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1、2018嘉定区高考英语二模 2018.4II. Grammar and VocabularySection AStephen Hawking: Sciences Brightest StarHis family released a statement in the early hours of Wednesday morning confirming his death at his home in Cambridge.Hawkings children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said in a statement: “We are deeply saddened t

2、hat our beloved father passed away today. He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man (21)_ work and legacy will live on for many years.”For fellow scientists and loved ones, it was Hawkings intuition and wicked sense of humor (22)_ marked him out as much as the fierce intellect that, coupled

3、with his illness, came to symbolize (23)_ unbounded possibilities of the human mind.Hawking was driven to Wagner, but not the bottle, when he (24)_ (diagnose) with motor neurone disease in 1963 at the age of 21. Doctors expected him (25)_ (live) for only two more years. But Hawking had a form of the

4、 disease that progressed more slowly than usual. He survived for more than half a century.Hawking once estimated he worked only 1,000 hours during his three undergraduate years at Oxford. In his finals, he came close (26)_ a first- and second-class degree. (27)_ (convince) that he was seen as a diff

5、icult student, he told his examiners that if they gave him a first he would move to Cambridge to pursue his phD. Award a second and he threatened to stay. They opted for a first.Those who live in the shadow of death are often those who live most. For Hawking, the early diagnosis of his terminal dise

6、ase, and (28)_ (witness) the death from leukemia of a boy he knew in hospital, aroused a fresh sense of purpose. “(29)_ there was a cloud hanging over my future, I found, to my surprise, that I was enjoying life in the present more than before. I began to make progress with my research,” he once sai

7、d. Taking up his career in earnest, he declared: “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is (30)_ it is and why it exists at all.”Section BA. analysis B. usually C. assures D. pours E. development F. necessaryG. cloudy H. absent I. cultivate J. allow K. extremelyHe

8、 is kindlyThe other evening at a dancing club a young man introduced me to Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Scott seemed to have changed a lot from the first time I met him at Princeton, when he was an eager undergraduate trying his best to _31_ himself into a great author. He is still trying h

9、ard to be a great author. He is at work now on a novel which his wife _32_ me is far better than This Side of Paradise, but like most of our younger novelists he finds it _33_ to produce a certain number of short stories to make the wheels go around. That The Vegetable, his play, did not receive a M

10、anhattan presentation seems to have disappointed rather than discouraged him. He is still _34_ light-hearted.I have always considered him the most brilliant of our younger novelists. Not one of them can tough his style, nor the superb quality of his satire(讽刺). He has yet to put them in a novel with

11、 carefulness of conception and _35_ of character. He can become almost any kind of writer that his peculiarly restless character will _36_.Born in St. Paul, he attended Princeton, served in the Army, wrote his first novel in a training camp, achieved fame and fortune, married a Southern girl, has a

12、child and lives in New York. At heart, he is one of the kindliest of the younger writers. Artistry means a great deal to F. Scott Fizgerald, and into his own best work he _37_ great efforts. He demands this in the work of others, and when he does not find it he criticizes with passionate earnestness

13、. I have known him, after reading a young fellow-novelists book, to take what must have been hours of time to write him a lengthy, careful _38_.Just what he will write in the future remains _39_. With a firmer reputation than that of the other young people, he yet seems to me to have achieved rather

14、 less than Robert Nathan and rather more than Stephen Vincent Benet, Cyril Hume. His coming novel should mean a definite prediction for future work. It is to be hoped that from it will be _40_ the seemingly unavoidable modern girls.III. Reading ComprehensionSection AStandards for Schools: Developing

15、 Organizational Accountability(绩效)Quality teaching depends on not just teachers knowledge and skills but on the environment in which they work. Schools need to offer a coherent curriculum focused on higher-order thinking and performance across subject areas and grades, time for teachers to work _41_ with students to accomplish challenging goals, opportunities for teachers to plan with and learn from one another, and regular occasions to evaluate the outcomes of their _42_.If schools are to become more responsible, they must, like other professional organizations, make evaluation



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