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1、 .2018学年第一学期五年级期末知识点整理班级_ 姓名_学号_I同音字 Word 资料1. to/two/too2. I/eye 3. write/ right 4. know/no 5. meet/meat6. here/ hear 7. buy/bye/by8. sun/son 9. see/sea/C 10. hi/high11. dear/deer12. where/wear13. some/sum14. four /for15. flower/flour16. our/hour17. pair/pear18. week/weak19. their/there20. aunt/are

2、nt21. eye/I22. B/be /bee23. whose/whos24. eight/ate25. red/read(过去式)26. tale/tail27. weight/wait28. weigh/way29. why/yII 音近、形近字整理1. nine, fine, five 2. night, right, fight, light3. cut, but, shut, bud4. your, you, youre 5. clean, close, clothes 6. hand, head, hard7. bad, bed8. some, son, sun, 9. blu

3、e, balloon,blow, bowl, bow 10. here, hear, hair11. three, tree 12. tall, ball, tail, four, hall 13. swim, swing, sing14. red, read(过去式) 15. kite, cat16. month, mouth, mouse, mice 17. big, pig, pink18. hold, old, cold 19. ant, and, end 20. rubber, rabbit, rubbish 21. now, new22. books, box 23. thin,

4、thing, sing 24. white, write, ride 25. there, where26. green, grey27. work, walk28. twelve, twelfth, twenty29. every, very30. well, will31. laugh, love32. guess, guest33. feel, fell34. thirsty, thirty, thirteen35. full, fall. 36. dive, drive37. parent, present38. shirt , short, shorts39. sharp, shar

5、k, shall40. count/cant41. 7:15/7:45/8:1542. off/of43. quiet/quite44. round/loud/cloud45. path/pass /past 46. foot/food /fruit47. there/their/theyre48. sleepy/asleep49. cross/across50. different/difficultIII反义词/相对应词1.stand up-sit down2. open -close 3. turn on-turn off4. old-new/ young 5. thin- fat/hi

6、ck6. full- hungry/empty7. short- tall/long8. man-woman 9. boy-girl10. white-black 11. small-big 12. here-there13. warm-cool14. hot-cold 15. happy-sad/unhappy 16. on-under 17.this-that (these-those)18. dirty/untidy-clean/tidy19. sharpblunt20. easy-difficult/hard21. the samedifferent22. fastslow/slowl

7、y23. topbottom24. outin25. highlow26. busyfree27. beautiful/pretty-ugly28.strongweak 29. brave-afraid/shy/scared30.early-late31.heavy-light 32.get up-go to bed 33.hate-love/like34.lucky-unlucky 35.luckily-unluckily36.strongly-gently 37.both-neither38.all-none39.too-either40.east-west41.south-north42

8、.many-few43.much-little44.put on-take off45. safe-dangerous46.careful-careless47. finally-first48.begin/start-end/finish49. bring-take50.always-never51.push-pull52.smart-silly/foolish/stupid53.left-right54.correct/rightwrong55.near-far away56.get off-get on57.leave-stay58.sell-buy59.below-above60. g

9、et in-get out of61. come-goIV单词特殊变化A.复数1. 以s, x, sh, ch,结尾的单词,加es : 1.bus-buses , 2. box-boxes 3. fox-foxes 4. peach-peaches, 5. branch-branches2. 以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,去y变成ies : 1. baby-babies 2. library-libraries 3. butterfly-butterflies3. 以f或fe 结尾的单词,去f或fe,变ves: 1. leaf-leaves 2. wolf-wolves 3. knife-kniv

10、es 4. scarf-scarves4. 不规则变化:1. mouse-mice 2. sheep-sheep 3. fish-fish 4. deer-deer5.以o结尾的单词有生命的+es,无生命的+s,A: potatoes, tomatoes, mangoes, heroes, B:photos, pianos, radios6.不可数名词没有复数形式。单词后不能加s,前面也不能加a、an 如 paper, water, milk, jam, hair 等B. 形容词、副词比较级的变化规则(1) 一般在形容词或副词后面直接加er 变为比较级,加est 变为最高级。如:oldolde

11、r highhigher(2) 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,则双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-er变为比较级,加 est 变为最高级。如:bigbiggerthinthinner (3) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的单词,则将改y为 i 再加-er变为比较级,加 est 变为最高级。如:busybusier heavyheavier (4) 以字母 e 结尾的单词,直接加 r 变为比较级,加 st 变为最高级。如:largelargerfreefreer (5)多音节以及某些双音节形容词或副词变为比较级或最高级时,则通常在其前加more变为比较级,加 most变为最高级。如:impor

12、tantmore importantdifficultmore difficult usefulmore useful不规则的比较级good /wellbetter bad/illworse manymorelittleless oldolder/elder farfarther/furtherC.基数词,序数词和日期表达1st first 2nd second3rd third 5th fifth 9th ninth 12th twelfth20th twentieth21st twenty-first44th forty-fourth99th ninety-ninth100th one h

13、undredth101st one hundred and first5月1日 :May the first/ the first of May (序数词前要加the )D.形容词转化为副词1.副词变化a. 直接+ly :quick-quickly strong-strongly slow-slowlysafe-safely careful-carefully beautiful-beautifully soft-softlyb. y结尾,变为ily :thirsty-thirstily heavy-heavily busy-busilyhungry-hungrily happy-happily lucky-luckilyc. 去e+lygentle-gently2. 注意事项:副词通常用来修饰动词或形容词Eg: In winter, the wind blows strongly.其中strongly是用来修饰动词blow的。My sister is good at singing. She can sing beautifully. 其中beautifully是用来修饰动词sing的。注:有些特殊的动词不能使用副词,而要使用形容词:(am, is, are



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