山西省高平市特立中学高一英语:必修一 Module5 A Lesson in a Lab 第一课时 学案

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《山西省高平市特立中学高一英语:必修一 Module5 A Lesson in a Lab 第一课时 学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山西省高平市特立中学高一英语:必修一 Module5 A Lesson in a Lab 第一课时 学案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 5.A Lesson in a Lab第一课时班级 姓名 小组学习目标1.快速阅读Reading部分并掌握文章大意2. 能够运用跳读及浏览的方法完成相关练习题学习重点快速阅读文章并掌握文章大意学习难点 能够运用跳读及浏览的方法完成相关练习题导学流程【了解感知】 展示关于化学实验的图片 了解实验器具及化学用品【深入学习】一、The steps of a scientific experiment:A. Result B. aim C. conclusion D. method_二、Read the passage again and answer the following que

2、stions:1. Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water?2. What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen? 3. Which metals react with steam? 4. Does iron have a slow or fast reaction with steam? 5. Does copper react with water? 三、Decide whether these statements are true or fal

3、se according to Passage A . 1. Different metals have different uses.2. The reaction of metals with different substances is the same.3. Magnesium can form an oxide when heated in oxygen.4. Iron reacts with cold water. 5. Copper reacts most when heated in oxygen.【迁移运用】1.Complete the passage with prope

4、r words according to passage A.Metals are very important, so when using them we should know how they _ with different substances. Take iron used in _ equipment for example, when _ in oxygen, it will react slowly. When it is put together with water or _, there will be a partial _. 2.Read the passage

5、again and complete the sentences.1. In the first part of the experiment, the _ is dry, not wet.2. It shows that iron _ when the air is dry.3. In the second part of the experiment, you must _ the water to make sure there is no _ in it. 4. You add _ to the water because this keeps _ out of it.5. It shows that _ does not rust in water that has no _ in it.资


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