人教版高中英语必修二Unit 2《The Olympic Games》(Using language)ppt课件

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《人教版高中英语必修二Unit 2《The Olympic Games》(Using language)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语必修二Unit 2《The Olympic Games》(Using language)ppt课件(57页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 中小学课件站 Listen to the story of Atlanta and answer the following questions 1 How many figures are there in the story Who are they 2 Who was Atlanta What was she good at 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 kx b ax2 bx c 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站

2、 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 单击此处进入 活页规范训练 中小学课件站 1 How many people are there in the story 2 Who are they 4 people Atlanta her father Hippomenes the Goddess 中小学课件站 2 Who was Atlanta What was she good at A Greek princess she was good at running 中小学课件站 3 What

3、kind of man did she want to marry She wanted to marry a man who could ran faster than her 中小学课件站 4 When did Hippomenes change his mind to run against Atlanta When he saw Atlanta came out of her house to run 中小学课件站 5 From whom did Hippomenes ask for help From the Greek Goddess of love 中小学课件站 6 What d

4、id the Goddess give to him She gave him three golden apples 中小学课件站 What would happen to Hipomenes Would he win or die Can you make a guess 中小学课件站 He threw an apple in front of her So the next day the race began Atlanta ran faster than him She picked it up She didn t pick it up He was killed They liv

5、ed happily 中小学课件站 Decide whether each of the following statements are true or false 1 Atlanta could run faster than any man F 中小学课件站 2 At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta F 中小学课件站 3 Atlanta was not confident she would win F 中小学课件站 4 She was so angry that she could not run in t

6、he Olympics T 中小学课件站 5 She made as many men as she could share her pain T 中小学课件站 6 Her father did not understand her wish to compete T 中小学课件站 7 He did not refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race T 中小学课件站 Listening on P 12 中小学课件站 1 One man wanted to win and marry Atlanta very much 2 Atlanta mar

7、ried him and they lived happily ever after 3 When the race began Atlanta ran past him 4 He asked the Goddess of Love for help 5 Atlanta was a very beautiful princess Listen to the tape and do the exercises 中小学课件站 6 Many men tried to compete with her but failed and so were killed 7 She stopped to pic

8、k them up 8 She gave him three golden apples 9 She ran too slowly and he won 10 He threw the golden apples one after another 11 She could run faster than any man 中小学课件站 Here are four sentences describing the idea of the story Which is best for describing what happened Say what is wrong with the othe

9、r three 1 This story is about a princess who races 2 because she does not want to marry 2 This story is about a princess and a man who agree to marry 3 This story is about a man who cheats to marry a princess 4 This is a story of how a goddess helps a man marry a princess 中小学课件站 1 This is wrong beca

10、use it is only half true Atlanta races because she does not want to marry anybody less good than herself 2 This is wrong because it only tells a part of the Story Atlanta does not agree to marry the man until he wins the race against her 3 This is not quite true The man did need help to win the race

11、 against Atlanta but it was not cheating as Atlanta had the choice of picking up the apples or not during the race 4 This is correct 中小学课件站 Hippomines was standing waiting and when Atlanta came out she thought His death So she said to her father The race But Hippomenes said She has said it Listen to

12、 the tape again and fill in the blanks I do not want this man to diewill not be caused by me Tell him to go awaywill not be run today runs faster than her Come on now Let s run she will be married to the man who 中小学课件站 So the next day Hippomenes was waiting when Atlanta came out She thought I do not

13、 want this man to die So she said to her father Tell him to go away The race will not be run today But Hippomenes said these are her rules she will marry to the man who runs faster than her Come on now Let s run Listening text 中小学课件站 When the race started Hippomenes ran fast but Atlanta ran even fas

14、ter Soon she was in front At once Hippomenes threw one of the golden apples It fell far to the side of Atlanta and she run to get it As she picked it up she saw Hippomenes was in front So she ran very fast until she was in front again Just then Hippomenes threw another apple over her head and far to

15、 the side Again she stopped to pick it up and Hippomenes went in front 中小学课件站 When she finally caught up with Hippomenes the second time he threw the third apple and the last goledn apple As it flew through the air Atlanta saw it and wanted it So she picked this one up too By this time Hippomenes wa

16、s almost at the end of the race Atlanta could not catch up with him because the apples were too heavey So Hippomenes won the race and married Atlanta Thanks to the Goddess they lived happily ever after 中小学课件站 SPEAKING AND WRITING What is your favourite sport 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 Make dialogs with your partner using the following phrases I like because I became interested in it when My favourite is I practise In the future I hope to 中小学课件站 HOMEWORK Make notes of your ideas and write a short passage enti


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