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1、必修二Unit4 导学案1 Introduction&Vocabulary编写: 定稿: 审核: 时间: 月 日学生姓名: 班级: 学号:课前自主预习目标方案 重点单词1. enemy n.敌人 2. reserve v.保护区 3. hunt v.打猎 4. wild adj. 野生的 5. protection n.保护 6.peace n.和平 7. apply v.申请,应用 8. suggest v.建议,暗示 9. rub v.摩擦 10.contain v.包含 11.affect v.影响 effect n.影响 12.attention n.注意 重点短语 e into be

2、ing形成 2.as a result 结果 ,因此 3.die out (动,植物物种)灭绝 4.in danger of 处于危险中 5.get dressed 穿上衣服 6.would like“想,愿意” 7.pay more attention to 注意 8.protect from / against保护使不受伤害 课后自主反思与测评.单词拼写 1. He went through the forest under the p_ of his dog.2. The soldiers lined up for their daily i by their officers. 3.

3、Ancient people h_ for food.4.I invited her to dinner but she did not r_.5.Orange juice c_ vitamin c.6. Geography _ (影响)peoples ways of living.7. In todays economy, you need to have specific skills to _(成功)。8.Thanks so much for your help. I really_(感激)it. 9.He would never _(伤害)anyone.10.Tiger is a _

4、(凶猛的)animal.单词拼写答案:protection/ inspection /hunted/respond/contains/affects/succeed/appreciate/harm/fierce. 完成句子1. Do you know how did the world _ _ _ ?(形成)2. In winter, you should cover something to _ the plants _(保护免受伤害) the cold. 3. He is _ great _.(处于危险中)4.Every should _ _ _ _(更多关注)protecting the

5、 endangered animals.5. _ _(根据所说)Tom, an unknown object appeared in the sky this morning.6My family lives _ _(和睦地). 7.The wild population of kolas is in danger of _ _.(灭绝)8.She didnt _ _(回答)my question. 9. The storm _ a bad _ _(对影响) the crops.10.The output of wheat _ _(减少了)12because of the bad weathe

6、r.完成句子答案 come into being protect.from indanger pay more attention to According toin peace dying out respond to hadeffect on decreased by.用所学词组的适当形式填空:A rare bird is _(灭绝) in my home town. Some of my friends and I are trying to _ them in some cages_ (保护)the hunters. But the birds were too frightened

7、to eat anything. We _(极大的关注) and took good care of them. However they were still shy. Later we learned to know that we let them free then they would be natural. So we put the birdcages in the forest. With the help of the local government ,a bird serve zone has been made in my hometown. _ (因此)the rar

8、e birds in my hometown are no longer _( 处于危险中).答案:dying out、protect from、have paid much attention to、As a result、in danger.同义句转换 根据A句句义,用本单元所学的句型或短语完成B 句,使其句义相同或相近。1. A: We missed the train as a result of the heavy rain. B: It rained heavily. _ _ _, we missed the train.2. A: Do you know the girl who

9、 is singing in the next room? B: Do you know the girl _ in the next room?3. A: Protect our earth, or else it will be no longer fit for us to live on. B: Protect our earth, or else it _ be fit for us to live on _ _.4. A: She was seriously injured. As a result, she died.B: She died _ _ _ _ her serious

10、 injuries.5. A: The Peoples Republic of China came into being on October 1, 1949. B: The Peoples Republic of China _ _ on October 1, 1949.答案:1. As a result 2. singing 3. wont, any longer 4. as a result of 5. was foundedIV.句子翻译6. Peoples lives in Iraq are always _ _ (危险), so they hope they could live

11、 _ _(平平安安).7. Our school _ _ _ (建校) in 1957.8. He will be here _ _ (肯定) within an hour.9. May I use your computer? Mine _ _ _ (在修理).10. _ _ _ (由他带) the way, we had no trouble in finding the old mans house.答案:6. in danger; in peace 7. came into being 8. for sure 9. is being repaired 10. With him lead

12、ing 必修二Unit 4导学案 2Warming-up,Pre-reading&Reading 编写: 定稿: 审核: 时间: 月 日学生姓名: 班级: 学号: 课前自主预习案Step1:Translatethephrases:(结合课文译出下面短语并背诵)1as a result 结果 2、die out 灭亡;逐渐消失 3、indanger在危险中 4、haveeffect on 对有影响 5、pay more attention to注意 6、come into being形成;产生 7、protect from / against保护不受的(危害)8、in peace和平地;安祥地9、tell from从分辨、判断 10、belong to属于11.be concerned about关心,在乎 12. hurry to do sth匆忙去做 13. dress sb 给穿衣服 14.rise升起来,上涨 15. be gone/ missing消失,不见 16. turn ar


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