外研版高中英语必修4 Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》(Period 1)课件

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《外研版高中英语必修4 Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》(Period 1)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语必修4 Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》(Period 1)课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module5ATripAlongtheThreeGorgesPeriod1Introduction ReadingandVocabulary 1 根据音标 词性和汉语写出单词1 n 洞 山洞2 n 山顶 山峰3 n 平原4 n 海 湖 河等的 岸5 n 斜坡6 n 山谷7 adj 平坦的 cave peak plain shore slope valley flat 8 n 同事9 adv 向下游 随波而下10 n 货物11 n 寺庙12 n 木筏13 n 甲板14 vt 开发 colleague downstream goods temple raft deck exploit 根据词性和

2、汉语写出单词 并注意拓展词汇1 n 常作复数 树林 wooded adj 长满树木的 woody adj 长满树木的 似 树木的2 vt 围绕 环绕 surrounding adj 周围的 附近的 surroundings n 环境3 vi 做生意 trader n 买卖人 商人 trading n 经商 做买卖 做生意4 n 码头 vi 驶入码头 docker n 码头工人 wood surround trade dock 5 adj 多山的 丘陵起伏的 hill n 小山 斜坡6 vi 变狭窄 narrowly adv 仅仅 勉强地 仔细地7 n 传奇 传说故事 legendary adj

3、 传奇的 有名的8 adj 遥远的 distance n 距离 远处 冷淡 疏远 hilly narrow legend distant 补全下列短语1 go 经历2 beheavy 有大量的 承载着3 at 至少4 be by with对 印象深刻5 advantageof利用 6 atthe of在 的边缘 through with least impressed take edge 7 havefourweeks 有四周的假期8 at指向 9 atthe of在 的尽头10 beused 被用来做 off point end todo Step1LeadinginAnswertheque

4、stionsabouttheThreeGorgesaccordingtothefollowingpictures 1 DoyouknowwhattheThreeGorgesare TheyaretheQutangGorge theWuGorge andtheXilingGorge 2 DoyourememberthefamouspoemabouttheThreeGorgesDamwrittenbyinChinese 3 WhatelsedoyouknowabouttheThreeGorges TheThreeGorgesareaisoneof andtherearemany suchas 更立

5、西江石壁 截断巫山云雨 高峡出平湖 themostbeautifulareasofChina famoushistoricalsites theQuYuan Temple theHanWatchtowerandtheMoyaCliffCarvings Step2FastReadingReadthetextquickly summarizethemainideaofeachparagraphaccordingtothenamesoftheplacesandthefirstsentence 1 Prefacea WhatwesawanddidaftertheXilingGorge2 Para b

6、WhatwesawanddidintheQutangGorge3 Para c Theadviceofcolleagues4 Para d WhatwesawfromFulingtoFengdu5 Para e WhatwesawalongtheWuGorge6 Para f SomeinformationaboutthetravelnotesKey 1 f 2 c 3 d 4 b 5 e 6 a Step3CarefulReading Readthepassagecarefullyandanswerthefollowingquestions 1 Whichtopicsdoesthewrite

7、rtalkabout 2 Whatisthefeatureofthefirstgorge theQutangGorge Theboat lifealongtheriver thescenery theweather Thegorgenarrowsto350feetastheriverrushesthroughthe two mile highmountains 3 Didthewriterenjoythetrip Whyorwhynot 4 FindawordinParagraph4tofinishthefollowingsentence Thereisa aboutabirdwhichsin

8、gsjustonceinitslife moresweetlythananyothercreaturesontheearth Yes hedid Becauseheenjoyedthebeautifulnaturalsceneryalong theriver Besides hewasinterestedinthelonghistoryandthelegends abouttheriver legend Choosethebestanswersaccordingtothepassage 1 PeterHesslerandhiscolleaguewentdownstreamto A seethe

9、damB seetheThreeGorgesC gettoFulingD visittheconstructionsiteofthedam 2 TheychosetheJiangyouboatbecause A itwascrowdedB itwasmainlyforgoodsC itdidn tstopatthetemplesD itdidn tusuallycarryforeigners 3 Whatisthemeaningofthephrase makeadetour inthesentence AtWushanwemadeadetouruptheDaningRivertoseesome

10、ofthesmallergorges A godirectlyB gobackC goindirectlyD gothroughanarrowway4 Whentheyreachedthesiteofthedam cametolook A allthepassengersB nooneC afewforeignersD alltheforeigners 5 TheauthormentionedQuYuanto A introducethebirthplaceofQuYuanB helpustolearnmoreaboutQuYuanC showrespectforthepoetwhosehom

11、ewastheXiangRiverD showtherewassomuchhistoryalongtheYangtzeRiver Sentenceexplanation 1 Wecouldseethesunsettingbehindthewhitepagoda 分析 1 这是一个简单句 2 seesb sth doingsth 的意思 表示do的动作正在进行 句意 看见某人 某物正在做某事 我们可以看见太阳正在从白塔后落下 2 Wesleptthroughthefirstgorge whichiscalledtheQutangGorge 分析 1 这是一个含 引导的非限制性定语从句的复合句 2

12、 sleepthrough 的意思 3 becalled 的意思 句意 当船驶过第一个峡谷 瞿塘峡的时候 我们一直在睡觉 which 在 过程中一直睡觉 被称为 叫作 3 Everyrocklookedlikeapersonoranimal everystreamthatjoinedthegreatrivercarrieditslegends everyhillwasheavywiththepast 分析 1 该句是由三个排比句组成的并列句 2 第一个句子为主系表结构 looklike的意思 3 第二个句子为主谓宾结构 thatjoinedthegreatriver是定语从句 修饰 4 第三个

13、句子为主系表结构 beheavywith的意思 句意 块块巨石形象各异 条条支流流淌着传说 座座小山承载着过往 看起来像 everystream 有大量的 承载着 Step4RetellingTrytoretellthemainideaofthepassage WedecidedtobuyticketsfortheJiangyouboat Wejusthadtoshowour1 andtheyletusgetontheboat Weleftthe2 onabeautifulafternoon Thesunwasshiningbrightlyaswe3 downstreamthroughahil

14、lyregion WesleptthroughtheQutangGorge which4 to350feetastheriverrushesthroughthetwo mile highmountains AtWushanwemadea5 uptheDaningRiver AswecameoutoftheXilingGorge wesailedintothe passports docks sailed narrows detour 6 siteofthedam Allthe7 cameondeck Wetookpicturesand8 atthesite butweweren tallowe

15、dtogetofftheboat Onadistantmountainwasasignin20 foot9 BuildtheThreeGorgesDam 10 theYangtzeRiver itsaid construction passengers pointed characters Exploit Step5DiscussionWhatarethefeaturesoftheThreeGorgesthatarestronglyimpressedonyou Why IthinkthebeautyoftheThreeGorgesisstronglyimpressedonme Besides theThreeGorgesarerichinwaterresources Theyarethe mostidealsectionoftheYangtzeRiverforbuildinglargeprojectsfor theexploitationoftheriver


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