人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 1《Living well》(Period 3 Grammar)ppt课件

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《人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 1《Living well》(Period 3 Grammar)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 1《Living well》(Period 3 Grammar)ppt课件(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit1 Grammar The Usage of Infinitives 2 3 1 了解不定式的形式 2 掌握不定式的句法功能 3 了解不定式的特殊结构 本课首先让学生了解动词不定式的三大语法现象 形式 句法功能和特殊结构 先让学生阅读五 个句子 这五个句子都是来源于本单元的课文 并让他们说出这些句子中的同类结构的特点 以 此引出本课的主题 在讲解动词不定式时 运用调理 分类 对比 动等手段 让枯燥的语法变得简单易学 并且在 练中学 在学中练 Find the characters of the red parts 1 She is proud to have taken part i

2、n competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps this year 2 He hopes to become a teacher 3 My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up 4 To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time but I find it worthwhile 5 It would be handy to have lifts t

3、o all parts of the 不定式有两种形式 一种是带to的不定式 一种是不带to的不 定式 无人称和数的变化 不能做句子的谓语 但它具有动词的某些特征 如可以带 有自己的宾语 状语等 01 02 03 不定式的形式 不定式的句法功能 不定式的特殊结构 1 不定式的形式 1 不定式的一般式 表示的动作通常时间性不强 与谓语动词表示的动作没有时间 先后顺序 I m pleased to see you here 很高兴在这里见到你 2 不定式的完成式 表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前 强 调动词的先后顺序 I m sorry to have kept you waiting so long

4、 真对不起让你等了这么长时间 3 不定式的进行式 表示动作与谓语动词表示的动 作同时进行 Mary seems to be thinking deeply 玛丽似乎在沉思 4 不定式的被动形式 当动词不定式的逻辑主语是不定 式所表示的动作的承受者时 一般 要用其被动形式 The radio needs to be repaired 收音机需要修理 2 不定式的句法功能 不定式相当于名词 形容词 副 词 因此在句中可作主语 宾语 表语 补足语 定语和状语等 1 作主语 名词 代词 To live in China is my dream 住在中国是我的梦想 2 作宾语 做某些动词的宾语 比如wa

5、nt hope wish decide promise agree pretend demand desire等 介词 疑问词 不定式 She promised to come at 9 o clock 她答应九点来 We re talking about how to overcome the present difficulties 我们正在讨论如何克服当前的困难 p特别提示 常见只接不定式作宾语的动词有 afford agree ask choose decide demand desire expect fail hope intend learn manage mean offer

6、prepare pretend promise refuse wish 3 作表语 可以表示主语的具体内容 目的等 My wish is to have a job in an office 我的愿望是有一份在办公室里的工作 4 作补足语 结构 动词 宾语 不定式 带to的宾语补足语 有些动词如ask want wish order tell persuade advise allow warn encourage cause require等常用带to的不定式作补 语 We all expect you to come this weekend 我们都期望你本周末来 不带to的宾语补足语 有

7、些感官动词 如see watch hear feel notice look at listen to 和使役动词 如 make let have 常用省略to的不定式作 补语 Did you see anyone enter the house 你看见有人进过这个房子吗 I will have all my friends come over 我要让所有的朋友都来 5 作定语 不定式作定语可以用来修饰人和 物 一般放在被修饰词的后面 一 般当中心词为序数词 最高级 the last the only等或中心词被这类词 修饰时多用动词不定式作定语 He was the first guest

8、to arrive I am the only man to hear the news 6 作状语 作原因状语 结构 主语 be adj to do 形容词多为表示情绪或状态的形容 词 I am sorry to hear you were ill 作目的状语 不定式可以单独作目的状语 有时为了 突出和强调目的性 在不定式前可以加in order so as She raised her voice so as to make herself heard In order to keep warm we shut all the windows 作结果状语 不定式表示结果 常用在too to

9、 enough to so such as to结构中 有时 可表示出人意料的结果 这时不定式前 可加only 以加强语气 The child is old enough to dress himself 这孩子这么大了 可以自己穿衣服了 We hurried to the station only to be told that the train had left 我们急匆匆赶到车 站 结果被告知火车已经开走了 作评论性状语 to be honest to tell the truth to cut a long story short to put it another way 3 不定

10、式的特殊结构 1 主动表被动 I have a lot of work to do 2 It is adj for sb to do It is difficult for you to solve the problem 3 It is adj of sb to do 形容词描述的 是的性质 身份 特征 此类形容词常见的 有kind nice good polite rude patient careful clever selfish等 It was kind of you to help us EXERCISE 1 You ve done very well this time It s

11、 really kind A for you to say so B for you saying so C of you to say so D of you saying so 2 It is better to lose one s life than A if you lose your spirit B losing his spirit C to lose one s spirit D your spirit getting lost C C 3 I can t work in this way Why not it in some other way A try to do B

12、try doing C trying to do D trying doing 4 Since you find it difficult a decision you d better a discussion with your parents A reach have B reaching have C reach having D to reach have B D 5 My father hates He never allows me A to smoke to smoke B smoking smoking C smoke smoking D smoking to smoke 6

13、 The girl was beginning A get angry B to get angry C getting angry D angry A B 句型转换 1 It is impossible that a child can lift a heavy box It is impossible for a child a heavy box 2 It happened that you had known each other You happened each other 3 The boss made the workers work all night The workers

14、 were made all night 4 The progress which will be made soon is important The progress is important to lift to have known to work to be made soon 找出句子中的不定式 并说出其作用 It takes you ten minutes to get there I hope to see him soon His wish is to become an artist I have a lot to tell you We often see him play football


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