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1、内蒙古集宁一中2019-2020学年高二英语12月月考试题本试卷满分为150(1201.25)分,考试时间为100分钟第一卷(选择题 共70分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AThe annual World Economic Forum (经济论坛) took place in Davos, Switzerland, in Jan. 23-26, 2018. What did Chinese entrepreneurs (企业家) speak in

2、 the forum? Are there some quotable quotes for you?Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group“I think globalization cannot be stopped no one can stop globalization, no one can stop trade. If trade stops, the world stops. Trade is the way to dissolve (溶解,结束) the war not cause the war,”

3、said Ma in Davos, “Google, Facebook, Amazon and Alibaba we are the luckiest companies of this century. But we have the responsibility to have a good heart, and do something good.”Richard Liu, founder and chief executive officer of JD“Business is not only a way to make money but also a way to contrib

4、ute yourself, to help people,” Liu said in a speech in Davos. “How can we face the fractured (分化的)world? Thats the topics of the Davos this year. I think a very important thing in business is cooperation. If we can unite, work together, if we work very closely, I think we can bring more hope to the

5、people and we can build more trust between the people, countries and companies and partners,” he said.Jane Sun, CEO of Ctrip“Tourism is a sunrise industry. Since I entered Ctrip, every year there are new comers, which, first of all, shows that tourism is booming.” Sun told S in Davos. “We invested h

6、eavily in ABCA refers to AI, B is big data, and C is cloud computing. As we continue to expand overseas, these three will be very good weapons for us. So we think those mean opportunity,” she said.Hu Xiaoming, president of Aliyun“In 2018, people will see the development in various countries more clo

7、sely connected with cloud computing. More manufacturing enterprises and financial institutions will start to use cloud, and cloud computing will increase the efficiency of technology and finance,” Hu told Xinhua in Davos.1What do Chinese entrepreneurs like Jack Ma and Richard Liu focus more on?A. Mo

8、re huge jumps in profits.B. The joined efforts of mankind.C. Reducing production costs. D. The role of science in business.2What is the main business of Ctrip?A. Tourism. B. The creation of AI.C. Computer. D. Financial service online.3What does Hu think will promote global economic development?A. Ec

9、onomy recovery.B. The World Economic Forum.C. Cloud computing. D. Financial efficiency. BRae Armantrout, who has been a poetry professor at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) for two decades, has won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize in the poetry category for her most recent book, Versed.“Im delig

10、hted and amazed at how much media recognition that the Pulitzer brings, as compared to even the National Book Critics Award, which I was also surprised and delighted to win,” said Armantrout.“For a long time, my writing has been just below the media radar, and to have this kind of attention, suddenl

11、y, with my 10th book, is really surprising.”Armantrout, a native Californian, received her bachelors degree at UC Berkeley, where she studied with noted poet Denise Levertov, and her masters in creative writing from San Francisco State University. She is a founding member of Language Poets, a group

12、in American poetry that analyzes the way language is used and raises questions to make the reader think.In March, she won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Versed. “This book has gotten more attention,” Armantrout said, “but I dont feel as if its better.”The first half of Versed focuses on

13、the dark forces taking hold of the United States as it fought the war against Iraq. The second half looks at the dark forces casting a shadow over her own life after Armantrout was diagnosed with cancer in 2006.Armantrout was shocked to learn she had won the Pulitzer but many of her colleagues were

14、not. “Rae Armantrout is a unique voice in American poetry,” said Seth Lerer, head of Arts and Humanities at UCSD.Versed, published by the Wesleyan University Press, did appear in a larger printing than her earlier works, which is about 2,700 copies. The new edition is scheduled to appear in May.4. W

15、hich of the following is true of Rae Armantrout?A. She published a poetry textbook.B. She used to teach Denise Levertov.C. She started a poets group with others.D. She taught creative writing at UC Berkeley.5. According to Rae Armantrout, _.A. her 10th book is much betterB. her winning the Pulitzer is unexpectedC. the media is surprised at her works D. she likes being recognized by her readers6. Rae Armantrouts colleagues think that she _.A. deserves the prize B. should write moreC. has a sweet voice D. is a strange professor7. What can we learn about Versed?A. It cons



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