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1、英语试卷第一部分听力第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(本节共8小题;每小题2.5分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文并完成每篇后面的题目。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。AIt was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. L

2、ast Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. What a day! I thought. Its raining again. Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. Ive just arrived by train, she said. Im coming to see you. But Im still having breakfast, I said. What are you doing? she aske

3、d. Im having breakfast, I repeated. Dear me, she said. Do you always get up so late? Its one oclock!21. Who came to see the author last Sunday? A. His aunt. B. His father C. His friend. D. His classmate. 22. What was the weather like last Sunday?A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. D. Foggy.23. When did t

4、he authors aunt arrive?A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the afternoon. D. In the evening. BJoe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes. Bill works harde

5、r than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joes garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst g

6、arden in the town!24. Who has the most beautiful garden in the town?A. Everybody. B. Joe Sanders. C. The author. D. Bill Frith.25. Who grows more flowers and vegetables?A. Everybody. B. Joe Sanders. C. The author. D. Bill Frith.26. Joe Sanders has made neat paths and has built a _ bridge over a pool

7、.A. steel B. stone C. wooden D. plastic27. The author always win a little prize for the _ garden in the town.A. worst. B. best. C. most beautiful. D. most interesting.CFishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlu

8、cky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything - not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. You must give up fishing! my friends say. Its a waste of time. But they dont realize

9、 one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!28. _ is the authors favourite sport?A. Skating. B. Fishing. C. Catching old boots. D. Sitting in a boat.29. Some fishermen catch old boots and rubbish, so they are _. A. luc

10、ky B. interested C. happy D. unlucky30. What does the author catch? A.Old boots and rubbish. B. Fish. C. An empty bag. D. Nothing. 31. Why is fishing the authors favourite sport? A. Because fishing is good for health. B. Because he likes catching old boots. C. Because its a waste of time. D. Because

11、 he likes doing nothing at all.D Have you ever been faced with trying to stay positive when others around you are negative? A negative person can bring you down and throw your positive plans out of the window. Whether you deal with a family member, friend or co-worker who is negative, there are thin

12、gs you can do to remain positive in the face of negativity? Whatever you do, dont argue with a negative person. Arguing only adds fuel to the fire. I have noticed when my children are crabby, it is best to avoid trying to convince them to analyze and adjust their attitude. As soon as I take the appr

13、oach of being in opposition to them, the situation gets worse before it gets better. Sometimes the best thing to do is remain silent and let negativity pass. You know how difficult it can be to give love and positive attention to negative people. Unfortunately, that is often exactly what they need.

14、A negative person is usually afraid he is unlovable. How do you show love when someone is negative? You must listen to what he is trying to tell you. Acknowledge the feelings he has by saying something like, “You sound very angry right now.” How might you help a negative person? Offer a hug even if you get rejected. A negative person often has difficulty accepting love from others. If you have negative people on your life who are affecting your mental and physical health, you need to decide whether or not you want these people in your life. Some people are so negative


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