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1、(时间100分钟满分 120分)一、单项填空(共20小题,计20分)() 1. The teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun.A. goesB. wentC. goingD. to go() 2.How many bees can you see in the trees?I can see _ bees in them. A. hundreds of B. five hundreds C. five hundreds of () 3. It took me two hours _ my homework last night.A. t

2、o finishB. finishing C. finish ( ) 4. I really dont know _.A. what should I do B. what to do C. what does() 5. I think people there are friendly. Do you agree _ me? A. with B. to C. on ()6. You dont know the way. Why _ the policeman for help?A. dont ask B. no ask C. not ask D. dont you()7. Do you kn

3、ow Hangzhou?Hangzhou is famous _ West LakeA. as B. because ofC. for D. like()8. _ he was walking to school, he saw an accident.A. While B. Before C. After D. Unless()9. Well go on a field trip if it _ this weekend.A. wont rain B. isnt raining C. doesnt rainD. not rain()10.Its easy for us _ this song

4、.A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. to singing()11. Look! There is a backpack on the teachers desk. Is this _?A. yoursB. your C. you D. yourself()12. I need to get some _ to read at night.A. noodles B. magazinesC. waterD. songs()13.Beijing is one of_in the world. Millions of visitors come to visit Bei

5、jing every year.A. beautiful cities B. most beautiful cityC. the most beautiful city D. the most beautiful cities()14. The teacher _ Tina to come to school on time.A. made B. let C. askedD. had()15. -When _ you _ your old friend? -The day before yesterday.A. will, visitB. are visitingC. have, visite

6、dD. did visit()16. _ English every day is a secret of becoming a good language learner.A. Use B. Uses C. Using D.Used()17. -Could you please tell me how to get to OctoberFirstSchool? -_.A. Dont ask me B. Sure. You can take the subway.C. Youre welcome D. Its very nice of you to say so()18.Jenny goes

7、to school _ than any other student in her class.A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest()19.Tim didnt have dinner _ he finished watching the cartoon.A. while B. unless C.until D.since()20. How long can I _ this magazine?A.borrow B.return C. buy D.keep二完形填空(共10小题,计10分) Someone says, “Time is

8、money.” But I think time is 21 important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get back. However, when time is 22 , itll never 23 . That is 24 we mustnt waste time. So we say that 25 is usually short. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do something

9、 26 . But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spend their time smoking, drinking and 27. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own 28.In a word, we should save time. We shouldnt 29 todays work for tomorrow. Remember we hav

10、e no time to 30.()21. A. muchB. lessC. more()22. A. costB. boughtC. gone()23. A. returnB. carryC. take()24. A. whatB. thatC. why()25. A. moneyB. timeC. day()26. A. sunnyB. exciting C. useful()27. A. readingB. writingC. playing()28. A. timeB. foodC. life()29. A. stopB. leaveC. let()30. A. wasteB. sav

11、eC. spend三、阅读理解第一节(共15小题,计30分)AMany people wrote to the manager of the cinema and said that some women saw films with their hats on and blocked (遮挡) their view (视线). They wanted the manager to put up a notice asking the women to take off their hats when they saw films.The manager said that it wouldn

12、t be polite to ask the women to take their hats off and that they would protect their rights to wear their hats. But the next day , the following words were on the screen before the film was on.“Thinking about the health of the women of old age, this cinema allows (允许) old women to wear hats when se

13、eing films.”All the women took their hats off after they saw this notice.( )31.Many people wrote to the manager because some women didnt _A. keep silent B. take their places C. take their hats off ()32. The people asked the manager _ .A. to stop women wearing their hats when seeing films. B. not to

14、allow women to see films C. to put up a notice when a film was over ()33. The manager didnt do what he was asked to because _A. he didnt think about the peoples adviceB. he thought it was impolite(不礼貌的) to do thatC. he had given the women a promise()34. The words on the screen meant that _A. all the old women could wear their hatsB. wearing hats was useful to peoples healthC. some old womens hats could block others health()35.After they saw the notice, all the



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