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1、高考主谓一致 的测试热点 1 由 many a 或 more than one 单 数名词作主语时 其谓语用 单数形式 Many a rough man civilized by his wife A have been B has been C is D are 2 分数或百分数 of 名词作主语时 看 of后的名词决定单复数 I think of the materials I listen to at the beginning of the exam easy A two thirds is B second three are C two thirds are D two third

2、 are 3 a number of 名词复数 谓语用复数 the number of 名词复数 作主语 谓 语用单数 The number of foreign experts who working in this city reached 120 A is has B has is C are have D are has 4 并列主语指同一人 同一物或同一概念 谓语动词用单数 这时 and 后面的名词 前没有冠词 The secretary and director of that The secretary and director of that factory factory o

3、ften withoften with the the workers workers A A workwork B B works works C C working working D D worked worked 成对的名词 还有如bread and butter soda and water coffee and milk salt and water knife and fork等 虽然有and连接 但仍表单一概念 作主语时 谓 语用单数 5 由 and 连接的并列单数主语的前 面分别有each every或no修饰时 其谓语用单数形式 In our country every b

4、oy and every In our country every boy and every girl rightgirl right to receive education to receive education A A has B have has B have C had D having C had D having John along with his parents decided to go hiking A has B having C had D had 6 以along with together with with as well as accompanied b

5、y but except 连 接的两个主语 其谓语的单复数看第一 个主语 7 在定语从句中主语是关系代词 who that which 谓语动词的数应与 先行词的数一致 I I who your who your teacher will teacher will teach you teach you everythingeverything I I know know A is B are C am D be 8 一些只有复数形式的名词 如 clothes trousers glasses shoes socks gloves等时 谓语用复数 但这类表示成双的东西的名词前有a pair o

6、f修饰时 谓语用单数 My trousers My trousers areare being washed now being washed now There There is is a pair of shoes in the boxa pair of shoes in the box 9 以 ics 结尾的学科名词以及news works 工厂 等意义单数的名词 谓 语用单数形式 means一词单复数同 形应视具体情况而定 Mathematics Mathematics is is a difficult subject to learn a difficult subject to

7、learn A new meansA new means of teaching of teaching is is being used in being used in that school that school All means have been tried to save the sick panda 10 表示度量 价格 时间的复数名 词词组作主语时一般被看作一个整体 谓语用单数形式 Ten dollars Ten dollars is is not enough not enough Three months Three months hashas passed since

8、 passed since he left he left Fifty miles is a long walk to me 11 family class audience committee 委员会 crowd crew group party population team public council 理事会 等 集合名词 如果作为一个整体看待 谓语用单数形式 如指的是全体 人员时 谓语用复数 12 one of 复数名词 定语 从句 之前有the only the very 时 定语从句的谓语动词用单数 形式 She is the only one of these She is t

9、he only one of these women who plays the violin women who plays the violin 13 不定代词all more most any none等以及名词half part the rest 等既可表示复数意义又可表示单数意 义 其谓语视情况而定 None of the rice has been cut None of the people are killed in the war 14 主语是表示数量的 one and a half 复数名词 其谓语用单数形 式 主语是 one or two 复数名 词 其谓语用复数形式 O

10、ne and a half bananas One and a half bananas isis left on left on the table the table ThereThere are are one or two things I d like one or two things I d like to know about to know about 15 the 形容词作主语表示指一 类人时 其谓语用复数 如指抽象概 念 其谓语用单数 The old The old areare well taken care of in well taken care of in ou

11、r country our country The new The new isis sure to replace the old sure to replace the old 16 16 就近原则 就近原则 谓语动词单复数取决于 离它最近的词 1 either or or neither nor not but not only but also whether or Not only the students but also their teacher hasn t come 2 由there或here引起的主语 采取就近原则 Here is a pen a few envelope

12、s and some paper for you Where is your elder sister and younger sisters There is a book and two pens on the table 17 陈述部分用everybody everyone somebody someone anybody anyone nobody no one或 no 复数名 词等作主语时 反意部分用they 而陈述部分用everything something nothing anything时 反意部分代词则采 用单数 用it Somebody is waiting for yo

13、u Somebody is waiting for you arenaren they they Everything is all right Everything is all right isnisn t t it it 18 动名词或动词不定式作主语 其谓语用单数形式 When and where to build the When and where to build the newnew factory factory is is notnot decided yet decided yet To learn two foreign languages at the same time is not easy


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