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1、 2015上半年贵州教师资格考试|初中英语重要知识集锦:句法|疑问句2015贵州教师资格证考试:http:/ have情态动词或助动词开始,要求以yes或no回答。(有时也用certainly/perhaps/not at all回答),句子通常用升调。例如:Are you a student? Yes, I am/no I am not.Can you speak English? Yes, I am/no I can not.Have they been living here for 20 year? Yes, they have./No, they havent.2、如果是单个实义动词

2、,一般现在时要在主语前加助动词do或者does,过去时要加助动词did,而主语后的谓语动词须用动词原形。例如:Does he do his homework every evening?Did she go to school yesterday?二、特殊疑问句1、特殊疑问句一般以疑问代词who/whom/whose/which/what和疑问副词when/where/why/how以及how引出的词组how many/how long等开头,不能用yes或者no来回答,句子通常用降调。2、语序:当疑问词或由其所修饰的词不作主语时,用一般疑问句语序。疑问词+一般疑问句当疑问词或由其所修饰的动词

3、作主语时,用陈述句语序。疑问句+陈述句例如:When did you begin to learn English?Who (which student)is the tallest in your class?3、who/what/which作主语时,通常按第三人称单数对待。例如:Who is knocking at the door?4、What is sb.?是问职业;Who is sb.?是问姓名或者与某人的关系。5、how many/how much/how long/how soon/how often/how many times/how far/how old等词的用法区别。H

4、ow many+可数名词复数/how much+不可数名词(都是问数量)how long:问一段延续的时间有多长,回答用for+一般时间或者since+点时间。how soon:问某事过多久将会发生,回答用in+一般时间。how often:问某一动作重复发生的频率或间隔的时间,回答用three times a day.how many times:对动作的次数提问,回答时用once/twice等词。how far:对路程、距离进行提问。how old:对年龄进行提问。例如:1)There are fifty students in our class.How many students ar

5、e there in your class?2) This shirt is twenty-five yuan.How much is this shirt?3) My uncle has taught English for twenty years.How long has your uncle taught English?4) I go to the cinema once a week.How often do you go to the cinema?5) It is about three kilometers away from your school to our homet

6、own.How far is it from our school to your hometown?6) Jim will come back in three days.How soon will Jim come back?7) I have been to the Great Wall only once.How many times have you been to the Great Wall?8) He is only five years old.How old is he?三、选择疑问句1、提出两个(或多个)选项看哪一个是正确的句子。2、两部分(或多部分)由or连接,or前的

7、部分读升调,or后的部分读降调。3、不能用yes或no来回答,语序为一般疑问句语序。例如:Are you a teacher or a student?I am a student.四、反意疑问句反意疑问句的构成是:陈述句+简短问句1、若陈述部分是肯定形式,简短问句就用否定形式;若陈述部分是否定形式,简短问句要用肯定形式。例如:Li Ping is a boy, isnt he?Liu Mei isnt tall, is she?2、当陈述部分的谓语动词是实义动词have,简短问句用do的相应形式。例如:We have only bread for breakfast, dont we?You

8、 all had a good time, didnt you?3、当陈述句的主语是I/one/everyone/anyone/someone/each/everything等代词时,简短问句有下列几种情况:(1)I am a teacher, arent I ?(aint I ?)(2)One cant study too hard, can one?(3)Everyone knows the secret, dont they?(doesnt he?)(4)Nobody can do it, can they?(5)Everything has gone wrong today, hasn

9、t it?(6)Nothing can frighten him, can it?4、当陈述部分带有never/seldom/hardly/few/little等含否定或部分否定意义时,简短问句要用肯定形式。例如:He has never done it, has he?It seldom rains in the desert, doesnt?5、若陈述部分为祈使句时,简短问句一般要用“will you”或者“shall you”.例如:Do it again, will you?Lets go to school, shall we?注意:let us go home,will you?6

10、、若陈述部分为“there be+主语+状语”的句型时,后面的简短问句中要用there.例如:There will be a meeting tomorrow, wont there?7、若陈述部分有含否定意义的前缀的单词时,陈述部分仍视为肯定形式,简短问句用否定形式。例如:She is unhappy, isnt she?8、若陈述部分是表示建议的“youd better not”句式时,疑问部分常用will you?当youd better的句式是肯定形式时,疑问部分可用hadnt you?例如:Youd better not go now, will you?Youd better st

11、ay in bed till tomorrow , hadnt you?9、若陈述部分中用need或dare作助动词,简短问句中仍用need或dare;若他们用作实义动词时,简短问句开头要用助动词do的适当形式。You neednt clean it ,need you ?He needs a dictionary, dosent he?10、若陈述部分中的must作“必须”解时,简短问句中用must.若must含“推断”或“判断”意义时,简短句开头要用must后面动词的适当形式。例:We must finish it today, mustnt we ?It must be Ling Feng, isnt it?11、当陈述部分是一个含有以that引导的宾语从句的复合句时,疑问部分多以主句为反问原体。例如:We are sure that we can beat them, arent we?They said that they had a good time, didnt they?12、若陈述部分是“I think(believe)+that从句”时,其简短问句的主语和谓语应与从句的主语和谓语保持人称、数和时态上的一致。例如:I dont think he is right,is he ?更多请访问:中公贵州教师考试网http:/



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