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1、高考模拟试题(三)及答案 第卷(三大题,共90分) 单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分;满分25分)A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1mountain Acurtain BBritainCcaptain Ddistant2yardAphysics BpyramidCOlympic Dbeyond3singer Afinger BsingleCtongue DEnglish4society Ascience BbelieveCreceive Dtie5hotAbecause BhouseCcause DhorseB)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空

2、白处的最佳答案。6-Welcome to our city. Im sure you and your fellows will have a good time here.-Thank you very much. where can we get a taxi to the Science Museum from here?AOh, by the way BOh, sorryCCan you tell me DLet me see7It was 5 oclock the front doorbell rang.Awhere BwhenCthat Dwhich8Lesson Two is m

3、ost difficult lesson, but it isnt most difficult lesson in Book .Aa; a Ba; theCthe; the Dthe; a 9-Is this bike more expensive?-No, it is not expensive.Aa little; a bit Blittle; a bitCa bit; little Da bit; a little10-Have you finished writing the novel?-Not yet. Im afraid I need days to finish it.Atw

4、o score Bscore ofCtwo scores Dtwo scores of11 does he go to the cinema.ASeldom BNearlyCAlmost DUsually12 He thought this painting of little and let me have it for only 20 dollars.Acost BpriceCexpense Dvalue13 troubles me is I cant learn all these English idioms by heart.AThat; that BWhat; whatCThat;

5、 what DWhat; that14-Im sorry all of you waiting. The car was held up in the traffic.-Thats all right. I just got here myself.Ato keep Bhaving keptCto have kept Dkeeping15-What was the bookshelf often used for?-It those old books.Aused to be used to holdBwas used to holdingCwas used to be holdingDuse

6、d to be used to holding16He arrived home as it dark.Ahas grown BgrowsCwas growing Dwas grown 17-Will they get it ready tomorrow?-No, I , and I wont .Asuppose not; either Bsuppose not so; tooCsuppose not; also Dsuppose not so; neither18 The number of the students of the college has reached 8,000, twi

7、ce it was when the college was opened ten years ago.Aas much BwhatCwhich Dthat19 Good technique in medicine means less pain and fewer deaths and, it is our duty to master it.Aaltogether BthereforeCotherwise Dhowever20This problem studying with great care.Arequires BasksCexpects Ddemands21When we got

8、 back, we found the fire , but the door remained .Aburning; locking Bburned; lockedCburned; locking Dburning; locked22-Who broke the glass?-I suppose must be one of the boys.Athe one BheCit Dwho23 He gained the knowledge of world history .Astep by step Bmore and moreCfrom time to time Dside by side2

9、4This kind of material well and long.Awashes; lasts Bis washed; is lastedCwashes; is lasted Dis washing; lasting25-My God! I have to walk home now, for I just missed the bus.-Thats too bad. Im sure it, had you set out a bit earlier.Ayou had caught Byou would have caughtCyou could catch Dyou must hav

10、e caught完形填空(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2650各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, liked to walk about in a railway station near his home town. One day when he was walking 26 as usual, looking at people, getting on and 27 the trains, he heard a lady 28 after him, “Hey, you old 2

11、9 , go and fetch my handbag in the waiting room. I 30 it there.”Tolstoy hurried there. He 31 the bag up and walked quickly along the platform(月台) 32 the lady was waiting beside the carriage, 33 worried. When 34 the old man gave the bag back to her, she opened it to make 35 nothing was missing.“ 36 , old man,”said the woman, “Youre 37 as quick as I can 38 . Here you are.”She



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