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1、 新起点小学英语五年级上册重要知识点汇总(Unitnbsp;6) 新起点小学英语五年级上册重要知识点汇总(Unit 6)Unit 6 Cooking一 语法:可数名词单数变复数的规则:1. 一般情况下在名词末尾加 s. 如: skirt- skirts2. 以 s, x, sh, ch结尾的加 es, 如: box- boxes, brush- brushes, match-matches3. 以辅音字母+y结尾,要变 y 为 i + es. 如: family-families. 但y前为元音字母时,直接加 s, 如: boy- boys4. 以f/ fe 结尾,要变 f /fe为 v+ e

2、s. 如: knife- knives5. 以 o 结尾,有的加s,有的加es. 如: photo-photos 但: tomato- tomatoes, potato- potatoes 6不规则变化。可数名词单数变复数总汇:boy_family_man_Chinese_watch_box_tomato_ photo_sandwich_hamburger_American_Canadian_knife_dress_woman_story_brush_glass_scarf_二、重点句型 1. How do you make stir-fried tamato and eggs?你怎样做西红柿

3、炒鸡蛋?回答:First, wash the tomatoes.第一,洗西红柿。Second, cut the tomatoes. 第二,切西红柿。 2. Each group chooses one of the dishes.每一组选择一道美食。(one of + 名词复数,表中之一)3. Show and say how to make the dish in front of the class.在班级前面展示并说出怎样做一道美食。4. We show you how to make cucumber salad.我们向你展示怎样做黄瓜沙拉。5.We are going to make

4、 stir-fried fruit and vegetables.我们准备做炒水果和蔬菜.(be going to 准备/打算.)6.Boil for 8 minutes. 煮8分钟。7.What are you going to make it?你们准备做什么?回答:We are going to make.8.What do you need to make it? 做它你需要什么?I need.9.Americans and Canadians bake potatoes.美国人和加拿大人烤土豆。 10.Many people around the world boil rice.世界上

5、许多人煮米饭。11.Some people make fruit salad with oranges and apples.一些人用桔子和苹果做水果沙拉。12.China grows the most rice in the world. 中国在世界上生产的大米最多。 Russia grows the most potatoes in the world.俄罗斯在世界上生产的土豆做多。 Brazil grows the most oranges in the world.巴西在世界上生产的桔子最多。 The USA grows the most apples in the world.美国在

6、世界上生产的苹果最多。13. What do you like to eat?你喜欢吃什么? What do you like to cook?你喜欢做什么?14.How many ways can we cook potatoes?我们做土豆的方法有多少种?(How many后加名词复数。)15.Bill doesnt know the answer to the first question.比尔不知道第一题的答案。16.Bill doesnt know anything in this English cooking class.在这堂英语烹饪课比尔不知道任何东西。17.What can

7、 you do in the kitchen with these things?在厨房用这些东西你能做什么?18.Let me show you how to make a sandwich.让我向你展示怎么做三明治。19.How about the cucumber salad?黄瓜沙拉怎么样?20I can cook nice food.我会做好吃的食物。21Whats your favourite dish? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?22Heat the oil and add the chicken.加热油并加入鸡肉。23Put the vegetables on the chicke

8、n and stir-fry for 3 more minutes.24. Put them in a bowl.把它们放在碗里。25. Use the fork to eat spaghetti. 使用叉子吃意大利面。26. Put the salad on the plate.把沙拉酱放在盘子上。27.Id like a bottle of oil.我想要一瓶油。 (Id=I would Id like to = I want to我想要)三、英汉互译。土豆炒肉 stir-fried meat and potatoes 蔬菜炒米 stir-fried rice and vegetables

9、 黄瓜炒鸡蛋stir-fried cucumber and eggs西红柿炒鸡蛋stir-fried tomato and eggs把鸡蛋和盐混在一起 mix the eggs and salt烹饪课 cooking class 把鸡蛋敲碎 crack the eggs洗餐具 wash the dishes 水果沙拉 fruit salad 在前面 in front of 在一年内 in one year 另外一个问题 another question 学习说英语learn to speak English四、用合适的疑问词填空。How old(问年龄) which(哪一个) where(哪里)what(什么) when(什么时候) How(怎样)1._are you? -Im in the study.2._is your daughter?-Shes seven.3._do you need to make a cake?-I need some flour and eggs.4._is your birthday?-Its in May 18th.5._to cook rice?-Let me show you.6._one do you like?-The white one. 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 5



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