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1、牛津英语7A第五单元知识点归纳1. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth.2. go shopping with sb.( go shopping = do some shopping )3. I dont have any money.= I have no money.(no= not any; no= not a/an )4. need sb. to do sth. ( I need you to carry all the bags.)5. There is a new shopping mall called Sunnyside

2、Shopping Mall.6. the right presents for Simon and Sandy7. What is she doing? Amy is shopping at Sunnyside Shopping Mall.8. She is looking for birthday presents for Simon and Sandy.9. Can I help you? = May I help you? = What can I do for you ?10. just a minute = wait a moment11. take a look = have a

3、look = look12. How much do the cards cost? = How much are the cards?13. Theres a discount on last years cards.14. prefer sth. / prefer to do sth. / prefer A to B( prefer = like better )15. Shell be 13 years old.16. spend / cost / take / pay17. Id also like to buy a CD for her.18. They match her favo

4、urite T-shirt.= They go well with her favourite T-shirt.19. I dont have enough money to buy her a CD.20. -Thank you very much.- Never mind. / Not at all. / Thats all right./ Youre welcome.21. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.22. Do you want to have a football as a present?2

5、3. Kitty doesnt want to buy the same things as Amy did.24. show sb. around(Kitty showed Millie around their school. )25. an electrical shop / a clothes shop for girls / a sports shop / a shoe shop26. There is a big new shopping mall near our school.27. There are lots of new shops in this mall.28. Th

6、ere are also some restaurants on the top floors of the mall.You can eat different kinds of food from different countries.29. The mall opens from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.30. Amy is telling her parents something about the mall over the phone.31. Millie is paying for her new shoes.32. -What is he doing now? -

7、He is playing a new computer game.-Are you playing the game with him now?-No, Im not. I am waiting for my turn.33. Its ones turn to do sth.( Its my turn to make a duty report. )34. My little cousin is too young. I cannot take him shopping.35. Mr. Wu asked Simon and me to help him. He wants us to sta

8、y late today.36. Sorry, Daniel. I cant hear you well. Can you say it again?37. How do Millie and her friends spend their pocket money?38. Millie and Simon want to help the children from poor areas in China.39. They would also like to raise some money for them.40. If you would like to donate some mon

9、ey, please call us on 5551 3871.41. There isnt anything new in todays newspaper.42. Simon is choosing a new pair of football boots.43. What size are your feet? = What size shoes do you wear?44. This pair of shoes fit me very well. Could I try them on, please?45. Thats too expensive. Do you have a ch

10、eaper one / pair?46. They want to buy some other things, too.47. near the bus stop and the taxi rank 48. Its very easy to find the new shopping mall.49. I think the mall needs some more sports shops.50. I like watching a film before going shopping.= before I go shopping.51. When I am playing a game,

11、 there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish.52. The mall is a really fun place to go. Its a good place to meet friends.53. outside a toy shop / inside the shop next door 54. She is crying with her hands on her stomach.55. When you are in trouble, you can call 110 for help.56. be free = have time57. at present / at the moment / right now58. study in the classroom / stay at home / visit his old friends /59. some writing paper / an advertisement / bank cards / a police car60. 三项语法:1)There be 结构;2人称代词(主格、宾格)3)现在进行时态


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