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1、 6 Module Unit2TheLondonEyeisonyourright Aroundtown 1 Paul Excuseme Isthereahotelintheneighborhood Nancy Yes thereis Justgostraightandturnleft It sdownBridgeStreetontheright It snexttoasupermarket Paul Thankyouverymuch Nancy You rewelcome ReadandfindPaulandNancyinthepicture Warmingup 2 1 Isthereapay

2、phoneintheneighborhood Yes thereis GostraightdownNewStreetandturnright Thereisapayphoneontheright 3 2 Whereisthebank GostraightdownNewStreetandturnright TurnleftatBridgeStreet Thebankisacrossfromthestreet 4 PPT模板 Revision Completetheconversation A Excuseme canyoutellmetheway themuseum please B Yes i

3、t snearthestation Yougo thisstreettotheend Then left go thebridgeandthemuseumis yourright A Thanksalot B to along turn across on You rewelcome 5 Teachingaims 1 Keyvocabularyandphrases take famous painting from above river clear bridge past finish2 Keystructure taketheboatback getofftheboatat onyourr

4、ight 3 Readingandwritingskill 能读懂对地图或地方的描述 并能清楚地用书面文字给别人指路 描述某个地方的位置 6 tu skw mIdl feIm s peIntI fr m fr m mi t b v 参观 旅行n tour 广场n square 中间 中等的n adj famous 著名的adj from 油画n middle 从 出发prep painting 米n metre Wordsandexpressions 在 之上prep above 7 rIv klI brId reIlweI p st t t fInI 河 江n river 天气 晴朗的adj

5、 clear 桥n railway 铁路n church 路过 越过prep bridge 教堂n past 结束 完成v finish 8 表示方位的介词 9 10 11 onthebox underthebox inthebox Where sthesoccerball It s thebox 12 Where sthesoccerball It s thebox near Where sthesoccerball It s thebox nextto 13 Where sthesoccerball It s thebox infrontof Where sthesoccerball It

6、 s thebox behind 14 Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox acrossfrom 15 Whereisthesoccerball It s betweenthebigboxandthesmallbox 16 TowerBridge Presentation BigBen BuckinghamPalace Doyouknowwhichcitywe lltalkabout 17 theHouseofParliament TheLondonEye CanyoutellustheotherfamousplacesinLondon theNationalGa

7、llery theTowerofLondon 伦敦眼是世界最大的摩天轮 为了纪念千禧年 2000年 而建 它坐落在泰晤士河畔 伦敦市议会大厦前面 伦敦眼高135米 可鸟瞰周围25英里之内的景观 伦敦塔九百多年来曾先后作为王宫 兵工厂 监狱及城堡 是伦敦最著名的建筑物之一 城堡共由22个高塔组成 18 1 Matchtheplaceswiththepictures NationalGalleryLondonEyeTowerofLondonHousesofParliamentBuckinghamPalace 19 BuckinghamPalace e TowerofLondon c LondonE

8、ye b HousesofParliament d NationalGallery a 20 2 Watchandread Learningtolearn WhenyoureadEnglish theremaybenewwordsorphrases Someofthemmaybenameswhichyouoftencan ttranslate Lookatwordswhichbeginwithcapitallettersanddecideiftheyarenames 21 Thenreadthepassageandfollowthetouronthemap Welcometothisshort

9、tourofLondon ThissquareisTrafalgarSquareanditisthemiddleofLondon We restandingoppositetheNationalGallery afamousmuseumwithlotsoffamouspaintings Fromhere we llwalkalongtheredstreettoBuckinghamPalace TheQueenlivesthere TurnleftandgototheHousesofParliamentandBigBen OppositeyoucanseetheLondonEye Ittakes

10、you135metresabovetheRiverThames YoucanseemostofLondononaclearday 22 Whenyouaretired thebestwaytoseeLondonisbyboat YoucangettheboatnearBigBen Asyougoalongtheriver theLondonEyeisonyourright GetofftheboatatTowerBridge NexttothebridgeistheTowerofLondon It sover900yearsold AftervisitingtheTowerofLondon t

11、aketheboatbackalongtherivertotherailwaystation Whenyougetofftheboat gopastthestationandwalkalongthestreet TurnleftintoKing sStreetandgopastachurch You renowbackatthesquare Andthisiswherewe llfinishourtour 23 NationalGallery BuckinghamPalace HousesofParliament LondonEye TowerofLondon Retelling 24 1 c

12、learadj 晴朗的 清晰的 如 It sacleardaytoday 派生词 clearlyadv 清晰地如 Anactorhastoenunciateclearly 2 用作形容词 如 Theriverhasclearwater 3 用作动词 意思是 清理干净 如 clearthetable 收拾桌子 Languagepoints 25 2 famous著名的befamousfor 以 出名或著称 Franceisfamousforitswine 法国以其葡萄酒出名befamousas 作为 出名或著称 Heisfamousasafootballplayer 26 3 getoff下车

13、GetoffthebusonOakStreet 1 反义词组 geton上车 此处的on off是介词 宾语要跟在后面 不能置于中间 2 v off构成的短语 takeoff脱掉 起飞 turnoff关上 keepoff不让 进入 falloff从 摔下来 have off休息 setoff出发 动身 27 4 NexttothebridgeistheTowerofLondon 这是一个倒装句 主语是 theTowerofLondon 正常语序为 TheTowerofLondonisnexttothebridge nextto在 的旁边 紧靠 Thepostofficeisnexttoours

14、chool 1 nextto是介词短语 后接名词或代词 2 同义词 besideprep 在 旁边 28 5 OppositeistheNationalGallery amuseumwithlotsoffamouspaintings amuseum是theNationalGallery的同位语 with引导的介词短语修饰museum 6 Whenyouaretired thebestwaytoseeLondonisbyboat 译文 当你累了 游览伦敦最好的方式便是乘船 7 Ittakesyou135metresabovetheRiverThames 它能把你带到离泰晤士河面135米的高空 2

15、9 8 Asyougoalongtheriver theLondonEyeisonyourright 沿河进行时 伦敦眼就在你的右边 as这里引导的是时间状语从句 9 You renowbackwhereyoustarted 你现在回到了出发的地方 Whereyoustarted是地点状语从句 30 4 Completethesentences 1 Wheredoesthe start Fromthe oppositetheNationalGallery 2 What stheNationalGallery It sa museumwithlotsofpaintings 3 Howhighdo

16、estheLondonEyetakeyou theRiverThames Onehundredandthirty five 4 WhatcanyouseefromtheLondonEye Ona day mostofLondon 5 whereistheTowerofLondon It snexttoafamous abovebridgeclearfamousmetresquaretour tour Square famous above metres clear bridge 31 5 Drawamapofyourjourneyfromschooltohome MarkthestreetsandotherplacesonthemapinEnglish Don tmarkyourhome Let shaveatry 32 5 Workinpairs StudentA ShowthemaptostudentBandreadyourdirections StudentB MarkStudentA shomeonthemap 33 1 over above和on的用法1 over指在 的正上


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