新课堂英语必修四人教课改地区专用版讲义:Unit 2 Part 4 Word版含答案

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1、Part Writing海报海报属于应用文的范畴,是一种用于告知广大群众各种信息的宣传性招贴,其宣传内容涉及影视作品、体育赛事和学术报告等。海报往往以通告的形式张贴在公共场所。它由标题、正文、出海报的单位以及日期构成。海报的写作形式灵活,语言活泼。内容及格式要求:1.标题:海报通常用活动内容作标题,如“Lecture”,“Football Match”等。2.正文部分:要写清楚具体内容、活动时间、活动地点以及举办单位等。语言多用十分简略的缩略语、省略句等。3.落款:登海报的单位、团体名称一般写在右下角,日期写在署名下一行的左下角,有时候也可不写日期。根据下面提示为“绿叶”有机蔬菜生产基地写一篇

2、介绍性海报。1.坐落在城西;2.历经20年已经发展成占地1 000多亩的大农场;3.配备有现代化的设施;4.生产过程中不使用任何化肥;5.富含营养;6.产品出口几十个国家;7.联系方式:Tel:666888123Email:Green Leaf Green L词汇搜索1.化学的adj.chemical2.肥料n. fertilizer/manure3.有机的adj. organic4.扩展;伸展vt. expand/extend/spread5.十年n. decade6.装备;配备vt. equip/outfit7.土壤n. soil8.营养n. nutrition9.出口vt. export

3、由词连句1.你是否梦想能天天品尝没有化肥的绿色蔬菜呢?(dream of)Have you ever dreamtoftastinggreenvegetables without chemical fertilizer every day?2.它坐落在城西。历经20年它已经发展成占地1 000多亩的大农场。(locate的过去分词短语作状语,cover的现在分词短语作后置定语)Locatedinthewestofthecity,it has expanded to a farm coveringanareaof more than 1,000 mu in the past two decade

4、s.3.真正让它与众不同的是这儿的蔬菜在种植过程中没有使用任何化肥。(what引导主语从句,that引导表语从句)Whatreallymakesitdifferentfromothersisthat the vegetables here are grown without any chemical fertilizer.4. 肥沃的土壤让这些蔬菜营养丰富。它出口到世界上许多国家。(make宾语宾补,as a result)The rich soil makesthesevegetablesfullofnutrition;asaresult,it is exported into many c

5、ountries in the world.连句成文Green Leafan organic vegetable baseHave you ever dreamt of eating green vegetables without chemical fertilizer every day?Please go to Green Leaf.Located in the west of the city,it has expanded to a farm covering an area of more than 1,000mu in the past two decades.It has be

6、en equipped with advanced facilities.What makes it different from others is that the vegetables here are grown without any chemical fertilizer.The rich soil makes these vegetables full of nutrition;as a result,it is exported into many countries in the world.If you are interested,please contact us in the following ways:Tel:666888123Email:Green LeafGreen L资



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