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1、必修五UnitCopernicusrevolutionarytheory含语言点PPT课件 必修五Unit1Copernicus revolutionarytheory含语言点Nicolaus Copernicusborn:in Polandin1473died:May24,1543He wasone of the firstscientists touse mathematicalobservation tocollect information.He believedthe sunis thecenter of the universeand the earth andother plas

2、went around it.Nicolaus Copernicustombstone Skimthe textand drawthe twotheories of the universewith thefollowing pictures.sun earth Before Copernicustheory ShowingCopernicustheory sunearthBeforeCopernicustheory ShowingCopernicustheory sunearth earthsun ShowingCopernicustheory Adiagram showingthe sol

3、ar system with the earthat itscentre Adiagram showingthe solar system with the sun at itscentre BeforeCopernicustheory CarefulReading1.Why couldhe nottell abouthis theory?(Para1)2.What washis theoryabout?(Para1)Because thepowerful ChristianChurch wouldhave punishedhim foreven suggestingsuch anidea.2

4、.What washis theoryabout?(Para1)The earthwas notthe centreof thesolar system.Only if you put the sun there didthe movementsof theother plasin the sky makesense.1.Why couldhe nottell abouthis theory?(Para1)3.What hadthe astronomersnoticed in the sky?(Para2)4.When didCopernicus pletehis theory?(Para3)

5、3.What hadthe astronomersnoticed in thesky?(Para2)They hadnoticed thatsome plasin thesky seemedto stop,move backwardand thengo forwardin aloop.Others appearedbrighter attimes andless brightat others.4.When didCopernicus pletehis theory?(Para3)Between1510and1514he workedon it,gradually improvinghis t

6、heoryuntil hefelt itwas plete.5.How didhe explainchanges in the movementof theplas andin thebrightness of the stars?When didhe publishhis idea?(Para4)6.Why dopeople thinkthat thereis adirect linkbetween his ideas andthe workof IsaacNewton,Albert Einsteinand StephenHawking?(para5)5.How didhe explainc

7、hanges inthe movementof theplas andinthebrightness of the stars?When didhe publishhis idea?(Para4)He publishedhisideaas helay dyingin1543.He placeda fixedsun atthe centreofthesolarsystemwith theplas goinground itand onlythe moonstill goinground theearth.He alsosuggested thattheearthwas spinningas it

8、went round it.6.Why dopeople thinkthat thereis adirect linkbetween hisideas andthe workof IsaacNewton,Albert Einsteinand StephenHawking?(para5)Because histheory isnow thebase onwhich allour ideasoftheuniverse arebuilt.His theoryreplaced theChristian ideaof gravity.He showedthis wasobviously wrong.We

9、 firmlybelieve thatwar neversettles anything.It only_violence.(xx?浙江)A.runs intoB.es fromC.leads toD.begins with我们认为战争不能解决任何问题,它只能导致暴力。 lead to意为“导致,引起”。 答案C lead to通向,导致(to是介词) (1)All roadsleadtoRome. (2)His actionscould leadto himlosing hisjob.1.,all hismathematical calculationsled tothe sameconcl

10、usion:2.Only ifyou putthe sunthere didthe movementsoftheother plasinthesky makesense.=The movementsoftheother plasinthesky makesense only ifyouputthesunthere.only if“只有”。 onlyif引导的状语从放句首时,主句要用部分倒装。 Only ifyou studyhard,will youachieve yourdream.Only ifyour identityhas beenchecked,_.A.you areallowed

11、inB.you willbe allowedin C.will youallow in D.will yoube allowedinD小试身手3.So between1510and1514he workedon it,gradually improvinguntil hefelt itwas plete. (1)work on从事She isworking ona new novel.=She iswriting anewnovel.work on还有“对有影响,起作用”The doctortold himthat thismedicine maywork onhim.4.plete adj.

12、完整的,完成的We cant goout untilour homeworkis plete.plete vt.完成,使完美;使完整?Can youplete yourtask ontime?A secondchild wouldplete theirfamily.5.He placeda fixedsunatthe centreofthesolarsystemwiththeplas goingroundit.withtheplas goingroundit是是“with+宾语+宾语补足语”构成的复合结构,在句中用作状语,表示方式,原因或条件等。 1)老师微笑着走进教室,身后跟着一群小朋友。

13、With agroup ofchildren following,the teachercame intothe classroomwith smile.2)随着考试的结束,我们的假期开始了。 With thetest finished,we beganour holiday.6.cautious adj.十分小心的,谨慎的 (1)The oldlady isvery cautiouswith money. (2)The bossis cautiousabout makingpromises.caution n.小心,谨慎1.Surf theInter andget moreinformation aboutCopernicus.2.Finish theReading Taskand WritingTask afterclass.3.Revise thewhole unit.Homework。 内容仅供参考


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