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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners 知识技能目标 1 熟练掌握3 4 页中的单词和短语 2 阅读理解3a 能够完成相关任务 掌握并运用本节语言点 3 引导学生思考掌握适当的英语学习方式 方法情感目标引导学生思考掌握适当的英语学习方式 重点阅读理解短文 完成相关任务用 难点对本节语言知识点的掌握运用 教法阅读法 学法小组合作 自主探究 复习自学环节 呈现上一节课所学内容及本节 课的生词 学生自学或小组共学 让学生组内预习单词和词组 短时间内掌握 一 预习导航 基础导航 1 根据音标试读P156 P3 4 的单词并记一 记 然后写在下面 表情 表达方式 发

2、觉 发现 秘密 秘密的 查阅 抬头看 语法 重复 重做 笔记 注意 物理 物理学 化学 记忆 记住 2 写出英语短语并背诵 秘密 爱上 有趣的对话 更好地理解 语法练习 笔友 三 点拨提升环节 教师讲解 学生消化理解 提升尖子生水平 1 介词 to 的运用 成功的秘诀 2 门的钥匙 3 问题的解决办法 4 练习一的答案 3 根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子 1 It s really difficult for me to d the regular of language learning 2 When he first watched an English movie called Harry

3、 Porter he 爱上 in love with this interesting and funny movie 3 What is the s to learn English bett er 二 学习探究环节 呈现本节课新授内容 师生共同完成 本环节能够培养学生的自学探究能力 在老师的帮 助下掌握阅读技巧 1 阅读短文 回答问题 归纳 积累短语 朗读 翻译课文 归纳短文大意 2 整体阅读 完成3b 3 听 2d 回答问题 同桌核对答案 4 语法学习 5 分段阅读 默读完成任务 6 完成并交流4a 4b Answer the following questions 1 Why did

4、Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English 2 What did she do in English class 3 What is the secret to language learning 3 There are three different between the two pictures 4 Her weight has increase ten pounds 5 All of them don t know how 5 球赛的票 2 Why did Wei Fen find it diffi cult to learn English

5、find 宾语 adj to do sth Wang Dan found it easy to learn English 写出 find的其他用法 1 发现 怎么样 He found English very easy 2 发现某人在干某事 Yesterday I found a boy playing in the park 3 发现 Gina finds that she can not answer the question a I find very important to study English well A its B that C this D it b My mothe

6、r finds great fun to learn to drive a car A it B this C the D what 四 巩固练习环节 通过练习 学生们能够夯实基础知识 对所学 内容掌握更牢 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 He doesn t know memorise the words of pop songs Can also help him a lot 2 My English improve when I started taking with the English speaking friends answer this question 二 单项选择 1 Rem

7、ber to e mail me All of us hope to hear from you A quickly B soon C fast D Quick 2 My brother often make mistakes the words A in spelling B in spell C by spellingD at spell 3 I often laugh when I see my grandmother learning pop songs But she says One is never to learn A too B so C very D quite 4 Pla

8、ying with fire dangerous A is B are C am D do 5 Why liston to English tapes It can help you a lot A don t B not you C don t you D you don t 6 All living things the sun for there growth A find out B look up C hide behind D depind on 7 more and you will improve your spoken English 五 总结反思环节 本 节课复 习了重点词组和句式 同学们积极性 很高 回答问题勇敢 准确率甚高 师生轻松愉 快 上了一节好课



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