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1、20192019 高考英语高考英语 3 2 13 2 1 精品系列专项精品系列专项 1515 完形填空完形填空 记叙文类记叙文类 教师版 教师版 考点定位 2018 考纲解读和近几年考点分布 这是因为其有人物 情节发展等线索可循 内容情节深刻 常涉及人物心理活动的细 致描写 篇章与语句的结构变化丰富多彩 这种类型的试题 更能考查考生根据文章 的整体内容选择符合文章情节的答案 可以充分表达考生对事物的应变能力 记叙文就是记载 表达人们在生活中看到 听到 经历过 接触过的一些人物和事件 的文章 它是借助表达 描写 抒情等手段记叙社会生活中的人 事 景 物的形态 及其发展过程 用以表达作者的思想 抒

2、发作者的某种情感的文章 从内容来看 作者为了表达的方便 往往会按照时间先后顺序来安排情节和内容 其 特点就是条理清楚 层次分明 不过有时为了突出某个情节或为了增加阅读趣味性 或为了其他目的 作者可能会采用插叙 甚至倒叙的写作手法 弄清了文章篇章信息 的分布情况 有助于抓住文章的主线 理清文章的脉络 考点 2 考查固定搭配 考查考生对常见的英语固定短语和习惯用法的掌握情况 如动词与名词的搭配 动词 与介词或副词的搭配 介词与名词的搭配等 这类搭配在完形填空中时有出现 如 I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the c

3、lassroom or talk with them the telephone A with B by C from D on 解析 表示 通过电话 交谈 说 on the telephone 或 by telephone 这是习惯 搭配 考点 3 考查词语辨析 考查考生在特定语境中区别近义词的能力 四个选项词性相同 意义相近 要求我们 在特定的语境中区分它们之间的细微差别 一般说来 其中的两个选项容易排除 难 辨的是两个 如 Although I last met this man eight years ago I have not forgotten his qualities Fir

4、st of all A basic B special C common D particular 解析 根据句意很容易排除 A 和 C 难辨是的 B 和 D special 强调 与众不同的 而 particular 指 值得注意的 应选 B 考点 4 考查行文逻辑 考查考生对上下文逻辑关系的理解 如转折关系 让步关系 因果关系 递进关系 增补关系 比较关系 对比关系等 四个选项都是表示文章的起承转合 上下连贯等 逻辑关系的词语 如 Once he sang a song in class in order to make a point clear A also B nearly C ev

5、en D only 考点 6 考查文章结构 考查考生对文章脉络层次的把握能力 如 First of all I respected his devotion to teaching I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk Finally I was attracted by his lively sense of humor A Later B Secondly C However D Therefore 考点 8 考查前后语境 考查考生根据上下文提供的信息进行分析及推理的能

6、力 完形填空题中绝大多数属这 种题型 有的根据上文 有的根据下文 有的要上下文结合 甚至通篇看完并理解才 能作出正确的选择 如 三年高考 10 11 12 高考试题及其解析 2018 年高考英语试题 2018 重庆卷 请阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从 36 55 各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最 正确选项 I became a gardener when I was twelve My early 36 of gardening may not have originated from my love for nature It was to 37 my parents A

7、t that time we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood But my mother often looked with 38 at this work of natural art Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish to her something else to 39 Seeing the neighbors busy with gardening my father even thought it a waste of time At that ag

8、e I always did something 40 to whatever my parents did If gardening were something they found 41 I would plant a garden I planted some lily 百合花 seeds in the yard But they failed to 42 I continued to plant sunflower seeds and roses Wild 43 joy I found the first rose bloom 开花 One by one the flowers bl

9、oomed their heads off 44 I was touched by this land of wonder 45 my parents showed no interest in my garden My father even 46 at me because he found it was 47 to move around my garden to the driveway To my mother s 48 I put in her vase my real roses which in her eyes were simply weeds 49 flowers Reg

10、ardless of their 50 I kept on planting my garden and 51 to enjoy the pleasure of gardening Plants make such good companions they breathe they bloom they 52 to care and love It has been many years since I made my first garden out of my desire to 53 my parents Today I become known as Mrs Greenthumbs t

11、eaching gardening and hosting a gardening show which makes my parents feel very 54 And now I could say it is my affection for 55 that makes me a real gardener 36 A memory B dream C intention D design 37 A please B change C help D annoy 38 A doubt B appreciation C surprise D excitement 39 A collect u

12、p B care about C clean up D come in 40 A equal B similar C superior D opposite 41 A painful B valuable C upsetting D interesting 42 A come up B break out C hold on D get through 43 A to B with C in D by 44 A Luckily B Cheerfully C Regularly D Eventually 45 A Instead B However C Therefore D Besides 4

13、6 A shouted B laughed C glanced D jumped 47 A convenient B troublesome C enjoyable D dangerous 48 A sadness B displeasure C delight D relief 49 A other than B more than C rather than D less than 50 A dislike B encouragement C threat D suggestion 51 A decided B stopped C continued D struggled 52 A de

14、vote B turn C respond D lead 53 A defeat B satisfy C respect D challenge 54 A proud B comfortable C strange D disappointed 55 A freedom B life C growth D nature 43 B with 名词 结构作状语 44 D 自己的坚持和劳作终于有了结果 用 eventually 来表示结果来之不易 45 B 尽管 我 的花园有了满园春色 但根据该题后的 my parents showed no interests 可知此处表示转折 46 A 因为花草

15、影响了父亲开车 父亲很生气地冲 我 大喊大叫 shout at 47 B 花草满地使父亲开车进出不方便 48 B 母亲也不喜欢花草 我 把 我 种的花放在她的花瓶里 她也只是把它们当成了草 sadness 表示伤感 与母亲的喜好无关 49 C rather than 此处表示 而不是 other than 意思是 除了 没有 more than 和 less than 分别表示 多于 少于 50 A regardless of 表示让步 此处意思是 尽管父母不喜欢 我仍然坚持摆弄花草 51 C continue 在此表示 执着和坚持 52 C 花草有情 对 我的爱心 有反应和回报 53 D 我

16、的坚持 对父母是挑战 54 A 我的成就让父母感到自豪 55 D 过去是因为叛逆和父母作对而爱花草 而现在却是真爱自然及花草 2018 四川卷 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出可以填入空白处的最正确 选项 Lightning flashed through the darkness over Sibson s bedroom skylight 天窗 Sibson was shaken by a clap of thunder 21 he knew what was happening The storm had moved directly 22 his two story wooden house Then he heard the smoke alarm beeping Sibson rushed down the stairs barefoot to 23 he opened the door to the basement 地下室 and flames 24 out Sibson ran back upstairs to call 911



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