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1、练习 1:他说法语。他说他要去打排球。他说谎。他说得多做得少。他怎么也说不明白。他是搞法律的。这把我搞糊涂了。这篇文章的中心意思是什么?我的意思还是不去的好。天有点要下雨的意思。练习 1 答案:He speaks French.He said he was going to play volleyball.He told a lie./ He tells lies.He talks much but does little.He cant make it clear.She is in the law.This made me quite confused.Whats the central

2、idea of this article?In my opinion, its better not to go.It looks like rain.To the mothers surprise,the boys ideas worked 。We walked miles to see him, only to find that he had just left for the countryside.Fancy meeting so many old friends here!They were so insolent /rude as to tell us that we had n

3、o business there.练习 2:三思而后行。离这儿最近的邮局有两里远。我第一次是在北京见到他的。你两星期完成这项设计不容易。我们认为理论与实践相结合是十分重要的。我们必须帮助他们解决工作问题和学习问题。咱们车站见吧。太阳在冉冉升起。要想成功必须要有充分的准备。她害羞的用手蒙住了脸。练习 2 答案Think before you leap.Its two miles from here to the nearest post office.It was in Beijing that I first met him.It was not easy for you to finish

4、this design in two weeks.We think it most important that theory should be combined with practice.We must help them solve their problems of work and study.Lets meet at the station.The sun is rising slowly.To be successful, one must be fully preparedIn shyness, she covered her face with her hands练习 3:

5、他不反对我们的计划。父母爱子女无微不至。我们深信这计划行得通。这封信是用英语写成的。他和从前比体重减轻了。他支持这个建议,而我反对。她脸色苍白,说明了此刻她内心的想法。独立思考对于学习是绝对必要的。那个花园晚会成功极了。交流想法是十分重要的。练习 3 答案:He had no objection to our planThe love of parents for their children is perfect and minute.We were all convinced that the plan would workThis is a letter written in Engli

6、shHe weighs less than he used to.He is for the suggestion, but I am against it.The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.That garden-party is a great successThe exchange of idea is of great importance实战演练:1. 在金庸和

7、古龙的武侠小说中,古代社会即复杂又简单,充斥着比武论剑、门派纷争、掌门之争以及爱恨情仇。然而,在这个虚构的世界中,只有武林和侠客,官府、百姓、柴米油盐和功名利禄似乎都与之无关。武术,在中国又称国术或武艺,在国外则以功夫闻名,是中国传统的体育项目。它也是一种完整的文化意识形态,融合了中国古典哲学、伦理学、美学、医学和兵法在内的诸多元素。峨眉、少林和武当是中国武术界的三大门派。In martial arts themed novels written by Chinese writers Jin Yong and Gu Long, the ancient world is both complic

8、ated and simple. The world is full of swordfight competitions, martial arts schools disputes, leadership contentions, love and hatred. At the same time, there are only swordsmen and their Wulin in this fictional world, no government, civilians, daily necessities, livelihoods, or fame is included.Chi

9、nese Wushu (martial arts), also called Guoshu or Wuyi in Chinese, and popularly known as Kung Fu abroad, is a traditional sport in China. It is also a complete cultural ideology, which consists of a variety of elements including Chinese classical philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, medicine, and militar

10、y science. Emei, Shaolin, and Wudang are called top three schools of Chinese martial arts.2. 走过“高考”这座独木桥意义何在?在竞争激烈的现代化中国,高考仍是开启光明前途的一扇大门。但它同时也意味着一次接近你心中女神的机会,哪怕是一线渺茫的机会。这就是青春派 ,这样一部讲述高中生情窦初开的影片,画面精良,引人入胜。该片并没有什么令人印象深刻的大明星,相对于日韩片,高中题材的影片在中国尚属“新生事物”。即便如此,在拍而优则导的刘杰手中,片中人物以及老套的剧情竟呈现出令人耳目一新之感。在一个半小时的电影中,

11、故事情节相当紧凑,充满欢笑和泪水。Whats the meaning of passing the university entrance exam? In todays modern and competitive China, its still a gateway to a better, more promising life. But it may also mean the chance even a slight one to get closer to the girl of your dreams. Thats what Young Style, a charming and

12、 beautifully shot movie about first love in high school, is all about.The movie has no major stars to impress audiences with, and compared with Japan and South Korea, the high-school movie is a relatively new genre in China. Even so, cinematographer-turned-director Liu Jie gives the characters and t

13、he cliched story a fresh feel on the screen, packing a tight hour-and-a-half full of laughter and tears.3. 八月末清华大学迎来了 2013 届新生,他们在报到时遇到的第一个问题便是:“ 你是自己来的还是跟父母一起来的?”根据清华大学公布的数据显示,在该校第一批报到的 539 名新生中,有超过半数的人独自来报到。今年,清华大学校长陈吉宁在致 2013 级新生的信中,鼓励他们“自主自立地开始新的奋斗历程。 ”为帮助新生们尽快成长,高校纷纷出台了一系列新举措。例如,清华大学要求新生独自报到并入住

14、宿舍。这一流程通常需要两三个小时,而在这段时间里,志愿者会带领学生家长来参观校园。When Tsinghua Universitys new 2013 freshmen arrived on campus late last month, the first question they were confronted with at the registration desk was: “Did you come alone or with your parents?”According to statistics released after the first batch of the f

15、reshmen enrolled in the university, more than half of the 539 students came alone. In a letter to freshmen this year, Chen Jining, the president of Tsinghua University, encouraged them to “start this new adventure by standing on your own two feet.”To help freshmen grow up, some universities have tho

16、ught of new methods. At Tsinghua, for example, freshmen need to register and find their dormitory by themselves. The process requires two to three hours, during which volunteers take parents on a tour of the campus.4. 近年来,网络游戏风靡大学生人群。对于很多网游好爱者而言,网络游戏带来的不仅仅是新奇的游戏体验,更是一种社交手段和生活时尚。由国内游戏资讯门户网站 发布的2012 年中国网游玩家调查报告也证明了这点。该报告称,19 至 25 岁的大学生人群占网游玩家总人数的 58%,而这一比例正在逐年增加。For university students like Chen, online gaming has become more than a fad - its part of li


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