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1、2020年天津高职单招英语样卷及答案英语试卷I.语音及词语释义 (每小题2分,共20分)A.单词辨音(找出划线部分发音不同的词)1. A. snowy B. rainy C. sunny D. fly2. A. party B. lovely C. lively D. shy3. A. fishing B. kite C. bike D. like4. A. enjoy B. bet C. desk D. chess5. A. favorite B. late C. sale D. happyB.词语释义(根据左栏单词选出正确释义)II. 选择填空(每小题2分,共30分)11.It _fine

2、 yesterday and there _ many children in the park.A. was, was B. is, are C. was, were D. is, were12.We _ fishing by the lake last Saturday.A. go B. are going C. went D. go to13. Was she in the library the day before yesterday?_.She read a very interesting novel.A. No, she didnt B. Yes, she did C. Yes

3、, she was D.No, she wasnt14. Who was on duty yesterday?_.A. I am B. I was C. I is D. I were15. _you ever _America?Yes, I have.A. Have; gone to B. Have; gone in C. Has; been to D. Have; been to16.We have learned five lessons_ the beginning of this term.A. at B. by C. since D. for17.Mike went to the s

4、ki field with his parents. They enjoyed skiing and they also_ a big snowman.A. had B. played C. made D. did18._your parents go to Paris last week?A. Do B. did C. does D. done19. I hear that he _in the sea yesterday.A. swims B. swam C. swimming D. swimmed20. The twins _in Dalian last year; but they_

5、here now.A. were;are B. are; were C. was; are D. were;were21.China joined the WTO _December 11, 2001.A. in B. on C. at D. from22.She slept _ last night because she had a very _cold.A. bad; badly B. bad; bad C. badly; bad D. badly; badly23.Whats the weather like in _ hometown?A. her B. she C. hers D.

6、 him24.He works hard, _he isnt good at his lessons.A. and B. or C. but D. so25. She did the exercise again. She forgot _ it.A. to do B. doing C. do D. didIII.情景交际(每小题2分,共20分)26. Whats the weather like today?_.A. Its sunny B. All rightC. Sure D. You are kidding .27.Would you mind turning down the mus

7、ic?_.A. Not at all B. Never mindC. Yes, I will D. Thank you28.Would you like some milk?_.A. The same to you. B. Yes, please.C. Help yourself D. My pleasure.29.Im sorry I cant help you._.A. My pleasure. B. All right.C. Thank you all the same D. Im sorry to hear that30.Can I have your name?_.A.Its a p

8、en B.This is a penC.My name is Sara D.This is an pen31. Hello, whats your name?_.A. My name is Ben BushB. How are youC. HelloD. Im fine32. _?Its 208 yuan.A. Whats the date B. What time is itC. What day is it today D. How much is it33. Would you like to go out to play basketball with me?Yes, _.A. Its

9、 hard to say B. Youre welcomeC. Id love to D. Youre right34. Happy New Year!_A. Yes, please. B. The same to you!C. Help yourself. D. My pleasure.35. Can I help you, sir? _.A.I can help myself B.No, I dont needC.Yes, please help me D. I want to buy a dictionaryIV.阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)AI am a girl. My Eng

10、lish name is Shirly. I am twelve years old. I have eight subjects at school. They are Chinese, math, English, P.E., music, art, science and history.My favorite subject is PE. I think it is interesting. I also like English. But its a little difficult for me. I can speak only a little English. History

11、 is interesting , too. I like it. Math is difficult. Mr Wang is our math teacher. He is very strict. Im usually tired after his class. But I work hard. I think I can study it well.36. Shirly is _.A.11 B.12 C.13 D.1437. Shirly has _subjects at school.A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine38. Shirlys favori

12、te subject is _.A. Chinese B. English C. math D. PE39. Shirly thinks English is _.A. difficult B. interesting C. a little difficult D. a little40._ is NOT true.A. Shirly can speak a little English.B. Mr Wang is Lindas English teacher.C. Shirly thinks she can study math well.D. Shirly is a girl.BPete

13、r was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy. When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen. He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood bes

14、ide the stove was burning. There was no water tap in the house , so he could not put out the fire. He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly.At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire.41.Peter lived with his_.A.sistersB.brothersC.unclesD.parents42.One night he found that_ beside the stove was burning.A.the tableB.the woodC.the doorD.the window43._, so he could not put out the fire



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