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1、当代研究生英语读写教程上课件Unit5TextA课件幻灯片课件 Reading andWriting外语教学与研究出版社Book OneUnit5外语教学与研究出版社Book OneContent Warming-up ReadingWriting Text A Text B外语教学与研究出版社Book OneThe universein telescopeGrains of salt inmicroscope外语教学与研究出版社Book OneQuestions:1)Do youknow about any physicalscientist?How aboutAlbert Einstein

2、 and hisTheory ofRelativity,and StephenWilliam Hawkingand hisA briefHistory ofTime?2)Do youthink the universe is knowable andscience is the onlyway toexpore the rules?3)In youropinion whatis the value of science fiction?Have youwatched anyscience fictionmovie recently?Share thestory withyour groupme

3、mbers.Group discussion外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社Book OneReadingTextAText StudyMain Idea&Structure Sentence Analysis Language Points Useful Expressions Text Translation外语教学与研究出版社Book OneMain Ideaand Structure?First reading:Scan thetext and try tocatch the main idea.The followingwords arefor your reference

4、to organize theidea:science,way of thinking,the universe,intractable,salt,knowable,rules,governs,the search of rules?Second reading:read thepassage again andtryto identifythe structure of thispassage.For yourreference For yourreference外语教学与研究出版社Book OneScience is a wayof thinkingand itaims at findin

5、g out how the world works.The universe is intractable,and even a grain of saltis veryplicated andcontains lotsof information.But theyare knowable.Human beinghas the capacity to understand therules that governs the universe.And thesearchof rules and the only possible way to understand the universeis

6、called science.Main Idea外语教学与研究出版社Book OneStructure Para.4-7Main idea:Science is a wayof thinkingand aimsatfindingouthow the world works,A scientificmind is to thinkabout the phenomena of theworldand toexamine itcritically.Main idea:The universeis intractable.While humanbrains haslimited information

7、-carrying capacity.In this sense,we cannotunderstand a grain of salt,much lessthan the universe.Main idea:In somesense,the universeis knowable.Human beingsare capableof understandingtherulesthatgovernsthe universe,Para.8-9Para.1-3Main idea:The universeis plex.The searchofrulesand the onlypossible wa

8、yto understand the universeis calledscience.Para.10-11外语教学与研究出版社Book OneText Study外语教学与研究出版社Book One?1Science is a wayof thinkingmuch morethan it is abody ofknowledge.Its goalis to find outhow theworld works,to seekwhat regularitiesthere may be,to perateto theconnections ofthingsfrom subnuclearparti

9、cles,which maybe theconstituents of all matter,to livingorganisms,the humansocial munity,and thenceto thecosmos as a whole.Our intuitionis by no means an infallibleguide.Our perceptionsmaybedistorted bytraining andprejudice ormerely becauseof thelimitations of thephenomenaof theworld.Even sostraight

10、forward aquestion aswhether in the absenceof friction a poundof leadfalls fasterthan agram offluff was answered incorrectlyby Aristotleand almosteveryone elsebefore thetime ofGalileo.Science isbased onexperiment,on awillingness to challenge olddogma,on anopenness tosee the universe asit reallyis.Aor

11、dingly,science sometimesrequires courageat thevery least the courageto question the conventionalwisdom.Para.1外语教学与研究出版社Book OnePara.2?2Beyond this themaintrick ofscience is to reallythink ofsomething:the shapeof cloudsand theiroasional sharpbottom edgesat thesame altitudeeverywhere in the sky;the fo

12、rmationof adewdrop ona leaf;the originof aname or a wordShakespeare,say,or“philanthropic”;the reasonfor humansocial customsthe incesttaboo,for example;how itis thata lens in sunlightcan makepaper burn;how a“walking stick”got tolook somuch like a twig;why theMoon seemsto followus aswe walk;what preve

13、ntsus fromdigging ahole downto thecenter of the Earth;what thedefinition isof“down”onaspherical earth;how isit possiblefor thebody toconvert yesterdays lunchinto todays muscleand sinew;or howfar isupdoes the universe goon forever,or ifit does not,is thereany meaningto thequestion ofwhat lieson theot

14、her side?Some of these questionsare prettyeasy.Others,especially thelast,are mysteriesto whichno oneeven todayknows theanswer.They arenatural questionsto ask.Every culturehas posedsuch questionsin oneway or another.Almost alwaysthe proposedanswers are in the nature of“Just SoStories”,attempted expla

15、nationsdivorced fromexperiment,or evenfrom carefulparative observations.外语教学与研究出版社Book OnePara.3-4?3But thescientific castof mindexamines theworld criticallyas ifmany alternativeworlds mightexist,as ifother thingsmight behere whichare not.Then weare forcedto askwhy whatwe seeis present and notsometh

16、ing else.Why arethe SunandtheMoon andthe plasspheres?Why notpyramids,or cubes,or dodecahedra?Why notirregular,jumbly shapes?Why sosymmetrical,these worlds?If youspend anytime spinninghypotheses,checking tosee whether they makesense,whether theyconform towhat elsewe know,thinking oftests you can poseto substantiate or deflate your hypotheses,you willfind yourselfdoing science.And asyou eto practicethis habitof thoughtmore andmore you will getbetter andbetter atit.To perateinto thehea



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