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1、Unit 1 Why Dont We Complain?unctuously: insincerely 油腔滑调的mortification: shame and embarrassment 屈辱,禁欲discreet: careful and prudent 谨慎的;小心的rectify: correct ostentatiously: showily 招摇的,铺张的bellicose: fond of fighting or quarreling 好战的,好斗的deferentially: respectfully 谦恭的,表示敬意的reproof: censure, rebuke 责备,

2、谴责virile: full of masculine strength 有男子气概的apathy: lack of interest, indifferent 冷漠,没兴趣plenipotentiary: fully empowered 全权代表的impervious: not affected or influenced 不受影响的,无动于衷的unobtrusive: not too noticeable 谦虚的,不引人注目的doleful: sad, sorrow fortify: strength 加强,增强telltale: revealing 泄密的,搬弄是非的;迹象,搬弄是非者r

3、aring: very eager 渴望的,急切的whisk: cause to move very quickly 飞奔,疾过notorious: infamousresignation: passive acceptance, patient submission 顺从,放弃primed: brief, prepare 待发的,准备好的nonchalantly: indifferently, unconcernedly 冷淡的,漠不关心的visualize: from a mental picture, imagine 形象化head-on: firm and direct 正面的,直接的

4、showdown: final fight to settle a dispute 最后一决胜负,摊牌presumption: supposition 推测irksome: troublesome, annoying 令人厌烦的intimate: hint, make known indirectly 暗示,通知compliance: willingness to yield, agreement 顺从,服从Unit 2 College Pressuresscribble: write very fast or carelessly 潦草的写,乱写authentic: true, reliab

5、leunswervingly: unchangingly, firmly 坚定不移的savor: relish, enjoy 尽情享受;品尝,欣赏venerated: respect deeplyinduce: lead, cause 诱导,引用intangible: that cannot be easily defined, vague dimension: aspect, sidevisualize: form a clear picture in the mind, imaginesample: get to know by experience 取样,尝试exhilarated: m

6、ake cheerful and excited, thrill 振奋的,高兴地accrue: accumulate 获得,累积exhort: urge or advise 忠告,劝诫tenacity: doggedness, perseverance 韧性,固执pay-off: reward synthesize: bring separate parts into a whole, fuse(融合) 合成,综合vacillate: be uncertain of what action to take 踌躇,犹豫furtively: stealthily, secretly 偷偷地,暗中地

7、symptomatic: indicative, being a sign 有症状的perceive: view, interpret things in a certain way 感觉,理解,认知contagious: tending to spread easily from person to person 感染的reverse: change around completely juggle: rearrange nurture: train, educate, develop circuitous: long and indirect 迂回的potent: very effecti

8、ve and powerful 有效的,强有力的positively: definitely, indeed, really 明确的,断然的intertwine: intermingle, interweave, be twisted so as to become joined 纠结,缠绕steer: direct the course of 控制,引导drab: uninteresting, dull 单调的;浅褐色的Unit 4 Portrait of an Actresscongenial: agreeable 意气相投的,一致的seasoned: experienced 老练的,经验

9、丰富的grate: make a harsh unpleasant sound 发摩擦声growl: say in a low, rough, angry voice 咆哮phantom: illusioninsubstantial: imaginary, not realscribble: write quickly and roughlybuffet: push roughly from side to side 与搏击;斗争stumble: walk unsteadily 蹒跚sham: fraud, something not real 假装 incongruous: out of p

10、lace 不协调的domesticity: the state of living at home with your family 家庭生活forsake: abandon, desert 放弃,断念solitude: the state of being alone 孤独,隐居surge: arise suddenly and intensively 汹涌,起大浪,蜂拥而来outrageous: very usual and slightly shocking 令人吃惊的contradicted: say something that conflicts with something sa

11、id by another minute: very detailed, accurate 详细的ramble: walk for pleasure with no special destination 漫步,闲逛defy: be so difficult as to make impossible 对抗stock: commonly used 存货的,常备的Unit 5 A Wagner Matineelegacy: something left behind scourge: cause great pain and suffering 鞭打,蹂躏fumble: finger or ha

12、ndle awkwardly 摸索,笨拙的做upshot: final result, outcome 结果revert: return, come back 恢复,归回原状doggedly: perseveringly 顽强的,固执的haggard: tired and thin-faced 憔悴的conjecture: guess, speculate 推测,猜想inert: not wanting to move or act or think 呆滞的,迟缓的trepidation: fear or nervousness 恐惧excruciatingly: intensely, unb

13、earably 极其痛苦的,难以忍受的matinee: a performance held in the afternoon or morning 日场演出drowsy: half asleep, feeling sleepy 昏昏欲睡的jocularity: the quality of being humorous or given to joking and jesting 滑稽,幽默deluge: flood, an overwhelming amount 洪水,泛滥interminably: endlessly 无限的,漫无止境的seething: boiling 沸腾的myria

14、d: countless, innumerable 无数的infatuation: intense but foolish love 迷恋,醉心contour: outline, shape 轮廓slender: slight, small, poor微薄的turmoil: a state of confusion or disorder 混乱,骚动gaunt: so thin that the bones under the skin can be seen 枯瘦的aloofness: the state of being cool and unconcerned 冷漠,高傲perceive: notice, become aware of 感知,认识到



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