江苏省高二上学期英语备课综合:Module 5 Unit 3 Science and nature Word study(教师版)

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1、Module5 Unit 3Science and nature Word study1. On (the) one hand on the other hand.一方面另一方面(引出两种不同的观点)1) On (the) one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand, it will speed up environmental destruction.2) Id like to eat out, but on the

2、 other hand(但另一方面) I should be trying to save money.近义词组: for one thingfor another (thing) 一方面,另一方面;首先,再者hand 的其他词组:give sb. a hand /lend sb. a hand/ do sb a favor 帮助某人hand in hand手拉手 at hand 在手边;临近 in hand 手头上 by hand 手工 hand in 上交hand out 分发hand over (to)移交hand down 把传下来 2. intention n. 意图,目的 inte

3、nd v. 打算,想要 intended adj.(为而)打算/设计的1) with the intention of 带有目的,为了 by intention/design = on purpose 故意地He entered the house quietly with the intention of not waking us up. 为了不把我们吵醒2) intend to do sth打算做某事 intend sb to do sth打算让某人做某事 Many people intend to go abroad(打算出国)to improve their English and

4、find a better job.His parents didnt intend him to marry the girl he met by chance.3) be intended for为而准备的The book is intended for English learners.这本书是为英语初学者设计的。4) had intended to sth.=intended to have done sth. 本打算做某事We had intended to do everything according to the schedule, but it didnt turn out

5、as planned. The international agreement, intended to encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on Feb, 27.3. anxiety n. 忧虑、焦虑 anxious adj. 焦虑的,挂念的,渴望的The mother was filled with anxiety about her daughters safety. be anxious about 对担心be anxious for sth / to do sth 急于做

6、某事,渴望做某事His mother was anxious about his safety.他的母亲担心他的安全。Everyone is anxious for others understanding.每一个人都渴望别人的理解。Seeing new clothes, we are anxious to try them on.看到新衣服,我们都渴望试穿一下。4. adopt vt. 领养; 采纳,正式通过/adopted adj. 收养的 /adoption n./adoptable adj.可采纳的adopt an orphan 领养孤儿 an adopted son 养子adopt

7、his suggestion采纳他的建议 adopt a new method 采纳一个新方法The couple decided to _a boy because they had three girls. BA. adapt B. adopt C. receive D. keep adaptvt.改编,使适应 adapt to适应adapt from改编5. push ahead with 义无反顾地进行,努力推进After careful consideration, he decided to push ahead with the deal.推动这笔交易的实现push的有关词组pu

8、sh aside 不考虑,不去想push up 使增加,使上涨 6. consequence n. 结果,后果 as a consequence/ in consequence/consequently /as a result因此,结果 as a consequence of / in consequence of/ as a result of 由于的结果take the consequences自食其果,承担责任1) She didnt study hard, and as a consequence she failed the exam. 结果没有通过考试。2) As a conse

9、quence of global warming, the sea level rises in many areas. 由于全球变暖3) He broke the law and now he must take the consequences of his action.7. for sale 供出售,待销售 on sale 廉价出售;出售That house is for sale. 那房子待售。The shop is closing down; everything in it is on sale. 这家商店要关门了,东西都在特卖。sales 销售额/量 (常用pl.) are u

10、p/ down this month. salesgirl sales department8. transform vt. 人、物在性质或外形上发生彻底变化(尤指向好的方向)transformation n.transforminto 把变成1) A steam engine transforms heat into power.蒸汽机把热转化成动力。2) In only 20 years the country has been transformed into an advanced industrial country.在仅仅20年里这个国家已变成了一个工业强国。3) She used

11、 to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely transformed her.9. breakthrough n.突破make a breakthrough 取得突破Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.break的有关词组break through 突破break out 爆发break in/into闯入,打断/破门而入break off 使结束,中断break down 出故障,分解,垮掉 break up 破裂,解散,停止完成

12、句子:1) Dad occasionally break in with a suggestion.2) If you carry on working like that, youll break down sooner or later.3) They didnt have lunch until the meeting broke up at 1:00 pm.4)We broke off work for a cup of coffee.5) They have broken through the tough scientific research.6) The quarrels of

13、ten break out between the couple.10. judgement n.判断力;评价;(法律)判决 judge n. 法官;裁判员 v. 判断,评价In my judgement, we should accept his offer. 依我看,我们应该接受他的提议。make a on 对作出判断 judging from/by 根据判断Dont judge a person only by his clothes/ appearance/looks. 不要以貌取人Judging from the look on his face, the news must hav

14、e been good. 从他的表情来看11. be / get burnt out 耗尽体力 = be tired out = be worn out = give out12. follow in ones footsteps 效仿某人= follow ones example13. relation n. 关系;亲属 public relations 公共关系relationship n. 关系 relative n. 亲属,亲戚 relate vi. 有关,涉及be related to/ be linked to(with)/ be connected with/ be associ

15、ated with/ have sth to do with 与有关What he does cant be related to what he says. 没法把他做的和说的联系起来。14. conduct vt. 引导,指引;指挥;管理 n. 行为,品行 conductor n. 指挥,售票员conduct (=carry out)an experiment 进行实验 conduct a survey 进行调查conduct sb around(=show sb around) 带领某人参观 conduct sb to sp带领某人到某处15. majority n. 大多数 minority n. 少数;少数民族the majority of= most of 多数 the minority of 少数in the majority 占多数,拥有多数The majority of people seem to pre



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