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1、新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程第四册录音文本Unit1Short conversation1W: You dont really seem interested in painting pictures, so why did you apply to this artprogram?M: To be honest, I thought that through art, I could become famous. Pretty stupid, huh?Q: What can be inferred from this conversation?2. W: You have everyth

2、ing you ever wanted! But why do you look so blue?M: Ah, man, I discovered that all those things - money, fame, and the lot - are all empty. Andin trying to get them, I ignored my art.Q: Why is the man not happy?3. W: Hey, Marty. Whats the matter, pal? When you first started writing, you did so much

3、betterwork. Are you bored or something?M: I know my work is suffering, but I dont know the reason. I dont seem so interestedanymore. Maybe, as you said, I am bored. Who knows?Q: What are the speakers talking about?4. W: Is it true what they say about the director? Does he really work for art. not fo

4、r fame?M: Thats what people say. and Im inclined to believe them. He certainly hasnt sold out to thecheap film companies.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?5. W: Whats on the schedule for tonights show? Something Im likely to enjoy?M: You might like it a story about a dancer who sells his

5、 soul to become famous and thenloses his friends, family, and everything important.Q: What is tonights show about?6. W: Isnt that the man who won an Academy Award for his cartoon artwork?M: What? That tramp? Hey, you know. I think youre right. Man. what happened to him? Hewas really famous!Q: What h

6、appened to the artist at last?7. W: Look! Look! Look! Look at me. Dad! Ive done it! Success, money, popularity. The worldis at the tip of my fingers and I feel like a queen!M: Sweetheart. I think you need to cool down a bit. Dont let all of this success go to yourhead.Q: What has happened to the wom

7、an?8. W: Get a grip on yourself! Dont you dare quit your job! You really think you can succeed asan actor? Do you really think you can become famous?M: I dont think I need to be famous to succeed. Im sure I can get work as an extra and thenmaybe move on to more interesting roles.Q: What are the spea

8、kers talking about?9.M: Hey. you! Watch out! Wheres your head? Walking in front of cars like that?W: Huh? Ah! Oh! Sorry. I mean. thanks. I just received word from my agent that my book isto be published. Isnt it wonderful? Sorry I was daydreaming about the fame to come andforgot to look at the traff

9、ic.Q: Where is the conversation taking place?10. W: Thanks for coming in. I loved your work, but I wish it looked more like your previouspieces.M: God! I knew it! Complaints from my teacher, my mother. even my doctor! And now. myboss? Since I became famous, no one will let me change!Q: What is the r

10、elationship between the speakers?Long conversationsM: Theres only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and thats not being talkedabout.W: That was said by Oscar Wilde, wasnt it?M: Thats right. Youre pretty smart.W: I have my moments. But Im afraid that I wont remember anything else for y

11、our testtomorrow.M: Well, lets have a run-through. First, what can you remember about Wilde?W: The basics, obviously British, 19th century writer. He was gay. wasnt he?M: Thats right. And he actually went to jail for it.W: Why? There mustve been many gays in England at the time. Why was he singled o

12、ut tobe put in prison? Or, were the English throwing all gays in jail?M: No, not everyone. But things were different for Wilde. A famous person, like him, isnt freeto do what he likes. People paid more attention to his actions. There were reporters, andeverything that he said and did was watched car

13、efully.W: Yeah? It mightve been better for him if he wasnt famous.M: Maybe. But, then again, if he wasnt well-known, we might not have his wonderful storiestoday.1.What are the speakers talking about?2.What did Oscar Wilde say?3.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?4.Why was Oscar

14、Wilde treated differently?5.What can be inferred from the conversation?Passage You young people go crazy over famous people. Will you listen to me when I tell you yourgeneration is wrong about this? Let me use an example to illustrate my point to you.Marilyn Monroe, you might not even know who she i

15、s. Back in my day. when I was yourage. she was a big movie star. But she wasnt born a movie star, no sir. She was a simplegirl with beauty and innocence until she went to Hollywood to make movies. Thats right.Instead of living out a simple life of integrity and hard work or trying to develop a respectablename in her profession, she sought fame. Well. Ill tell you. she got her wish. She made hermovies AH About Eve in 1950, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes in 1953, Some Like It Hot in1959. and more. She got into trouble throughout drugs, abuse. All of this came c



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