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1、 六下Unit 7 Summer holiday plans( Story time ) 课时小练Class _ Name _一、英汉互译。1、坐火车去北京 2、That sounds great. 3、回伦敦去 4、visit Ocean Park and Disneyland 5、停留两个月 6、summer holiday plans 7、多长时间 8、go there by train 9、给你看一些照片 10、go to Taipei with my family 二、根据首字母完成短文S_ H will come. The C_ are t about their p . Mike

2、 willg b To London. He w s there for a m . Yang Ling will v her a and u in Beijing. She will go there b t . SuHai will go to H K with her f .She will go to D and O P . Liu Tao will go to T with h p . All their plans sound w and great.三、从栏中找出栏相对应的句子。 ( )1. Where will you go next week? A. We will play

3、 football after school.( ) 2. When will we play football? B. She will help her parents at home. ( ) 3. Will he go to Hong Kong this year? C. Well go to Dalian. ( ) 4. How long will he stay in London? D. He will go by ship. ( ) 5. What will she do? E. No, he wont. ( ) 6. How will Liu Tao go there? F.

4、 Hell stay there for five days.四、根据中文意思,完成句子。1 你们要去哪里过暑假? _ _ you _ the summer ?2.你打算乘飞机去香港吗?不,不是的。我打算坐轮船去。_ you to Hong Kong _ _?No, I . go by .3.苏海要在台北停留多长时间?她将要在那里停留一个星期。_ _ _ Su Hai _ in Taipei? _ there for a .4.谁要去买派对上吃的零食?_ _ buy _ _ for the party?5.孩子们打算在暑假里拍一些照片。The _ will _ _ in .6.这个暑假我将和我

5、的父母坐飞机去伦敦。 go to by my this .7.你将在六月回英国吗?是的。 you the UK in June? Yes, I .五、句型转换。 1. The children are going to have a party at school.(改为同义句) The children a party at school.2. My mother will go shopping this afternoon.(改为一般疑问句) mother shopping this afternoon?3. Hell go there by bus.(对划线部分提问) he there?日期等第4. Theyll stay in Beijing for two weeks. (对划线部分提问) they in Beijing? 5. I will go to Zhenjiang tomorrow.(对划线部分提问) you tomorrow?6. Ill show you some photos after the holiday. (改为同义句) Some photos after the holiday.



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