercise and healthy eating.C.She set up the charity group at the age of 7.25.The purpose of this passage is to .A.tell people how to keep healthyB.call on people to hel


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